The Collection of The End

Chapter 598 The Biography of Cao Cao (29)

——AD 187——

Southeast of Luoyang, Sishui Pass.

Cao Cao finally chose to bypass Hulao Pass and march to Luoyang along the Si River.

Although there is also the reason why Hulao Pass itself is easy to defend and difficult to attack, the more important reason is that the guard general of Hulao Pass at this time was called Chunyu Qiong. When Cao Cao was appointed as the northern captain of Luoyang, he was the captain of the Xiyuan School. We have been together many times and can barely be called a "friend".

If the two armies were really facing each other, it would be fine for each to be its master. However, at this time, Cao Cao had the support of Princess Wannian, which directly changed the nature of the battle from a "state matter" to a "family matter." No matter Chunyu Qiong resisted to the end or he was released, People, it doesn’t end well.

Therefore, after he learned that Cao Cao's army was coming to the west, he drank all day long and lay drunk in the prison. It seemed that he planned to use the lighter charge of "drunk and misbehaving" to confuse the fatal "standing in line".

The "substitute" suggested that they go to the pass and pour a basin of cold water on Chunyu Qiong's pocket, but Cao Cao thought about it carefully and rejected the idea and ordered the entire army to bypass Sishui Pass.

The reason is also very simple. Chunyu Qiong is his "friend", but he will be kicked away as a stumbling block. What should the officials in Yanzhou who have just joined the country and have never even become acquaintances think?

Cao Cao was not familiar with Wang Fen, the guard at Sishui Pass, and had only heard the "substitute" mention it as a joke. He said that when he was serving in Jizhou, he and Xu You had planned to elect Ling Emperor's cousin Hefei Hou to succeed him. However, he was frightened by the Sword Master's "Three Heavenly Swords" and completely gave up on the nearly completed plan and resigned. Emperor Ling, who was still in power at that time, didn't know why, but he still felt that this person was very capable. So he was appointed as the guard general of Sishui Pass.

Then, this person who Cao Cao "could fight", after receiving the report from the spies, escaped without hesitation. Instead of fleeing to Luoyang, he directly packed up Xinruan and abandoned his official position and fled back to his hometown in Jizhou. Judging from his quick actions, he escaped Judging from it decisively, this escape plan has been prepared for a long time.

This led to Cao Cao occupying Sishui Pass without any losses. Except for the senior officials who participated in the plan, the lower-level civil and military officials admired him.

Now, since Luoyang was close at hand, in order to prevent mistakes while busy, Cao Cao ordered temporary repairs at Sishui Pass, and sent out detective horses to explore Luoyang's intelligence and formulate the next plan.


Sishui Pass, meeting hall.

"Oh, is Luoyang like this now?"

When the scouts sent to Luoyang returned their reports, the "double" also took the time to check and fill in the gaps. In this way, Cao Cao could talk to him naturally, and even asking questions about things that the scouts did not mention would not be annoying. It's strange that he still seems to be able to see the subtleties, draw inferences from one instance, and be very wise.

The original intelligence of the judge has expired. He once said that Yuan Shu was preparing to attack the palace. But at this moment, Yuan Shu had invaded the palace for the second time. He also brought the [Euphorbian Soldiers] secretly trained by the Yuan family to fight against the inexplicably crazy Lu Bu. , if Lu Bu hadn't regained consciousness later, disdained to deal with "miscellaneous fish" and left, this special force might have been completely wiped out.

And Lu Bu's arrival only means one thing, that is, the Liangzhou Army is not far away. No matter what Cao Cao's plan is, if they get involved, the chance of success will be reduced by at least 50%.

"Strange, why didn't I know they were cultivating that kind of big... uh, big cock?" Yuan Shao's focus was still different.

"It's the 'Euphorbor'," the matchmaker who knew the personalities of the Yuan brothers responded without any fluctuations in his expression: "Just like Cao Qingzhou's 'Tiger and Leopard Cavalry' is for the 'body-strengthened' generals, 'Euphorj' Shi' is used to counter the 'Musou Release' type."

"That's right," Cao Chun, the commander of the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry who also participated in the meeting, said: "No matter how special the 'unparalleled' 'unparalleled generals' are, most of them will be classified into these two categories, but,' It is difficult to achieve the effect of "unparalleled against the army" with the body strengthening type.


"...Introducing Qi into the body, refining Qi and transforming it into a spirit?" Zhang Jue, who was listening in the corner, muttered to himself, but no one except the "substitute" noticed.

"[Sun Jian seems to have kidnapped the legitimate son of the Yang family and is escaping to the southeast,]" the "substitute" said to Cao Cao: "[They have already left the center of the whirlpool, so I did not continue to follow them.]"

"Well..." Cao Cao nodded and looked at Xun Yu: "Wen Ruo, in your opinion, what should we do now?"

Earlier, after Xun Yu received Cao Cao's answer of "wanting to be Zhou Hou", Xun Yu gave Cao Cao three strategies of "upper, middle and lower".

The best strategy is to mobilize all connections to expel or control all the forces in Luoyang that influence the emperor, and control the entire city without the people of Luoyang being aware of it, returning it to "business as usual".

The middle strategy is to take advantage of the stalemate between the parties to negotiate terms with the Sword Master, directly rescue the entire royal family to Qingzhou, abandon Luoyang, and make Jinan the capital.

The next best option is to choose one of the two princes to rescue and support him if things are not harmonious, and ask Liu Nai to supervise the country for the young emperor as the eldest princess. If someone does the "unspeakable thing", you can also copy it. It is an ancient tradition to ascend the throne as Queen.

Regarding these three strategies, both "Stand-in" and Cai Wan complained to Cao Cao that "the order was completely reversed."

Cao Cao also considered this. With Xun Wenruo's wisdom, he could not fail to see that Qingzhou could only complete the "lower strategy" at present, so his purpose of deliberately proposing the upper and middle strategies was also obvious - it was to warn himself , don't have any wrong thoughts.

At this time, due to the unexpected disruption of the situation by the Liangzhou Army, the original sure-fire strategy was severely disrupted, but it was just right to throw this problem back to Xun Yu, saving him from always thinking about the "best strategy."

"It's easy." Unexpectedly, Xun Yu responded confidently: "Lü Bu's [trapped camp] is heavy infantry, and there is no way they can attack here with him. He should only bring ordinary Liangzhou soldiers and a small number of unparalleled generals." At this point, when he competes with the Sword Master, the troops he brought by besieging him with [Tiger and Leopard Cavalry] and [Euphorbian Warriors] can be defeated in one go. As for Lu Bu himself, even if he was not seriously injured by the Sword Master , being besieged by two troops targeting the 'Unparalleled General' at the same time, it is absolutely impossible to escape."

He seems to be quite familiar with Lu Bu? Well, think about it, for an "unparalleled general" who claims to be "invincible", the court must find a way to restrict him - but you use "Tiger and Leopard Cavalry" and "Euphorbian Warrior" so smoothly.

Although Cao Cao had not seen the Yuan family's special troops, he still had some sympathy for them.

Xun Yu was still talking: "As long as Lu Bu can be successfully surrounded and killed, the Liangzhou army will be leaderless, and then——"

"You will regret your idea then."

Cao Cao heard a familiar voice outside the door.

"Who is here!" "Master Cao Cao is having a meeting, I won't let you pass!"

At the same time, there were the voices of Dian Wei and Xu Chu who took the initiative to guard the door because they did not understand the content of the meeting.

An old friend? Cao Cao was about to raise his voice to let them go, but heard Dian Wei and Xu Chu change their attitudes in an instant.

"Well, yes, the lord is inside." "Come in, come in."

"[Hmm... Could it be that the Xiahou brothers are back? But they didn't recognize them in disgrace?]" the "substitute" guessed.

How thick is the gray? Cao Cao glanced at the "substitute" covertly, stood up and walked towards the door.

"Hey, my lord." A young man with a handsome face, but a bit thin figure, wearing a light blue scholar's robe, a turban, and a narrow sword hanging on his waist opened the door and walked in, fighting Cao Cao without anyone noticing. Say hello.

"Fengxiao? Why are you here now?" Before Cao Cao could start to think about it, Xun Yu spoke in surprise.

It turned out to be him... In Cao Cao's eyes, the face of the young man in front of him coincided with the face of the young man who asked him to see Xun Chen.

"We haven't seen each other for many years, but Fengxiao's demeanor is still the same. It suddenly dawned on me that this person is here -" Since the other party directly called himself the master, although the reason was unknown, Cao Cao would not show any unfamiliarity and stepped forward to hold Guo Jia's arm. Then we should lead him to his seat.

"No, no, no, Lord, I will be beaten if I drink." Guo Jia waved his hand that was not being held.

Who fights?

Cao Cao looked outside the door. After all, what Xu Chu just said was "you".

Clang, clang.

There were two collisions on the steps at the door, which seemed to be the collision of armor and stone steps.

Crawling on the ground? Before Cao Cao could think clearly, he saw a figure wearing Qingzhou standard light armor rolling in.

After Cao Cao pulled Guo Jia away, he noticed that it was a strange general. His face looked a little sinister, but because he fell into a coma and fell to the ground, he looked a little ridiculous: "Who is this?"

"His name is Huang Zu, and he wants to shoot Sun Jian and Yang Xiu." A girl's voice came from outside the door.

The door curtain opened again, and a little girl of about ten years old walked in. She was wearing a rather capable blue light armor, with a dark short velvet cape on her shoulders, and her long shawl hair was tied into a ponytail. On the other side There was a white mask in the shape of a kitten on her forehead, and she was clapping her hands at the moment. It seemed that she had just thrown the big man in.

"..." Cao Cao suddenly had a strange feeling. He felt that this little girl was his favorite daughter. He should give her whatever she wanted. He should listen to whatever she said. If someone made her unhappy, he should send out tigers. Leopard Cavalry trampled the man to pieces.

No, I don’t have a daughter, only two stupid sons. Cao Cao frowned and quickly got rid of the influence.

"[Wow! So cute! I want to hug you!]" The "substitute's" reaction was much more straightforward. He opened his arms and rushed over.

Crack. "[Ouch!]"

With some illusory breaking sound, the "substitute" hit an invisible wall and squatted down, covering his head, while the little girl didn't stop clapping her hands.

"Cough!!" Everyone in the tent had the same reaction, except for Xun Yu who had an expression of "that's it again", so Cao Cao coughed heavily to wake them up: "Fengxiao, who is this?"

"My sister..." Guo Jia turned to look at the little girl: "Huan'er?"

"The lord who has met my brother." The girl raised her hand and pulled down the cat-face mask, and the strange feeling that made Cao Cao always want to treat her as his daughter disappeared, making him feel a little disappointed.

"According to Wen Ruo's plan, my lord, you are probably dead," Guo Jia in turn led Cao Cao to sit down: "Although our brothers and sisters brought a lot of information this time, let me give you a few words."

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