The Collection of The End

Chapter 572 Zhao Yun Chuan (13)

——AD 187——

Map of Mountains and Rivers, Lumen Mountain.

After failing to find the "correct strategy" for several years, Zhao Yun had to try to make his own conclusion.

It is true that at present, slightly powerful people in various places are implementing their own ideas of governance, which may look decent at first glance, but each has its own shortcomings.

The first to be eliminated are the governors surnamed Liu in various states and those who obey the words of Luoyang and the imperial court. They all hold the mentality of "take another step if there is a chance, and maintain the status quo if it doesn't work." Even if one of them is lucky enough to ascend the throne, it will not matter to the general It is meaningless even for a tall man whose tree is about to fall.

Next is Dong Zhuo. Just seeing that he has stationed troops in Chang'an and is eyeing Luoyang, you know that he does not take the emperor seriously at all. If he finally controls Luoyang, the best result is that he will act as regent for Duke Zhou again, but that's okay. Since his surname is not Liu, he cannot seriously usurp the throne. At least the emperor will be safe and sound.

As for Liu Bei and Cao Cao, whom Zhao Yun had specifically gone to ask them about their strategies for governing the world, they also exposed their own problems after gaining their own territory.

Liu Bei's philosophy of "universal love and non-aggression" that is similar to Mohism, his style of "everything is for the good of the people", and his almost hand-in-hand planning of the people's lives and futures, in Youzhou where living conditions are difficult Maybe it would work, even in the bitter cold outside the Great Wall and in the hot and humid south, but it would not be accepted in the rich Central Plains - who would want others to guide them on how to spend money and enjoy themselves?

A very simple example is that in Guangyang County where he gathered refugees, 30% of the people who migrated still chose to leave - although the grumpy Zhang Fei and the weird-looking Zhang He may be partly responsible.

As for Cao Cao, he implemented the Legalist strategy, which had been implemented by the pre-Qin Dynasty. However, because no one except the law enforcers knew the law, unintentional violations were punished immediately without giving a chance, leaving a impression of "Qin's strict laws" In order to avoid repeating the same mistake, Cao Cao specially sent many Qingqi to explain the details and scope of application of the law to the people in the places where the law was promoted. So far, the popularity of his "Green Crop Law" is pretty good, but the problem is foreseeable future.

The philosophy of Legalism is to use various laws to restrict and guide the behavior of the people. In the future, Cao Cao will inevitably issue more and more detailed legal provisions. However, there are not many people who are literate. Those who are willing to listen to and understand laws that have little to do with them will Even less. What will happen if someone breaks the law without knowing it?

As for Sun Jian, it seems that he has not yet had the intention or idea to dominate one side or even seize the world. He was ordered to go around by Zhu Jun. Even though he fought with the escort team of Old Lady Cao and was completely defeated, he still decided to follow the original plan after gathering his subordinates. Go to Luoyang King Qin.

Zhao Yun still had some doubts about the details of this encounter, such as how Sun Jian and his subordinates escaped when all the troops of King Qin who participated in the encounter were captured by the Hubao Cavalry.

Oh, no matter what, Master and Luo Shen are in Luoyang to see what trouble they can cause.

In the end, Zhao Yun's eyes fell on Julu, the "Taiping Dao" whose power had been greatly reduced - of course, he did not mean to support them in rising up. Not only would Master Zhang Jiao and Master Tong Yuan fight again, but they might also The "Lin Hao Fairy" whose whereabouts have become a mystery recently will also take action to stop him.

Speaking of this, it seems that because the rumors that "Jiangzuo Merlin" was killed by "Sword Master" were distorted a bit, the fairy who originally used the two names "Jiangzuo Merlin" and "Nan Hualin Hao" interchangeably simply gave up on the former.

During the few encounters with "Nanhua Fairy" in the Shanhe Sheji Map, Zhao Yun saw her recycling the petals that had been scattered all over the "map" and talking about "Kongtong Seal" and "Kunlun Mirror". "Demon refining pot" or something like that.

Probably a lost treasure.

Speaking of Taiping Road, it is completely separated from the Taiping Army.

The latter was originally just a flash in the pan, and only the one that joined Dong Zhuo's army still survived, and they continued to attract Taoist disciples who did not want to go to Julu to live a stable life.

At this time, Julu's Taipingdao, under the leadership of the junior sister, was like a hedgehog that gathered itself together. Outsiders would not touch them if they did not realize that both sides would suffer.

However, under this appearance, Fang Qushuai still had contact with the old ministries in various states and counties, and when those officials thought they had control of the Fu Shui channel and raised the price arbitrarily, they secretly continued to sell Fu Shui at a fair price. Their main purpose was to Disguised as traveling merchants, horse dealers, and restaurant owners - no one would doubt the old paintings, horse fodder, and jars of wine in the restaurant.

Although they themselves don't know why they do these things that have little impact on the court, maybe it's just because they are depressed?

However, this approach inspired Zhao Yun.

The establishment of an independent and large ranger organization, which due to objective reasons is completely impossible to cooperate with the rulers, to monitor and punish the imperial court, is called the "Ranger Guild".

Although it sounds very similar to the embroidered messengers of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, the "organization" planned by Zhao Yun will be supported by the vast majority of the people. In this way, when it punishes certain officials, no one will They jumped out and said this was rebellion.

As for manpower and members, Taipingdao is only a last resort choice when it is first started. When it develops and grows, you can choose from those rangers who are passionate about helping others, willing to uphold justice, and act for the country and the people.

Although the definition of the word "justice" varies from person to person, generally speaking, it is enough to use the broad sense of justice that is recognized by the vast majority of people.

Under the circumstances he envisioned, it would be impossible for Wang Mang's attempt to usurp the Han Dynasty to succeed.

Thinking about it now, Fairy Lin Hao deliberately taught the three volumes of the Heavenly Book to Master Zhang Jiao instead of giving it to the two immortals who just wanted to find a wise king. It was as if she had unintentionally paved the way for herself in advance.

However, this plan has one biggest obstacle - Dong Zhuo, the governor of Liangzhou. He seems to be inspired by "Diao Chan" and is also forming his own secret guard, and plans to become the commander of all rangers in the world. This directly conflicts with Zhao Yun's plan. .

Compared to him, Zhao Yun's own connections were pitifully poor, and because he had been active in the Shanhe Sheji Tu, his reputation was not loud enough. If he went out and said "I am Changshan Zhao Zilong", no one would know him.

However, at least he is far superior to Dong Zhuo in terms of force value. Although Lu Bu is not sure how strong he is, I heard that his brain is not very easy to use...

In addition, Dong Zhuo was born in Xiliang and had no foundation in the Central Plains. Even if he developed his power, he would have to start from scratch, such as manpower, space and other problems that cannot be solved by relying on fame.

Speaking of venues, it seems that the various strongholds in the Shanhe Sheji Map can be borrowed. They are connected to the "other room". With the help of Master Zhang Jiao, they can be used to quickly convey messages, but ordinary people cannot rush through it. Whatever is connected in and out is "this world".

etc? The fairy herself can move at will within the mountain and river design, and enter and exit the present world without any effort to create gaps on her own. So why did she deliberately create those strongholds as entrances and exits?

For... this Ranger organization that only exists in ideas?

It feels like the road is paved a little further...


Zhao Yun retracted his thoughts and knocked on the door of Pang De's residence in Lumen Mountain.

The Lumen Mountain Stronghold is the most special one in the entire Mountains and Rivers Sheji Map, not only because it covers the largest area, but also because its position has never changed during the constant "floating" of the Mountains and Rivers Sheji Map itself.

In Zhao Yun's plan, this stronghold was the scheduled "headquarters" of the "Ranger Guild", but a problem arose here - the stronghold itself was discovered by the famous hermit and sage Pang Degong, and was converted into a teaching and educating place. place.

If you want to borrow it, you must obtain the permission of the owner of the place.

Well, just as the stronghold where Master Tong Yuan and Master Zhang Jiao lived was called "Martial Man's Hall", this place should also have a nice name. Judging from its current function, maybe it is called "Scholar's Hall?"


The courtyard door opened, and a slightly thin man wearing a brown scholar's robe and a Ge scarf appeared in front of Zhao Yun holding a roll of bamboo slips. In an attitude that had been repeated countless times, he said numbly: "Sir, don't you?" Even though he knows how to go out, he doesn't know where 'Jiangzuo Meilin' went after he left."

Ah, speaking of which, there have been rumors of "the reappearance of Jiangzuo Meilin" since a few years ago. Is this the original source?

"I don't want to ask Mr. Pang De to come out, nor do I want to ask about Merlin's whereabouts," Zhao Yun said, "I just have a question and I want to ask Mr. Pang De."

"Then you can stay in the school dormitory and ask the teacher when he is giving lectures. If you have any questions beyond the lecture content, I can tell the teacher when he is free." The scholar replied without hesitation. Obviously, this question Appears more often.

"No, that question can only be asked face to face," Zhao Yun thought for a moment, but still did not ask the scholar to tell him. After all, in this case, it would be a bit provocative to ask questions such as "Can you please give up this stronghold?" Suspicion: "Please tell the commander that Changshan Zhao Yun has something important to discuss. Are you willing to meet? I hope to get the answer when I come next time."

"Okay, okay... wait?" The scholar was responding, but suddenly he was stunned, opened the bamboo slips in his hand, glanced at it twice and said: "Changshan Zhao Yun Zhao Zilong? Do you have a brother named Zhao Feng? Master Are they Tong Yuan, the 'Smart Spear', and Zhang Jiao, the Great Sage Master?"

"...Exactly." Zhao Yun was slightly startled. The feeling that "someone has paved the way for him long ago" appeared again. Next, he couldn't even guess his purpose, right?

"'Ranger's Guild', right?" The scholar read according to the contents on the bamboo slip: "If you don't come, sir, I will draft a new cooperation document."

"..." Zhao Yun was speechless.

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