The Collection of The End

Chapter 588 The Biography of Dong Zhuo (15)

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"He Jin killed Zhang Rang? Is this happening?"

Dong Zhuo took a piece of intelligence from Luoyang. After reading it repeatedly, he asked "Diao Chan" who brought the intelligence for confirmation.

"I dare not deceive you, sir." Diao Chan glanced at Dong Bai, who was eating snacks beside Dong Zhuo, and responded solemnly: "Ten days ago, the general wanted to enter the palace to meet the queen, but was blocked by Zhang Rang. The general was allowed to enter alone, but the general refused, commanding his soldiers to crash the gate, capture Zhang Rang and some of the hidden swordsmen, and kill them all in a rage."

"But from what I've seen, those ten regular servants don't look like people who would kill at the slightest opportunity. Besides, didn't the 'Sword Master' take action?" Dong Zhuo asked again.

"In fact, both sides have already made preparations to completely eliminate each other," "Diao Chan" explained: "As soon as the side door was breached, Zhang Rang's 'Sunset Bow' destroyed He Jin's 'Thunder Spear' He was shot and killed, and then cut into two pieces by the 'Flying Wind Sword' that was killed in the air at the next moment. At this time, 'Jinghun Seize Soul' wanted to sneak attack He Jin, but was trampled to death by the escort cavalry 'Ma Ta Feiyan', but the The cavalryman was immediately struck by the double powder of the 'Dragon Gate Immortal' and fell down, and then the 'Venom Bear' jumped on him..."

"Stop!" Dong Zhuo slammed the information in his hand to the ground: "I'm asking you for details just because I don't want to see these strange titles. You don't need to read the above content again. Let's talk about the key point. How did Zhang Rang die? Did the Sword Master take action?"

Those guys with strange titles are the generals He Jin and Zhang Rang, as well as the "unparalleled generals" recruited by most aristocratic families. No, saying this is too flattering to them. The "unparalleled generals" must first be a military general. Even if you have never understood Wushuang, you still need to be able to lead troops and kill enemies in battle. These are not very capable in themselves. They only rely on comprehending some slightly powerful "Wushuang" and are proud of it. They are "selling goods to the emperor's family". , calling him an "unparalleled warrior" has reached the sky.

Zhang Rang's skills were personally taught by the "Sword Master", while He Jin was just an ordinary relative. Originally, it was just because the Ling Emperor was making money and he took the opportunity to have fun, but after he took office, something went wrong and the Ling Emperor could not continue to collect money. Money, this position is stuck there, and the other three ministers and nine ministers can only stare blankly because they do not have the power to remove the general.

If He Jin could defeat Zhang Rang in a single fight, Dong Zhuo would be the first to not believe it.

"Because Zhang Rang had too few subordinates, many minions located all over Luoyang were not assembled," "Diao Chan" responded, "But He Jin seemed to know from the beginning that Zhang Rang had evil intentions and took all the people under him who could be beaten. They were all brought out. Although Zhang Rang's 'dust whisk skill' and 'heavenly net' were powerful, he was eventually outnumbered and died under the siege. As for the 'Sword Master', he never appeared during the whole process. He Jin later captured Zhang in the palace. When you let the remaining party go, use your sword energy to prevent them from approaching the emperor's palace."

"Haha, what about the other ten permanent attendants?" Dong Zhuo asked again.

"Because they discovered that the 'Sword Master' who had always been their backer had ignored them, all the remaining ten attendants who supported Liu Xie were frightened and hid near the emperor's palace and did not dare to leave. Jian Shuo was the main supporter of Liu Xie. The arguing faction sought refuge from the Queen." "Diao Chan" responded.

"Hmm... It's strange that the Sword Master doesn't help the direct descendants he cultivated?" Dong Zhuo knocked on the armrest of his chair and thought.

"This is not too surprising," Jia Xu, who was watching, said with a smile: "It's like a herdsman family raising a guard dog and a hunting dog. Now the two of them have to live and die. As the owner, you should help them. Which one?"

"Lock them all up and calm down." Dong Zhuo raised his chin towards Dong Bai, who was still eating snacks.

"..." "Diao Chan" trembled.

"So, what is the situation in Luoyang now?" Jia Xu asked proactively.

"He Jin was going around the city to clean up the remaining forces of the Shi Chang Shi, and encountered considerable resistance.

As a result, the defense of the entire Luoyang was lax, and the major families were ready to take action. "Diao Chan" responded.

"Lord, now is the time to act according to the plan." Jia Xu turned around and said.

"That's right, it's time to let those pampered guys know what true 'unparalleled' is." Dong Zhuo slapped the armrest and stood up: "Feng Xian! You can call all the Liangzhou Army at your disposal. I'll give you another month to continue." Can we be sure that the troops at Ketong Pass and Hangu Pass are approaching Luoyang City?"

"Easy as a piece of cake!" Lu Bu on the other side jumped up directly, and with the clang of armor clashing, he walked out like a dragon and a tiger: "It doesn't take a month, only half a month, my father-in-law can climb to the top of Luoyang City to view the scenery. !”

"..." Diao Chan stopped talking - at this time, the group of people in Luoyang City were all plotting against each other, preparing to seek the greatest benefits after the emperor's death. As a result, they didn't say a word and didn't discuss any conditions. Are you ready to call directly when you find an opportunity?

Can Lu Bu do whatever he wants?



At this time, the Tongguan guard general was named Zhong Yao (yao), but he was not a military general, but a scholar. This man was talented and extraordinary in appearance, but he liked to be opportunistic. If he succeeded, he would not even put himself in danger. No hesitation.

For example, when he was a child, his family was poor and he was unable to study. By chance, when he was traveling with an uncle from a wealthy family, he met a fortune teller who said that Zhong Yao had a bright future but was in trouble with water. It was obvious that he wanted to solve the problem of "water". However, after Zhong Yao thought about it, he accidentally lost his footing and fell into the water when crossing the river, thus realizing the "water disaster". The clan uncle was shocked, but at the same time he recognized the "great future". He often helped him.

At this time, Zhong Yao was already well-known throughout the state and was serving as the captain of Sili. As long as he completed his term in Tongguan, he could go to Luoyang and become an official in the court. Perhaps he had truly fulfilled the saying "the future is bright".

When he learned that the Liangzhou army was approaching the city, he was still very calm and made a calculation in his mind: with the defense of Tongguan, no army could break it quickly. He could climb the city wall before that and attack the enemy. The leader publishes an article about loyalty to duty, and then, when the city defense is about to be unable to hold up, he publishes an article about compassion for the soldiers, opening the door. In this way, the guilt of losing the city and losing the land will also be replaced by the quality of being fearless in the face of danger. Diluted by the evaluation of being loyal to the emperor and loving the people, it can be said that it kills three birds with one stone.

"Is General Lu here?" Zhong Yao glanced at the banner with the word "Lu" under the banner and raised his voice, "I have something to say. Please listen carefully, general."


A tall general in black helmet and black armor, with black and red thunder and lightning wrapped around his body, fell from the sky and made a big hole in the wall next to Zhong Yao like a meteorite.

"Tell me what? I'm here to listen." Lu Bu, who still had the slightest trace of lightning on his body, straightened up, picked up Fang Tian's painted halberd, and stared down at the stunned guard.

"I surrender..." Zhong Yao managed to salute.

Tongguan was defeated.


Hangu Pass.

Different from Tongguan, which is close to mountains and rivers, Hangu Pass is named because "the pass is in the middle of a valley and is as narrow as a letter." During the Warring States Period, the Allied Forces of the Six Nations came here and "wandered not daring to enter." The great ancestor Liu Bang also chose to take a detour to enter the pass.

However, the really dangerous terrain of the "Hanguan Ancient Road" is to the east of Hangu Pass. What the Liangzhou Army coming from the west has to face is just an ordinary checkpoint.

However, because this pass is too close to Luoyang, the soldiers on duty here are all rotated from the Luoyang City Defense Force. They will not allow anyone to pass without a pass, and there are no guards who can order the switch to perform beheadings like those at Tongguan. tactics.

Although Lu Bu could repeat his old trick of jumping into the barrier and smashing the doors, he was not interested in the fact that they were just a group of ordinary soldiers, so he commanded Hou Cheng, Song Xian, Wei Xu and Hao Meng went to attack the city and rested on the viewing platform in the camp.

"Although it is the 'final attack on the city', there are still many things that need to be paid attention to when you have to attack the city. Look, Wen Yuan..."

Here, Gao Shun is teaching Zhang Liao, who currently has no experience in sieges, relevant knowledge, such as city wall defense, siege engines, ant possession, etc. Although Zhang Liao, who likes to kill barbarians, does not seem very interested, he still listens carefully. With.

"Hey! Smash his head!" "Poke him in the ribs!" "Hit the bottom! That guy's bottom is already unstable!" "Idiot! So greedy!"

Zhang Ke and Hua Xiong, two guys whose brains are almost useless, are remotely assisting the soldiers in the siege, but their voices are useless even if they are ten times louder.

As for the other side...the generals who were in charge of the siege were positioned at the front of the general platform because they had to issue orders at any time. As a result, everyone could see that those three idiots were secretly sending their own The position moved towards Hao Meng, who was watching the battle carefully and formulating strategies. She (?) couldn't bear it and yelled, "Are you blind? I'm a man!" After that, she ran far away, and then approached her again and again.

These three guys are hopeless. Should they be thrown into some bitter cold place in Liangzhou and become city officials? Lu Bu thought irrelevantly.

"Sir, the scouts discovered that a team of about 5,000 people was trying to take a detour when we attacked Hangu Pass to attract the attention of the defenders." A messenger approached Lu Bu and reported.

"Oh? What's the banner?" Lu Bu frowned: "Could it be Niu Fu? His hands were itchy because he left him alone in Chang'an?"

"According to the scouts, they should have seen a large flag with the word 'Zang'." The messenger continued to report.

"Zang? Never heard of it." Lu Bu thought for a while and stood up directly: "Gao Shun, Zhang Liao, Hua Xiong, Zhang Ke, and other people will go with me to catch a group of little mice."

"I have the order!" "I obey the order!"

Seeing his subordinates eagerly agreeing, Lu Bu laughed and said, "Hahaha, if you want to go to Luoyang, you can, and you can pass through Hangu Pass secretly, but you dare to take advantage of the opportunity to pass when I have attracted the attention of the defenders. , then I will have to test your quality."

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