The Collection of The End

Chapter 508 The Biography of Lu Bu (9)

——AD 181——

Liangzhou, Chencang City.

"Hmph, even Li Wenyou has to make plans one step at a time. What's going on with this Xun Chen? Do you really think you can 'plan a plan thousands of miles away'?"

Lu Bu stood on the city wall and watched the generals in Chencang setting up camp or organizing their luggage according to the predetermined strategies. He couldn't help but feel annoyed:

"This guy left me to guard the city in Chencang. Does he look down on me?"

"Lord Fengxian," Gao Shun on the side had no choice but to persuade him: "This opportunity of 'one against ten thousand' was requested by you yourself."

"Hey! I asked to be a pioneer at that time!" Lu Bu became even more annoyed.

"But... Mr. Xun's plan does not have the position of 'vanguard'." Gao Shun said helplessly: "Sir, you have heard of the overall strategy."

"What kind of strategy is this? Do you understand it?" Lu Bu said, "What part of asking me to defend the city?"

Gao Shun sighed. Lu Bu, an unparalleled general in the world, could make extremely accurate judgments about the battle situation with his beast-like intuition if he was on the battlefield. But if it was a plan made before the battle, he would not be able to hear it no matter how many times it was repeated. got it.

Like Li Ru, who took steps step by step, without explaining, and only gave orders, Lu Bu adapted well. But like Xun Chen, who directly laid out the entire plan and said he could do whatever he wanted, he would rather Don't know how to act anymore.

Maybe in the future there will be a counselor who can think of strategies in a simple and easy-to-understand way - even Lu Bu can understand them.

"It's... the very first part," Gao Shun said helplessly: "Even if the 'mountain riders' betrayed, the remaining rebels who have to take the main road want to withdraw to Xiliang, whether through Chencang Road or by crossing the Weishui River, Everyone must pass through or even capture this city, so your Excellency, staying here is to 'defend an army with one man'."

"It is indeed much easier to understand if you explain it this way. Then, I will stay here to prevent them from coming back! Hahaha!" Lu Bu laughed.

However, fortunately, Lord Fengxian didn't understand much. Gao Shun secretly wiped his cold sweat. That Xunchen really dared to say anything. He made it clear that there was only a 10% chance that Lu Bu could defeat ten thousand people with one person here. In addition, There is a 60% possibility that the city was lost due to a hasty attack or a poor defense. The last 30% possibility is that the opponent's first guard was Lu Bu and they turned around and found another way.

As for the possibility that the rebels would be overtaken by the army and defeated directly, Xun Chen directly asserted that it was "absolutely impossible". Well... the "Eight Dragons of the Xun Family" all seemed to be officials in various places in the imperial court. You belittled the Han army so much. Is it really good?

For now, at least the possibility of "the other party just turning around and going back" no longer exists. Gao Shun looked at the dust rising on the avenue in the distance and thought, in any case, the "Lu" flag flying above Chencang City is a sign of rebellion. What the military scouts couldn't ignore was that since they dared to come, they must have the idea of ​​​​taking Chen Cang in one fell swoop.

As for Chencang City, Xun Chen only left five thousand troops and horses for Lu Bu. Although he had the title of the "Ox Demon King", the opposite of the "Ox King", he did not expect the local Qiang people to rebel, but that large group of rebels would not care about the horses. The king's cow belongs to the king.



When the rebels approached Chencang City, they blew the horns and launched an siege without stopping. If they were not being chased by the officers and soldiers behind them, or they completely looked down on the Chencang guard, they would never have done this.

"Ha!" Lu Bu picked up his iron halberd without any surprise: "Gao Shun, you lead the defenders to defend and attack the city. I want to go out and play with them!"

"Wait... Huh?" Gao Shun stopped him halfway as usual, but suddenly found that this strategy was extremely appropriate.

With Lu Bu harassing them, the rebels would not be able to attack the city with all their strength, because that would give up the flank to Lu Bu. But if they attack Lu Bu...not to mention the gap in force, Chencang's defenders would be able to attack the city without the pressure of siege. ,

The rebels couldn't get away with it just by shooting with bows and arrows.

This is not like an idea that Lu Bu could come up with. Could it be that he had fought a city defense battle at a similar disadvantage before?

"Then, I wish you success." Finally, Gao Shun said.

"Haha." Since the opponent was already approaching the city, even if he rode on Hongyun, his speed would not increase. Therefore, Lu Bu very simply jumped off the city wall with only his iron halberd - with thunder and lightning all over him.

"Lu Fengxian is here! Who dares to fight me!"

Gao Shun could clearly be seen from the top of the city. Like a tide, the tens of thousands of rebels who were closer to Lu Bu all stagnated. Then the stagnation spread to the distance like water ripples, like a huge stone thrown into the city. pond.

The "water pattern" spread along the way, and did not stop completely until it reached the two big flags of "Bian" and "Han". Then the "water pattern" spread back as if it had received some order.

The affected rebels and Qiang people ignored Lu Bu who was blocking the road, fought hard to be chased by him, and headed straight towards the Chencang city wall with complete disregard.

Although Gao Shun couldn't guess the specific instructions given by the other party, but in general it was probably "ignore Lu Bu and capture Chencang directly". When encountering an enemy that he couldn't defeat, just pretend that he didn't exist? After Gao Shun sighed slightly, he immediately began to run around on the city wall to direct the defense.


Lu Bu launched several "jump strikes" toward areas where the rebels and Qiang people were concentrated - that is, he jumped high, gathered lightning on the weapon and slammed it towards the ground somewhere. The impact and cracking thunder and lightning hit all the people and horses. However, the combat skills of Blowing Fly did not achieve very good results at all. The loss of a few hundred men and horses was not painful to an army of nearly 100,000 people. If pressed, the rebels fled from him even faster. .

In anger, Lu Bu used the move he had used against Cao Cao, Liu Bei and Sun Jian before, the "Thunder Halberd" that swirled countless electric beams around and fired. Although a large area of ​​​​the rebels was cleared, the number was almost a thousand, but after it stopped, The newly added defeated troops filled the gap like waves caressing the beach. There were even brave ones who saw the red and black thunder and lightning disappear and shot at Lu Bu with bows and arrows from a distance.

"Miscellaneous fish——!" The anger all over Lu Bu almost condensed into substance, and then he finally discovered the source of the "water pattern", and then activated the thunder from the sky again. After killing those cold arrows, he raised his iron halberd upside down and ordered He rushed towards Bian Zhang and Han Sui's banner position like a racing carriage, electrocuting all those who stood in his way and flying them away, shouting: "Suffer death! You bastards!"

The rebel general was obviously taken aback, and the "water pattern" spread significantly faster. However, no matter how many rebel infantry and Qiang cavalry gathered towards Lu Bu, they could not slow down his pace by even half a minute. The tall figure , jet black heavy armor, and the red and black thunder and lightning wrapped around it are as unstoppable as ghosts and gods.

As the two flags wavered and retreated, Lu Bu, who had torn a trench out of the battlefield, finally arrived at the rebel center and met the opponent's coach for this battle. Han Sui didn't have many characteristics, he was just a big man with a curly beard, and the side Zhang Ze is a thin middle-aged man with a sinister face.

Han Sui still dared to look at Lu Bu with a challenging look, but after Bian Zhang confirmed that the person who had overcome the siege and arrived in front of him was indeed Lu Bu, he waved his hand to the soldiers to restrain him, while he turned around and fled on horseback.

"Get away, you thief!" Lu Bu wanted to use the momentum of his charge to continue his pursuit. Unexpectedly, half of the dozens of rebel soldiers who were wearing heavy leather armor and were more muscular than other Qiang people were destroyed by lightning. , abruptly blocked his impact.

"Humph... Since you want to be loyal, I will do it for you!" Seeing the two generals successfully escaping, Lu Bu looked at the soldiers angrily, and the iron halberd in his hand once again gathered violent red and black thunder and lightning.

"This is impossible!" A soldier subconsciously exclaimed: "We have studied the 'unparalleled warriors' of the Central Plains! How can there be an 'unparalleled' that can be released continuously without any cost?!"

"Oh? It seems that you idiots are still prepared?" Lu Bu kept moving, turning the thunder and lightning that had just gathered into a huge spherical cage, covering himself and a dozen rebel soldiers. : "I might as well tell you that the only thing my uncle needs to consume for his 'Wushuang' is the lives of trash like you. The thunder and lightning generated by killing one person is enough for me to kill ten more people!"

"..." The guards' eyes flickered, as if they were making some small moves.

"Haha..." Lu Bu looked at them and sneered: "It's a pity that although my uncle's 'Crazy Thunder Sky Prison' looks transparent, nothing inside can be transmitted to the outside world. You have decided to stay and spy on my reality. Isn’t it despairing that you can’t pass on your mission?”

After their thoughts were exposed, a group of personal guards were ready to take action. However, they saw Lu Bu wave the iron halberd in his hand, and the huge thunder and lightning cage suddenly shrank. Within its original range of influence, except for Lu Bu, not a single blade of grass grew.

"The Bull Demon King! It's the Bull Demon King!" "We don't want to go against the Bull Demon King!" "We will be cursed to turn into oats!"

The army of rebels and Qiang people was cut off by Lu Bu with one man's strength. The rear army, which occupied most of the area, turned around and fled with Bian Zhang and Han Sui. However, the front army, under attack from two sides, started desperately. When attacking the city, it seems that they would rather face the ferocious city defense soldiers and powerful city defense equipment than confront Lu Bu.

However, when Lu Bu slowly walked back to Chencang with his iron halberd, they collapsed and fled towards "Chencang Road". Obviously, these people thought that even if they fled to Bashu, Yizhou, it would be better than being killed by Lu Bu. It is much better to drop, and Gao Shunzi, who has insufficient troops, will not stop him.

"Welcome to the triumphant return of Lord Fengxian." Gao Shun ordered his soldiers to open the city gate to welcome Lu Bu into the city.

"Tsk..." Lu Bu, who was still unfinished, looked at the direction in which the rebels were fleeing, and asked Gao Shun from a distance: "Did you say that Xun Chen took everything into account? He showed great power to the rebels against me. If the army repels this possibility, what are the follow-up arrangements?”

"My lord has never fully demonstrated his strength in front of Mr. Xun. It is inevitable that he will make a miscalculation." Gao Shun complimented Lu Bu first, and then said: "According to expectations, the rebels will pass through the Hulu Valley in the southwest when the land route is cut off. 'Head to the ferry on the Wei River, where other generals will ambush you along the way."

"Humph, then let me go and see for myself how his plan is going to work." Lu Bu whistled and mounted the "Red Cloud" that ran out of the city. He did not enter the city, turned his horse and fled straight towards the rebels. Chase in the direction.

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