The Collection of The End

Chapter 53 New Stronghold

My name is Lin Hao.

I'm setting up a defensive barrier.


"Is this what a Japanese style courtyard looks like, Kiritsugu? Is it really not a garden?"

Irisviel was standing in the center of a Japanese-style courtyard, holding her heart in both hands and looking around.

"An old friend of mine lent it to me," I heard Kiritsugu say: "I think it's suitable for a temporary shelter and wait for Saber to recover her strength."

It has to be said that Kiritsugu has a good vision in choosing a new stronghold.

The Japanese-style garden itself is located at the deepest part of a halfway-broken road, so there will be no pedestrians wandering over, and the backyard is on a cliff facing the Weiyuan River, so it cannot be attacked by conventional means, and if you need to escape, you can very convenient.

Most of the houses in the entire mansion are Japanese rooms, but there are also modern-style rooms. Garden gates, stone lanterns, bright flowers and green plants are decorated around the courtyard and walkways. There is even a koi pond in the middle of the courtyard and The startled deer diverting water, the two Sabers were watching the startled deer slowly fill up with water, one surprised and the other disdainful, and then suddenly hung down and made a thumping sound.

And I was pushing my wheelchair around with the purpose of finding fault, to see where barrier-free passages are required to pass.

‘Speaking of which, who borrowed this clean and tidy room that seemed to be inhabited all the time? ’ I asked the stupid system.

[Looking at the location, this seems to be the residence of a samurai...] Gaia directly brushed a bird's-eye view of Fuyuki City in front of me.

'puff! Wouldn't that be a good preparation for deworming? ’ Is that a sniper or a sniper?

【Didn't Matou Zouken quit...】

‘Just kidding, you still take it seriously, it’s really stupid. '


Although I mentioned "barrier-free access" at the time to deliberately embarrass Kiritsugu, but there is really no special need for "barrier-free access" in this mansion. At least I have been sitting in a wheelchair without using magic. Walk through the entire stronghold.

In addition, there is no such "warehouse that seems to be completely isolated from the outside", so it should not be the place where Shirou recruited the genuine Saber-speaking of which, Wuzhan will probably be wiped out by the clouds?

【Hmm... If you just take away the "evil in this world" and keep the Holy Grail, the Five Wars should still happen. 】

'Forget it, now the original plot of FZ alone has been fanned by butterfly wings to nowhere. '

[The Butterfly largely influenced by the "will of the world", so in fact——]

'It's actually your fault. '

[Yes, it's my fault... Huh? 】

'Okay, I want to think about the next strategy, you be quiet for a while. '



"Irisviel, what can I do for you?"

When he returned to the middle of the courtyard after making a round of inspection, Emiya Kiritsugu and Hisau Maiya had already left, and there was only Irisviel who was holding a shiny silver "ball of wool" and didn't know what he was doing, so he went up to talk to her.

"If possible, can Xiao Hao help me hang these 'strings' around the yard?" My wife smiled at me: "Kiritsugu said that it is not allowed to set up a defensive barrier connecting magic circuits this time."

"Then this is?" I pushed the wheelchair close to Irisviel and took the "ball of wool", and she took out another one like a magic trick.

Judging from my knowledge of magic, it should be the "mythril thread" used by my wife to weave things such as giant eagles, flying swords, and protective formations. The material is soft and tough, and it was improved by the alchemy of the Einsbern family. It has become the wife's secret weapon, but at present, its functions seem to have not been fully developed.

I tried to tear off a length of "wool yarn", let it fall to the ground naturally, and the silver-white thread melted and disappeared the moment it touched the ground.

Then, a magic pattern that was almost the same as its landing posture flickered on the ground, and finally lit up a giant magic circle at Irisviel's location before fading and disappearing.

"It seems that it is not connected to the magic circuit. I will try to lay them out." I smiled at my wife, put the ball of wool on my lap, and pushed the wheels of the wheelchair to the outside of the mansion.

Unlike the mithril threads that my wife used to weave into various shapes, these in my hand have been refined in advance into something similar to wires and triggers. Even if you throw them around, they will evolve into magic nodes and connect Go to the main formation located in the atrium, and that main formation has the functions of camouflaging and extracting the magic power of spiritual veins to supplement everyone within the range.

And the reason why this function is used is naturally——I glanced inside the restaurant when I passed by, and Saber Alter was eating hamburgers with the momentum of charging into battle, while Saber Lily was full of steaming rice. expect.

As expected... I dropped a piece of "wool" and continued to walk towards the backyard.


‘Speaking of which, how is that seventy-two-in-one Paoluo doing now? '

The backyard is not small, and I asked the stupid system while spreading mithril wire along the edge.

【Being beaten up by Jin Shan, Qi Li and Ryunosuke didn't help her, so they ran away from home. 】

The bird's-eye view of Fuyuki in the corner of the field of vision quickly zoomed in, showing Tohsaka Rin and Tohsaka Sakura?

'Although I know that the two of them have come to Fuyuki, but now I'm asking Assassin... oh, there. '

Xiao Lin and Xiao Sakura are arguing about whether they are lost, where their home is, whether they should cross the bridge, etc., and not far from them stands a little girl whose whole body is covered by shadows.

[She was supposed to run around aimlessly, but because she had contact with the two of them when she was unconscious, she followed them subconsciously after she met. 】

‘Well, after all, it’s a truce period, and she doesn’t have the characteristics of a heroic spirit at all, so it doesn’t matter if someone finds out—uh. '

Because of the man-made landscape, the backyard of this mansion has been built double-layered for the sake of beauty. The side along the river is two or three steps higher than the inland side, and wheelchairs obviously cannot push it up.

"It's so troublesome..." I held the ball of wool and made a sad face.

"So, wouldn't it be more convenient for you to let me cure this paralysis?" Double-opening Illya's vest, she appeared beside her, and snatched the ball of string.

"No, this has to heal itself." I made a determined expression.

[Ah ha ha ha ha...] This stupid system will laugh twice every time it sees me playing the oboe, even if I will be beaten later.

'Don't laugh! I am—'


Originally, Ilya was going to take Lin Hao up the two steps, but the "yarn ball" she was holding started to tremble and glow, and there was a sound that sounded dangerous.

'what's the situation? ! '

【I, I don't know...】

‘Really incompetent—remind sister? '

[Reminder: The 'Infused Mithril Thread' is about to explode due to overcharging. 】

When did you overcharge? But I don't have time to worry about this now!

Quickly switched to Illya's vest, took a little aim, and threw the mithril ball towards the other side of the river with a flick of his hand.


A cyan beam of light that resembled an EX curry stick shot straight into the sky.

‘Well, I hurriedly confirmed that there is no one on the other side, but how many people will see it this time? '

[Because the color is not obvious, it didn't attract much attention, but what I noticed was basically directed at the beam of light in the castle before, so——]

The light screen in the corner of the field of view switched again, and a group of guys with cameras were gathering from the bridge head towards the place where the beam of light was generated.

'Hmph, they shouldn't be able to find anything but a pit - huh? '

Rin Tohsaka, who was studying the map, didn't seem to want to be swept away by the crowd. He grabbed the hand of the little girl beside him and left their only way before the crowd converged——

But you caught Emil?


"Xiaohao, Xiaohao? Has Caster returned?"

Originally, he planned to see Xiao Lin's expression when he found out that he had caught the wrong person, but it seemed that he was alarmed by the explosion of the mithril thread, and his wife hurried over, and he arrived before the person came.

Although the reason for blowing up that thing is unknown, it can be regarded as a disaster, so I directly let Illya's vest spirit body return to the root... Wait, this behavior has something to do with the bear child getting into trouble and running away What's the difference?

"Well, she came back just now, but left immediately." Without time to make other movements, I turned the wheelchair to face Alice Faier who had already walked into the backyard.

"Tell me the truth, Xiao Hao, what did Ilya go to do before?" The wife seemed very disturbed, and she came over and grabbed my arm and asked in a low voice.

What to do... just give Sora a magic seal, nothing else...

"You know what she's going to do, don't you?" My wife grabbed my shoulder instead, lowered her head and stared at me: "Please don't hide it, this is very important."

"Uh, in order to ask Rider to take action, she promised Kenneth's fiancee, Ms. Sola, a magic imprint whose family blood has been severed. She should have fulfilled it."

"Really? Sure enough...that silly child." Irisviel let go of her hand, and her originally gentle tone became a little...sad?

What, even if you are someone else's mother, you can't just call the child stupid, right?

"Do you know why those mithril threads exploded just now?" Seemingly noticing my expression, my wife looked at the noisy crowd on the other side and said slowly.

‘Stupid system, why? '

[Because she often stays at the root, although she doesn't absorb it herself, the concentration of magic power attached to her is too high, and the 'silver thread scroll' can't bear it. 】

‘The silver thread curls your head! '

"Even if she becomes a heroic spirit, it is impossible for her to have the ability to transfer the magic engravings of other families. Most of them are transformed with the magic circuit on her body, and this transformation will make her magic power leak continuously for a certain period of time, so there is The mithril thread that absorbs the surrounding magic power..." The wife paused, and then continued: "This kind of autonomous magic power leakage is different from being hit by a bullet like Kiritsugu, it will be accompanied by severe pain, did you just now Feel like she's forcing a smile?"


If it wasn't for the fact that I personally picked out the engraving at the root, I would have believed even this well-founded analysis.

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