The Collection of The End

Chapter 505 The Biography of Dong Zhuo (9)

——A.D. 180——

The final decision made by the two generals Zhengxi and Zhenxi was to launch an attack on the rebel camp slowly and with great fanfare. While surrounding the rebel camp, they ordered the scouts to spread the word that "Chencang has fallen into our hands". , forcing the Xiliang rebels to respond to this, instead of guessing the opponent's response themselves.

This style of acting is not very Huangfu Song, but very Zhang Wen.

During the confrontation with Fufeng County, Bian Zhang and Han Sui continued to build fortifications around the camp to strengthen defenses. Now, the riverside wasteland that was originally close to the Weishui River and was known as the "Water Slope" has been built into a medium-sized area. If they could not retreat from the large Wubao, the imperial army would have to attack the city.

When Dong Zhuo came to participate in the military meeting, Li Ru had some suspicions. Zhang Wen indeed proposed that the "Liangzhou Volunteer Soldiers" led by Dong Zhuo should take the lead in an attempt to preserve the "Sanhe elite" to "pursue death and chase north." It sounded like It was as if Dong Zhuo could drive the rebels away without any losses.

When Zhang Wen raised this point, Dong Zhuo had already sneered secretly and decided to comply first - after all, no one would find out the request of a general who was killed by a rebel assassin in a surprise attack, right?

It should be noted that in the Spring and Autumn Period and even in the Pre-Qin Dynasty, Zhuan Zhu, Yao Li, and Jing Ke, those famous assassins, all shared the identity of "Ranger".

But to Dong Zhuo's surprise, Huangfu Song vetoed the plan without waiting for his pretentious approval. After exchanging a few words of ridicule with Zhang Wen, he asked Dong Zhuo to cooperate in attacking one of the three sides of the "Encirclement Three", and he could Pick your own direction.

Ha, this General Zhengxi may have seen something, or he may simply be concerned about the many rangers under his command, and wants to express to himself that "Although the big man is not that good, he is not too bad." Unfortunately, regarding this It may take a hundred people to work hard, but it only takes one person to completely destroy the results.

Since the other party accidentally rescued Zhang Wen, Dong Zhuo would not cause any more trouble. Based on the situation of his subordinates, he selected the mountainous side that was conducive to infantry and trapped camp operations, and handed over the trapped camp to Guan Hai and Zhang Ke. Under the command of the school lieutenant, Niu Fu was ordered to lead the archers to suppress the formation, while Hua Xiong led the cavalry to protect the flanks on the mountain plains.

As for the actual actions after the intelligence offensive, in order to achieve a "joint attack" effect with the faster "Three Rivers Knights", the volunteers need to rush to the Shiwaipo overnight to ambush before the official attack. Soldiers are a test.


Dong Zhuo's army camp.

"My subordinates are still opposed to my lord going out to fight in person." Li Ru would change his name to Dong Zhuo when outsiders were around, and his tone would change slightly to avoid being criticized by other generals: "Even with these...'siege engines' Same."

"Haha! Wen You, you just don't know how to command them," Dong Zhuo patted Li Ru on the shoulder: "Even you, who are well-informed, don't know how to deal with them, let alone those rebels."

Although he did not agree with Huangfu Song's views on the Han Dynasty, if someone said that the general who conquered the west did nothing while stationed in Fufeng for nearly a year, Dong Zhuo would be the first to object.

If you want to know the specific reason, just look at the "ferocious-looking" catapult that was sent to the military camp. Huangfu Song's troops were one step slower than Zhou Shen. The reason was not only to gather other Knights of the Two Rivers, but also to bring them with them. The last clan member of the Han Dynasty named Liu Pu, and hundreds of craftsmen under him.

Although it was impossible for them to go to the battlefield, they built a large number of ordnance such as rams, ladder trucks, trebuchets and even manhole barriers during their stay in Fufeng County. They originally seemed to intend to give the rebels who were attacking the city a "surprise", but now they used it when they took the initiative to attack. Come out, the effect will not be too bad.

The most important thing is that they are all detachable and easy to assemble. For example, this trebuchet only takes five or six heavy troops to set up in about an hour, and then only three people can operate it.

The spiked baffle can also be used to defend against cavalry assaults and bow and arrow fire.

Although the field encounters and the mobile battles carried out before being trapped in the camp will not be useful, the siege battle that is being carried out now has sufficient preparation time.

"These things..." Li Ru was still arguing: "If the lord must use them, a separate force must be separated for protection and control. If they are randomly assigned to various tribes and fight independently, not only It cannot enhance combat effectiveness, and it will also disrupt coordination among troops.”

Although the generals such as Niu Fu and Hua Xiong, who were delighted to see such a big guy, were glaring at him fiercely, Li Ru seemed to have no intention of changing his mind.

"Hmm..." Dong Zhuo thought about Li Ru's "company" characteristics and decided to follow his words, so he nodded and said: "Then, you will be responsible for commanding this 'siege force', but accordingly , I hope to see results in time when their efforts are needed.”

"Please don't worry, my lord! My son-in-law will live up to his orders!" Li Ru immediately responded loudly.

It turns out that the one who likes them the most is you... Xian son-in-law.


A few days later, due to the "propaganda" that Fufeng County spared no effort in, the various rebel forces and the invading Qiang tribe finally became convinced that their retreat had been cut off, and their morale dropped sharply.

It didn't matter that the border and Korean troops were originally Han people. Even if they were dispersed by the official army, they could disguise themselves as Liangzhou people and flee and hide. However, the rebel Qiang, who looked obviously different from the Han people, did not have such conditions, so they "counterattacked." The voice of "Chen Cang ensures the way back" continued to spread among the Qiang people, even to the point where most of the rebel Qiang ignored the orders of Bian Zhang and Han Sui.

Moreover, the cautious and slow attack of the Han army made them feel that there was no need for so many people to defend this place.

As a last resort, Han Sui ordered Ma Teng and Pang De to lead a group of 30,000 homesick rebel Qiang cavalry back to Chencang, while Han Sui took the remaining 70,000 infantry and cavalry mixed troops to defend Shiwaipo to avoid being taken advantage of by the Han army. attack.

But it is a pity that Huangfu Song, who did all he did to let them divide their troops, immediately issued the order for a general attack as planned, and Dong Zhuo's troops also approached the side wall of Shiwaipo overnight as agreed.

Although the diet of this group of Qiang invaders gradually assimilated with that of the Han people, it was still far from being able to cure the "bird blindness". Looking down from the torch-lit city wall of Shiwaipo, one could only see endless darkness.

In this darkness, Dong Zhuo's army, or in other words, Li Ru's siege troops were busy building siege equipment.

Without the participation of "unparalleled generals" and "siege equipment", the tactic used in normal siege warfare is "ant attachment", that is, crossing the moat against the ladder - if there is one, and then erecting the city wall, Braving the rain of arrows, rolling logs and rocks and other city defense methods, they broke through forcefully.

No wonder Zhang Wen was not willing to send the Three Rivers Knights to attack the city. Unable to use their horses to attack and break through, they were just better-equipped infantry, and the equipment played almost no role in the army.

"Xian son-in-law, is this plan... too ideal?" Seeing that the first catapult was about to be built, Dong Zhuo finally couldn't help but ask.

Due to the "company and camp" nature, Li Ru did not lay out a comprehensive and complete strategy, but only handed over the battle plan to the generals in charge of bows, infantry, and cavalry.

In order to suppress the siege troops' dissatisfaction with Li Ru, Dong Zhuo personally came to supervise the siege troops, and naturally he also saw the strategy delivered by Li Ru.

His instructions to the trapped camp were to "ambush behind the agency troops. When the agency troops retreated and passed by, they would block the rear, but they were not allowed to step into the original positions of the agency troops."

The instructions given to the archer team were: "Ambush on both sides between the government troops and the city. You can let enemy infantry enter the forest without blocking them. However, if anyone tries to escape from the forest, you can kill them one by one."

The instructions given to the cavalry were: "Liberate near the city and ignore the infantry. When a fire breaks out in the forest and there are Qiang cavalry troops out of the city, attack them halfway."

Finally, it was the agency troops themselves: "Only build a trebuchet, disguise it as a manhole barrier, a car charging machine and other equipment with a flammable trap. After the first rooster crows, throw a stone bullet at random into the city. After seeing the enemy soldiers enter the forest, Just retreat."

Although there should be follow-up strategies to be added, just looking at the first movements of these troops, at least three troops have been eliminated - if everything goes well.

"This is the 'unparalleled characteristic' of my son-in-law," Li Ru said: "Design according to the most ideal situation, and make corrections or changes according to subsequent changes, in order to achieve the best results that can be achieved. In a word, [do all people and things] , just listen to fate."

"If you think about it carefully, this plan is not without possibility of success." Dong Zhuo thought for a moment and responded: "I am very familiar with the character of those Qiang people. When the bird blindness improved slightly, I found someone bullying them. If you can’t see anything at night, you might just light a torch and rush out..."

Li Ru was about to respond, but his eyes froze as he glanced towards the city wall.

Dong Zhuo followed his gaze and saw an unusually tall man standing vaguely on the city wall on the outer slope of that world. He was surrounded by a group of Qiang people who at most wore light fur armor and were decorated with wolf fangs and horns. This man was wearing a set of dark bone heavy armor. His face was not revealed, he just raised his hand and pointed in the direction of Li Ru with disdain, then pulled it back and made a motion of slitting his throat.

"Beigong Boyu..." Although he has never seen this person, Dong Zhuo has no doubt that he is the leader of the Liangzhou rebel army, the leader of the Qiang rebels who has never seen the beginning and end of the dragon, and Li Ru's "simple" His plan has been completely seen through, and the top priority now is to retreat as soon as possible and start again——

At this moment, a beam of light that penetrated the sky and the earth, had an indescribable color, and made all those who looked directly unable to see anything else suddenly shone down.

At the same time, Dong Zhuo seemed to hear a young woman saying in a voice that was suppressing a smile:

[Multi-dimensional saturation bombardment! 】

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