The Collection of The End

Chapter 511 History of the Eastern Han Dynasty (15)

[Reminder: The Unparalleled Battlefield ‘Battle of Liangzhou’ is over]

[Tip: Since Bian Zhang, Han Sui, Beigong Boyu, and Li Wenhou were defeated, the coalition won]

[Tip: The Union Army received 60,000 troops (military service population) and 20,000 supplies]

The army that conquered the west wiped out the remnants, chased the enemy north, gathered the troops, counted the military achievements, held a celebration banquet, intrigues, and returned to the court. The "unparalleled battlefield" on my side has just ended.

It wasn't because of anything else. It was Lu Bu's blow that sent the enemy general flying far away. If he couldn't defeat him, he couldn't be sure of victory.

In addition to the captured Li Wenhou, Bian Zhang, Han Sui and Beigong Boyu each disguised themselves as stragglers and detoured towards their home base in Xiliang. The "rebels" who lost their commander-in-chief directly turned into "rebels". If they never have a territory or a leader, they will probably become "bandits" or "pirates" - oh, Liangzhou can't have this.

The government and military forces have been tracing their whereabouts as they conquered lost territory and expelled or forced to land the remaining rebels, but found nothing.

This is reflected in the "Unparalleled Battlefield" where three red "raised" signs with only double digits or zero troops go around in a big circle, avoiding all "strongholds", "strongholds" and "checkpoints" where fighting is taking place. Finally, while quietly gathering the remaining soldiers, they went straight to the "evacuation point" called "Jincheng".

Then he was stopped by Jia Xu who suddenly appeared there.

As he got older, the aesthetics of this famous "poison warrior" became more and more weird. He wore a mustache, a turban, and a long blouse. He dressed himself like an Arab, and the weapons he held were similar to lassoes. Hook sickle.

"As expected of a 'poison warrior' with vicious methods, even his appearance is more eye-catching than others." I commented while looking at the details of the battlefield.

【Huh? Why do you take the initiative to cooperate with his ‘strategist characteristics’? ] The stupid system said in surprise.

"Huh? What characteristics? I didn't pay much attention to this." I glanced at Jia Xu, who had blocked the escape route and began to mock the rebel generals, and raised my hand to open his attributes.

Command 81, Force 45, Intelligence 98, Politics 84, Charisma 59, Lifespan 84.

Well, most of the values ​​​​feel quite normal, but the charm that just failed is a bit want to complain about.

Strategist Traits: Poisonous Advisor: If the external performance such as appearance, speech or actions is considered weird, vicious or sinister, the effect of the strategy will be enhanced.

... Literally "you will lose if you complain"?

"Oh~ look who's here~" Jia Xu was playing with the lasso on the top of the city - I mean the hook and sickle: "Aren't these the bereaved dogs of Xiliang?"

"Where did you come from, a weird clown?" Bian Zhang ignored Jia Xu and just asked the other person beside him: "Chen Yi! Are you going to betray me?"

"A group of traitors dare to call themselves generals!" Chen Yi, the former governor of Jincheng, said angrily: "I only became a thief when I was deceived by you and others. At this time, the imperial army has arrived, and in a moment, you and others will be transformed into Jifen!"

Strictly speaking, he really wasn't deceived at that time, it was just because the whole family was controlled by the rebels and they had to get out of the way to show their loyalty to the thieves.

Now that the rebels have been cut off by Jia Xu, all Chen Yi's family members have been rescued, and Chen Yi becomes more courageous.

"You have time to threaten others, why not think about your current situation." Jia Xu said.

The remaining defeated generals all stopped talking, each with their own thoughts on their faces, as if they were seriously considering their words.

However, Jia Xu's next sentence was: "Fire the arrow!"

Liar? !


Caught off guard by a dense rain of arrows, Bian Zhang and Beigong Boyu died directly, while Han Sui was seriously injured and was captured by Jia Xu's army. It was at this time that the "Battle of Liangzhou" was over. It's long overdue.

Jia Xu led his troops to escort Han Sui.

And rushed to Fufeng with the bodies of Bian Zhang and Beigong Boyu. Not to mention, there was a lot of trouble on my side.

Beigong Boyu was a foreign general composed entirely of doomsday elements. When he was killed, the black mist that made up his body disappeared in just one roll, leaving only a replacement.

As for Bian Zhang, there is some trouble. As the "traitor" who led the aliens to invade the Central Plains, he was almost completely replaced with doomsday elements, but it was still a little short of the mark anyway, so he is under my control.

At this time, the sullen-faced middle-aged uncle had disappeared, and what appeared in my "Lingtai Fangcun Mountain" was just a handsome and even youthful young man from the grassland. He was dull and unresponsive to the changes in the external environment.

[I originally thought that Zhang Jiao would be the lucky one to become the first heroic spirit in this world. 】 Fu Fu’s stupid system circled around him twice and said doubtfully.

"I'm also quite surprised. This place is clearly set up to only accept the souls of those who have understood the 'unparalleled' - remind sister?" If you are not sure about internal affairs, ask Fufu, and if you are not sure about external affairs, ask sister. Good poem, good poem.

[Tip: Bian Zhang awakened the ‘Wushuang’ named ‘Returning Home’ at the last moment when facing the volley of arrows. 】Prompt sister to answer immediately.

"This name is a bit strange... What is the specific effect?"

[Tip: Returning home: If you want, the general will definitely be able to return to his hometown within seven days, whether he is alive or dead. 】

"...You can also call him Tou Qi, right? But why did you come to me?"

[Reminder: Jia Xu has united with other Shun Qiang tribes to take over and divide up all the territory of the rebel Qiang tribe. Bian Zhang will never have a hometown to return to. 】

You are so poisonous, you are so poisonous, you are so poisonous...

"Anyway, it's like this now. Let's send him to reincarnation. Hey, stupid system?" I looked at "Fufu".

【Fu? ] The stupid system scratched its ears with its hind legs: [You have set it yourself. From 155 to 255, all war dead will not be reincarnated, waiting for you to arrange rebirth to avoid 'death' - do you want to cancel this setting? 】

"Huh? Wait."

Ah... That's right, I remembered that I once borrowed the "primate killer" power of Fu Fu - the original one - to prohibit any "death" within the scope of influence.

But then who knew that there would be such a weirdo as Bian Zhang, who could probably die 95% of the time?

Just looking at the appearance of his spirit body, it is clear that this is a simple grassland boy who has not yet encountered the opportunity that makes him determined to rebel against the big man, and he has nothing to do with the guilt that can be pinned on Bian Zhang's head.

"Forget it, anyway, my mountain is quite spacious, and it was also formerly the 'Hall of Heroes'. Let him live here. The worst I can do is not leave the 'Xianyue Sanxing Cave' in the future. When the Three Kingdoms are unified and the doomsday elements are obtained, Send him to reincarnation before leaving."

[So, will the subsequent 21,457 projects be handled in this way? 】

"Yes - wait?!" I almost agreed: "What are those?"

[Soldiers who ‘died’ on the Liangzhou battlefield, had never taken Fu Shui or Jiuhua Yulu Pills, had no relatives or friends, and did not even have a hometown, most of them came from the rebels to which Bian Zhang and Han Sui belonged. 】

"Hmm... Indeed, increasing the military population by 60,000 means that there are 60,000 wounded soldiers, and an additional 20,000 have fled. Are the rest really all dead?"

Because the last two decisive battles were too fierce, and there were too many acquaintances participating in the battle, it was not convenient for "Merlin" to show up, so even if there were signs of showing up, I temporarily postponed the plan to "rescue" these people, and the result was just like this. After a delay, they could no longer return as "injured soldiers".

Subsequent "returning home" and "returning to hometown" measures may have diverged on their own, but there is still a "Tiansha Lone Star" group of 20,000 people left...

Should we let them out and introduce ourselves as returning from overseas study tour? Even if I can access areas outside the Central Plains, at this point in time, except for Rome, it is basically a wilderness. Where can I travel and learn?

"Forget it, let them in," I thought for a long time, but there was still no good way to deal with it, so I sighed and started to expand this empty land that I didn't know whether to call "Root" or "Songgard".

Generally speaking, we copy the mountains and rivers from the outside world, which saves time and effort, and then creates broken eaves and broken walls covered with plants in the locations where major cities were originally. The roads can be retained, but they will look old and in disrepair. In the "mobile base" "The location that once appeared creates the same scenery as it appeared at that time. Finally, a very light green filter is cast on the entire world - a copycat version of the Emerald Dream is completed.

As for the deviations in details and some logical errors, forget it, as an "afterlife", it is better to keep it mysterious and let people figure it out.

[Hmm...are you sure you won't recruit the SSS team? ‘Lord Angel’? 】

"Then I'll make you into a piano! Play 'Angel's Heartbeat'!"

【Fu~Fuwu? 】

"It's useless to play tricks. Now, put those 20,000 people in the location of their hometown in their memories." I walked into the "Three-Star Cave of the Setting Moon" and called up the overall map of the "Emerald Dream" to observe. It was originally a light green area. On the large map, countless tiny red dots appeared one after another.

Well... As expected, most of them fell in Liangzhou, and some fell in Youzhou, Bingzhou and other places. Only a small part of them fell in the Central Plains area.

Most of the last memories of these soldiers are of fierce battlefields, so after appearing in a familiar but unfamiliar world, most of them are in a confused state of "Who am I? Where am I? What am I going to do?"

Only Bian Zhang, who had lost his mind - literally - ran to tame a horse as if he had done it many times before, then circled around to collect several cattle and sheep, and finally started chopping wood and building a building under the strange looks of everyone nearby. Room.

[I guess most of these people are waiting for beings like Buddha, Bodhisattva, and Judge of Hell to pick them up. 】

"Maybe there was in the last world, but don't even think about it in this world." I browsed through it quickly. As expected, those "dead soldiers" were all in a daze, maybe they were revolving around manually? "Let it rain heavily in half an hour. If it doesn't wake them up, there will be hail."

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