The Collection of The End

Chapter 542 The Biography of Dong Zhuo (11)

——AD 184——

Xiliang Wuwei, Governor's Mansion.

"...Xiliang [Ma] family..."

" envoy from Bingzhou [arrives]..."

"...[There are] people coming to the hotel..."


Ever since he realized some kind of strange "unparalleled prophecy", Dong Zhuo fell in love with the way of handling political affairs by "gathering a large number of his subordinates to discuss matters or banquets, and sitting high and listening from a distance".

The advantage of this is that most of the specific discussions of the subordinates are related to the recent or future plans of one's own forces. When a "prophecy" appears, it is very likely to be related to it. When you need to make your own decisions, you will have the "prophecy" as a reference. much easier.

But the disadvantage is that if the word or homophony required for a key prophecy is not among their topics, they will miss it without knowing it, such as "Zhao Yun came to visit, became friends with Zhang Liao, and jointly defeated the collusion between the imperial court and the Huns." To deal with the conspiracy of Taiping Dao, how many words do Dong Bai and Lu Lingqi have to say to each other before they can spell it out in the most concise sentences? Not to mention that the two little granddaughters don't like to talk at all.

Another disadvantage is that if someone reports something and gets too close, the "prophecy" will be interrupted directly, as it is now.

Dong Zhuo turned his head and looked at the direction from which the voice came: "Oh, it's Wen He, what's the matter?"

Presumably, there won't be any bad news. Although this prediction is interrupted, the words "success is imminent" cannot escape.

Jia Xu has a raised mustache, a strange purple turban, a Baina wrap commonly worn by middle-class Qiang merchants, and a strange weapon that looks like a lasso or hook hanging from his waist. He is completely a cunning businessman or broker who often travels between Hu and Han. If you tell people who don't know that he is actually a conscientious counselor, they will probably be scorned.

However, he himself is indeed more inclined to adapt to the situation on the front line and even personally lay out the traps required for certain strategies. If it is inferred from the title of "care behind" that he always stays at the rear to control the overall situation, I am afraid he will suffer a big loss.

"Wen You is explaining the plan to the participants in this prisoner robbery operation. It must be possible to achieve the Lord's goal smoothly." Jia Xu pointed to Li Ru who was talking to a group of generals in front of the terrain map in the distance, and continued: "I'm here to add a few words to my lord in advance."

Before others came to report, he had to "add a few words". Was he sure that Li Ru would not expect it? Dong Zhuo wanted to laugh a little and said, "Tell me and listen."

"When we are sure that there will be support from the Huns' cavalry, we should take the opportunity to destroy the relationship between the Shi Chang Shi and the Huns," Jia Xu said: "The Shi Chang Shi is not easily fooled, but the simple-minded Xiongnu tribes are not. The Lord can Select soldiers and rangers from the Central Plains, and then dress up those who look like the leader of the escort team. When the Huns' reinforcements are defeated and escape, they will cut off their escape. The subordinates will appear on their own initiative, but they will 'unintentionally' see them. If we go to that 'commander', let the Xiongnu leader go, and intercept the messengers they use to communicate with each other, then great things can be done."

"Hmm..." Dong Zhuo thought about it. After handing Han Sui to Jia Xu, he made many arrangements at the border. It was not surprising that he knew some secrets about the foreign races. However, this response sounded a bit abrupt and seemed to be missing something. What are the prerequisites?

"Lord." At this time, Li Ru, who was wearing a scholar's robe, also finished explaining to the generals, and approached Dong Zhuohui to report: "After discussion, we believe that the escort commander not only did not set off immediately, but instead stayed in Jiuquan, most likely As we are waiting for reinforcements, there must be a group of reinforcements on the way in addition to the defeated Huns."

Oh, this is one of the prerequisites. Dong Zhuo nodded and motioned for Li Ru to continue.

"Their itinerary was not kept secret at all, or rather, they were publicized everywhere for fear that others would not know about it. According to the speculation of my subordinates, one was to attract the remaining Taiping Dao gang to rob prisoners, and the other was to detain the master from being friends with the Huns and imperial prisoners. hat of,

Therefore, we should strictly guard against the Xiongnu invasion and send heavy troops to intercept the team, but we should never leave any evidence of participating in the Taiping Road prisoner-robbing operation, and even rescue them afterwards so that they can find no excuses. At most, it's just a case of 'lax governance'. Regarding this, my subordinates have already made several arrangements, and they can be implemented as ordered as long as the master agrees. "Li Ru talked eloquently.

This is the second premise... Dong Zhuo looked strange when he heard this. If Jia Xu said "I'll add a few words" at this time, and then said what he just said, it would be a perfect connection, but he had already said it earlier. This makes Li Ru...suppressed in terms of wisdom.

"That's very good... You can pass the order to the generals to execute it." Seeing that Jia Xu had no intention of speaking, Dong Zhuo had no choice but to respond.


In order not to leave evidence of "participating in prisoner robbery", Dong Zhuo ordered Lu Bu, Gao Shun, Hua Xiong, Guan Hai, Zhang Ke and other easily identifiable faces to lead a team to clean up the area around the escort route. It was called patrolling, but it was actually interception. Those Huns who don’t know where they will enter.

Generals such as Zhang Mancheng, Cheng Yuanzhi, Deng Mao and their Taoist disciples wore Liangzhou Army uniforms and disguised themselves as guards from various places, preparing to change their clothes and conduct a surprise attack when the escort team passed by. The popular Niu Fu was sent to lead people to sweep away the traces left by the "Taiping Army".

Zhang Jie, the daughter of Taiping Taoist Patriarch, seemed to want to participate in the action. However, due to her high recognition, she could hardly cover up her traces after starting the action. In the end, she was solemnly requested by Ma Yuanyi to stay with Dong Zhuo in his back house. Dong Bai and Lu Lingqi play.

As for Dong Zhuo himself, it would be too weird to take action personally because of some trivial matter, and he could not return to the back house to avoid suspicion, so he called Li Ru to patrol the streets of Wuwei together.

Out of some desire to watch a good show, Dong Zhuo did not inform Li Ru of Jia Xu's plan, but smiled and said nothing when he wondered "Whose heir is Jia Wenhe going to marry again?"

"Father-in-law," Li Ru would use a more intimate address when there were no other subordinates around. At the same time, the things he said were generally more personal: "You seem to have gained some weight."

This is no longer a private matter but slander! Dong Zhuo looked down upon this son-in-law.

"The 'unparalleled prophecy' you have comprehended requires you to stay away from the crowd and listen quietly to take effect, but you should not put snacks on hand," Li Ru said: "When my son-in-law arranged the operation before, you listened and ate at the same time. At least two plates of dim sum were eaten.”

"..." Dong Zhuo looked at his slightly tight provincial governor's uniform, and then at Li Ru, whose robe was so empty that it could almost catch the wind, and began to think about how he developed this habit.

It seemed that one time when he heard some important "prophecy" from Dong Bai and Lu Lingqi, his eyes became a little more eager. As a result, Dong Bai, who was eating pastry, looked at him for a long time, and finally ran over reluctantly holding her pastry. Say "Grandpa eats".

Nothing, can't refuse...

At this time, due to the temporary silence in the carriage, the noise from the market outside formed some kind of "prophecy".

"[Thousand Miles of Grass, Moon Baba, Ten Sun Divination, Half and Half Moon]"

That's enough! Dong Zhuo looked at Li Ru fiercely: "Wenhe, do you know how old Abai and Lingqi are? When are you going to let me have a second grandson?"

Li Ru, who had been childless for some reason, remained silent.


The back house of the governor's mansion.

"I should be helping senior brother or other uncles," Zhang Jie complained, twirling the apricot flag in her hand, "instead of playing here with two little girls."

After the entire rescue operation was arranged, Zhang Jie's mission was completely absent. Ma Yuanyi even said tactfully, "If the lady accidentally gets lost, it may have a negative impact on the operation. The lady does not want the Master of the Green Niujiao Altar to be escorted to Luoyang."

So, now she can only watch the two little girls in the back garden of the Dong family, each holding a plate of snacks and feeding each other. However, what makes Zhang Jie a little strange is that the Dong family's maid and maid will only eat snacks in the back garden of the Dong family. Guangqian quickly removed the new ones on the plate without stopping at all, let alone taking care of them.

"Isn't it just because we have more Taoist disciples and have greater influence?" The girl kicked the stones beside the fish pond boredly, "I have already asked everyone to shrink as much as possible, why is it still like this..."

Dong Bai, who was wearing a pink dress, ate another plate of snacks. He suddenly turned his head and looked at the apricot yellow flag in Zhang Jie's hand. He blinked in confusion, then saw it flash again, so he jumped off the stone bench belt. Lu Lingqi, who was wearing a black dress, ran closer to observe.

"Um...what?" Zhang Jie, who found herself surrounded by two girls, raised the apricot-yellow flag: "This was given to me by my father. It seems to have a lot of abilities, and the yellow light enemy is approaching. ?”

Zhang Jie raised her head and looked around in slight surprise, while Dong Bai continued to stare at the apricot-yellow flag that was flashing faster and faster. He seemed to want to open his mouth, but was pulled by Lu Lingqi and stopped.

"Bang bang!" A maid who came to deliver snacks fell to the ground with a plate, and behind her was a woman dressed in black with a black scarf covering her face.

"Hehehe..." The woman laughed in a low voice: "Dong Liangzhou really harbors people from Taiping Taoism, and she is also the daughter of Taoist ancestor Zhang Jiao. This trip is really worthwhile."

"Who are you!" Zhang Jie raised her apricot flag and opened a semicircular orange barrier in front of her.

"My boss is really too careful. In order to prevent the investigation of the back house from being discovered and angering Dong Zhuo, he specially selected a woman."

"With this crime, even if it's a man, he has nothing to say. What should we do now? Take these three little girls back to Luoyang?"

Two other voices sounded, and a woman in black appeared on both sides and behind Zhang Jie. She swung the orange barrier back and forth in a panic, but was unable to protect all angles.

"Don't bother, little girl, we have a way to eliminate your 'Secret Technique of Peace'." When Zhang Jie turned the "barrier" towards her, a woman in black raised her hand and threw out a handful of brown powder, causing the The "barrier" just flashed briefly and then disappeared.

The brightness of the apricot-yellow flag in Zhang Jie's hand began to increase as if it was angry, but it paused midway and dimmed quietly again as if she had thought of something.

Three women in black, who thought they had a chance to win, were chatting leisurely.

"These little girls may have some abilities, but they are nothing to worry about. So, do you want to leave a name after taking them away?"

"What are you leaving behind? Is Diao Chan here for a visit?"

"That can-"



With a loud noise and a sudden burst of yellow smoke, a legless, angry-looking Vajra floating in the air appeared in front of Zhang Jie, wearing a yellow ribbon, but the three women in black were nowhere to be seen.

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