The Collection of The End

Chapter 585 Biography of Sun Jian (16)

——AD 187——

Luoyang, north of the city.

In the end, Cheng Pu and Huang Gai failed to achieve their plan of "pretending to be country bumpkins and exploring all of Luoyang".

Places such as the imperial palace, the residence of the ten permanent attendants, the palace of the general, and the residences of the three princes and nine ministers are all heavily guarded. Judging from their two identities of "a rich man who bullies the weak and fears the strong" and a "weak and timid coachman" , it is absolutely impossible to risk getting close just to see something new.

In the end, the two chose the "best mid-range inn" to stay, and deliberately performed a show, saying that they were going to visit old friends, and then went on foot the next day. Their destination was to the north of the city, where there were many senior officials. But it is an area of ​​little importance.

Since they were far away from the important position, many spies who were watching them also evacuated, and maybe a few followed quietly. But judging from the fact that they could be easily discovered by Huang Gai, they were obviously absent-minded and perfunctory. As long as this When masters and servants step into a certain mansion, they will simply conclude that "the squire is visiting a friend, there is no need to worry" and leave.

But... Cheng Pu and Huang Gai had no one to visit.

Although Sun Jian's move of "diligence to the king" and "Qingjun side" this time was secretly supported by the courtiers of the current Taiwei Yang Biao faction, if you go to see him or the important officials in the court related to him, wouldn't you be asking for trouble? When the goal is achieved and all parties have started to take action after breaking up, then they can ask for blessings.

Moreover, because we were traveling on foot, if we failed to enter any house before reaching the line where "the distance is too far, we might as well take a carriage", even those spies who were not suspicious at first would have doubts.

When Cheng Pu was thinking about whether to lead them to some remote place and deal with them directly, the concierge of a mansion in front took the initiative to greet them: "But Mr. Yang? My master has been waiting for a long time."

"Humph, it's me," Cheng Pu glanced at the lantern with the word "王" hanging on the main entrance of the mansion, and responded smoothly, "It's really hard to find you here."

"Come in, please come in quickly." The concierge stepped forward diligently to lead the way, bringing Cheng Pu and Huang Gai into the mansion through the side door, while the last few spies who were following them also evacuated.

"I haven't asked yet, who is the owner of this place?" After entering the mansion, which occupies a small area, Cheng Pu asked the concierge who led the way.

"My surname is Wang, my first name is Yun, I work as a lieutenant," the servant responded, "I was dismissed from my post recently for some reason."

"He is actually the prince's master. I have admired his name for a long time." Cheng Pu nodded, feeling a little calmer.

This man was a member of the Wang family in Hedong. He had a reputation for talent when he was young. Later, he was recommended by Yang Ci and Yuan Wei at the same time. He served as Yin of Henan and governor of Yuzhou. However, he always hated his relatives and eunuchs and was in tit-for-tat with them at every turn, so he was dismissed from office for the second time. , and came back because of Yang Ci's support, but Yang Biao, Yang Biao, the son of Yang Ci who was serving as Taiwei at this time, was still unable to confront the ten permanent servants, so he had to temporarily ask the old man who was dismissed from office for the third time to take a temporary rest - but it was obvious that early Wang Yun, who guessed the Yang family's plan, also wanted to play a role in this chaos.

"In that case, wouldn't it be exposing our identity when we visit here?" Huang Gai said.

"Oh, you two can rest assured, because Taiwei Yang failed to help me recover. In their eyes, I am just a 'former governor' who has an old relationship with the 'former Taiwei'." During the conversation, the servant had already mentioned Cheng Pu and Huang Gai led him to the guest room and said, "As for the carriage and luggage you two left behind at the inn, I will send someone to retrieve them later."

"Huh, I guess it must have been turned over by some people, so there shouldn't be any doubts about our identity anymore." Cheng Pu nodded slightly.

"If you two need anything, you can call any servant at will. However, if you want to see the master, you have to explain it in advance." The servant opened the door of the guest room for Cheng Pu and Huang Gai, then bowed and left.

"Our original purpose was to cooperate inside and outside when the chaos broke out in Luoyang, but it would have caused extra problems, but we didn't have to deliberately meet any key people." Cheng Pu walked into the courtyard with Huang Gai and said casually: "That person was originally meant to deal with the 'maybe a battle happens at any time' And the made-up 'rich man who likes to beat his servants',

It can also disappear temporarily. "

"[What~ It turned out to be a fake?]"

Cheng Pu and Huang Gai followed the sound and saw black and red light spots gathering out of thin air in the originally empty guest room, transforming into a figure wearing a black close-fitting dress, a pink peony flower on her head, black hair shawl, and one eye. A dark girl with one golden eye, about ten years old.

"[I'm sorry, I forgot to introduce myself,]" the girl said in a strange, crisp and hoarse voice: "[My name is Diao Chan, I am the adopted daughter of Mr. Wang Yun~]"


Xuzhou, Surabaya.

South of Xuzhou, between the Huaihe River and the Yangtze River, the waterways are criss-crossed and extremely complex. Some places that can be reached directly at a glance have to be circled three or four times by boat.

The Sun family's building boat had to enter the Yangtze River and then go upstream to its hometown of Fuchun, Wu County. The scheduled time was quite long, so they allowed children to play around on the boat - fortunately, no one got seasick.

"Brother Quan, I didn't understand what you said to the younger brother of the Zhuge family at all." Sun Quan was pacing on the boat on the upper floor, and his sister Sun Shangxiang followed behind.

Logically speaking, a little girl of this age should worship her father or eldest brother, not her twin brother, but Sun Jian has been too busy to go home in the past few years, and Sun Ce... in the words of the girl, "smells like a monkey" ".

In this regard, Sun Ce said that he was welcomed by all kinds of wild beasts, and that he was able to command them not out of his own free will. It might be a precursor to Wushuang's awakening, and at least the fish in the river didn't listen to him, right?

"To put it simply," Sun Quan thought for a while and explained to his sister: "He will eat with us next and eat a lot of rice."

"Yeah." Sun Shangxiang nodded to express his understanding.

"But he didn't plan to stay and work, and he also said that he would return the 'eaten rice' when he left." Sun Quan continued: "As for me, I asked him to return the rice. If it was not eaten but planted, If you get that much rice in the fields, it’s about three times as much.”

"Well," the little girl tilted her head and thought for a moment, then suddenly clapped her hands together: "There are also those rice that are 'planted in the field and grown again, and then planted again'!"

"Hey..." Sun Quan was shocked. Why did this sister suddenly become enlightened about this kind of thing?

"Plant again, harvest again, harvest again, plant again..." Sun Shangxiang counted on her short fingers for a while, then she successfully knocked herself out, and then grabbed Sun Quan's clothes: "Quick, brother Quan, send someone Catch him, don’t let him escape, he owes enough rice for thousands of years!”

"Okay," Sun Quan didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "When he is about to leave, I will send someone to stop him."


Sun Quan didn't need to look down to know that this was the routine daily blowing time. Sun Ce, Zhou Yu, or Zhuge Jin would push Qiao Xuan's "wheelchair" for a walk on the bottom of the building and ship, and then they would meet Qiao Qiao as a routine.

Sun Quan looked on anxiously - that must be your grandfather, right? Take the initiative to help?

"Go away, go away! I can push this lazy 'wheelchair' by myself!" Mr. Qiao Xuan always tries to show off his strength, and so far he has been successful only a few times.


Sun Quan was watching the excitement when he was suddenly blinded by a gust of river wind. He covered his face with his hands, rubbed his eyes twice and opened his eyes again, only to see an astonishing scene.

Where are the Surabaya, fishing boats, riverbanks, farmland and trees? At this time, the entire building ship was sailing on a dark and boundless sea. Except for the sea near the building ship which was still calm, the entire sea had set off layers of raging waves like mountains, and between those raging waves , there are countless ferocious black dragons with bodies like giant pythons, scales and claws fighting with each other.

At this time, the sky was also pitch black, with only the red lightning flashing across the sky from time to time, illuminating the equally dark clouds and the giant black dragons that were hovering in the sky and biting each other. Their appearance was exactly the same as those in the sea.

"The black dragon dances and the clouds fly..." Sun Quan murmured.

"What dragon?"

Sun Quan came to his senses and found that he was still on the Sun family boat. The soothing river surface, the drifting fishing boats, the rice fields by the river and the busy farmers there were all the same as before. Sun Shangxiang beside him was weighing his feet and looking outside. She just heard "dragon".

"No, it's nothing, about-" Sun Quan couldn't help but stop talking midway through his answer.

In the air in front of him, he saw a black line slowly protruding from the void, and then falling downwards towards Qiao Xuan, who was trying to push the wheelchair with one arm. Its target was the old man's other leg, which was still intact. .

Inexplicably, Sun Quan understood its effect. When it came into contact with Mr. Qiao Xuan, it would paralyze part of the old man's body, just like the arms and legs that had lost control.

And if these "black lines" accumulate to a certain amount, Mr. Qiao Xuan will undoubtedly——[die].

"So," Sun Quan sighed: "Why am I so precocious? Even if I understand this kind of thing, there is no benefit at all."

The little boy climbed up the railing with both arms, firmly grasping the railing with one hand, and grasped the "black thread" with unusual precision with the other hand.

"It's really troublesome. If one hand suddenly becomes inoperable, mother will definitely be sad, but there is always a way to get rid of this thing. After all, there are so many kinds of unparalleled things - Huh?"

Sun Quan, who had narrowly caught the black thread, was already ready to lose one of his hands. He was about to flip back from the railing with one hand. However, when he turned around, he found that the hand that was holding the railing was no longer there. Unconsciously, he let go and his whole body was falling towards the bottom of the building.

"Ah... Oops," he thought to himself, "the "black line" that can only paralyze one leg of an adult, if it is touched by a three-year-old child, will it affect the whole body?"

"Brother Quan!"

Click! !


"Hey, have you heard? There is a kid who returned home to a high official's house and fell off the boat because of his playfulness!"

"Falled into the water? As long as you can be rescued in time..."

"Where is it, below is the deck!"

"Ah, what should I do?"

"Hehe, what's next is exciting. The child's grandfather and the high-ranking official's father were already paralyzed and sleeping in a coffin, waiting to return home for burial. However, after seeing the child fall from the window, they immediately opened the coffin and got up. , broke out of the window and caught the little grandson! He landed smoothly!"


"Huh, let me tell you, my news is the closest to the truth. Go ask those people who spread rumors. Some people say that the old man was so happy that he flew around the building three times. It's nonsense."

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