The Collection of The End

Chapter 612 The Biography of Cao Cao (32)

——AD 187——

Luoyang East Gate.

Several large flags with the Chinese character Cao were slowly unfolded.

The silent black-armored knights [Tiger and Leopard Riders] were filing in from the wide-open city gate. Under the leadership of some soldiers, chiefs, and corps commanders who could not tell the difference in armor, they marched without any confusion. Go to the streets and capture them.

The streets and alleys that are not suitable for heavy armored cavalry are controlled by the Qingzhou soldiers wearing dark blue medium and light armor who follow them.

Cao Chun, the commander of the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry, was at the front of the team, Zhang Jue and the "Qingzhou Taiping Road" were walking behind with some water tanks, and Cao Cao and other generals were in the middle of the team.

During the march of the army, it could be seen that some servants were patrolling the gates of the manors of some nobles and wealthy households. However, after seeing this, they immediately rushed in and closed the gates tightly.

Perhaps because the courtiers and nobles had already greeted them in advance, and their duty was to deal with those stubborn people who wanted to stop the Qingzhou Army's actions, the "Euphorbian Soldiers" affiliated with Yuan Shu had no chance to take action.

"The owner of this kind of manor will not often stay in this kind of manor. If necessary, he can break the door and recruit servants to guard the courtyard or strengthen the courtyard wall to serve as a defense and attack base. If there are insufficient manpower inside, it means that there are sufficient supplies. The materials can be used as a supply base." Guo Jia pointed to them while riding a thin horse, which made the servants more determined to close the door and not dare to move rashly.

"Feng Xiao, there is no need for you to participate in this operation." Cao Cao rode a black horse alongside him, with a slight look of disapproval on his face: "The plan has been decided, just stay in the rear with Wen Ruo, evil Lai and Zhongkang are enough to protect me."

"Of course!" Dian Wei in front responded.

"I will protect Lord Cao Cao!" Xu Chu, who was a few horses behind, also responded.

"[And me~ And me~]" The substitute's voice came out of thin air. Of course, only Cao Cao could hear it.

"If the eldest lady of the Cai family had not left, I could have done that," Guo Jia shook his head: "But just as she was chasing Wenji away, Liu Bei suddenly acted, which makes people suspect that it was part of a plan. Therefore, I, or my sister-in-law, must protect the lord, so that I can feel completely at ease."

Little girl Guo Huan... Cao Cao's eyes turned to the carriage behind. It was originally the carriage of the Cai family sisters. At this time, it belonged to Princess Liu Nai of Wannian. She seemed not to be aware of the danger contained in the little girl, so she and her They were talking and laughing freely, while Yuan Shao was kicked out to drive the carriage.

The so-called dangers were naturally not limited to what Guo Jia took the initiative to say. Cao Cao was very convinced that since the little girl had hardly touched her, even Guo Jia did not have enough understanding of her "unparalleled" abilities.

For example, when her dark eyes looked at Cao Cao, Cao Cao had a strange intuition that "if she wants to, she can kill herself with a needle."

If Dong Zhuo really has a powerful character like her, this trip cannot be said to be a sure win.

Even if you fill in all the "Tiger and Leopard Cavalry" and "Euphorian Warriors", it won't work.

"If you think this is the right thing to do, then I will have no objection," Cao Cao finally nodded.

Although he is not as accurate as Xu Shaoguan, Cao Cao can be sure that Xun Yu and Guo Jia are both rare counselors and wise men in the world. Previously, Xun Yu made some mistakes due to accident, but Guo Jia pointed out and made up for it. I will no longer express any opinions on the trip to Luoyang. If I correct or question Guo Jia again, where will I put Xun Wenruo?

"However," Cao Cao added: "I have my own way of protecting myself. If I encounter unexpected danger, I will ask her to protect Benchu ​​and the princess."

"I think so too." Guo Jia nodded.

There was no need to mention Guo Jia's own safety. The little girl looked worried that Guo Jia would die at any time.

She knew that no matter what anyone said, she would put her brother first.

So, next,

According to Guo Jia's speculation, after realizing that Liu Bei had taken the initiative, Lu Bu would definitely order the entire army to attack and control Luoyang, and he himself would use the weird move of rushing at high speed and destroying everything along the way.

At that time, it will be divided into high-level duels within the imperial city and ordinary battlefields in the outer city. This will give the Qingzhou Army, which has the advantage of ordinary soldiers, and various courtiers and families an opportunity to take away the second prince Liu Xie. The success rate of successful escape increased by nearly 50%.

Boom boom boom——

As if to verify Cao Cao's conjecture, a loud roar mixed with thunder came from the distance in the west. However, due to the terrain and angle, Cao Cao could not see what was happening from his position at this time.

"[Partner, you must not guess what I saw - that Lu Bu turned into a huge black dragon wrapped with red thunder and lightning and charged towards the palace. Specifically, it looked very much like the one we met when we were children.]" The presence of the "substitute" disappeared for a moment, and when he returned he shouted with an exaggerated attitude.

Is that guy Zuo Ci here again?


Luoyang is west of Luoyang.

"Oh? Oh! Hahahaha!"

Lu Bu held Fang Tian's painted halberd forward with one hand, and his whole body rushed towards the palace like an arrow from the string.

And around him, there were layers of thunder and lightning that were constantly surging, mixed with pitch black and bright red, and looked like liquid. These thunder and lightning combined and clung to each other, and finally formed an unusually large lightning that looked like legends and pictures. An aggregation of thunder and lightning like the "dragon" depicted in .

In addition to the unceasing thunder, Lu Bu's wild laughter was coming from inside, making this "Thunder Dragon" even more terrifying and weird.

Wherever it passed, ordinary wooden houses collapsed, and the masonry structures could not last more than two or three breaths. Fortunately, although the black dragon was fast, it still left some time for people to escape.

"Hey~ Got it~"

Due to the influence of the thunder dragon's passage, the "Zhao Yun Phantom" that had been avoiding Cai Wenji finally had to solidify, and then the girl grabbed her arm.

"Brother Yun, you-" "Let go of my junior brother!"

Cai Yan tilted his head, and then he realized that Zhao Yun's other arm was being held by a woman wearing a goose yellow and rose red dress, holding an apricot flag in one hand, and she was looking at him menacingly.

"Who are you? What's your relationship with Brother Yun?" Wen Ji's eyes widened and she showed a bit of Zhen Ji's aura: "Why do you want to hold his hand?"

"My name is Zhang Jie, and I am his senior sister..." The woman answered halfway, then suddenly reacted and said angrily: "Why should I tell you!"

"Hello, Senior Sister," Cai Wenji used the title directly, and then continued: "I am Brother Yun's fiancée who has not yet been engaged."

"What a ghost!" Zhang Jie said angrily: "If you don't have an engagement, doesn't it matter? That's what you think unilaterally!"

"Wait a minute...this matter is not important..." Zhao Yun's hands were both held, and he shook them secretly a few times to no avail. He did not dare to use force to break away, so he had to try to break up the fight.

"This matter is very important!" "There is nothing more important!" The two girls stared at him together.

"Okay, okay, you continue." Zhao Yun remained silent helplessly.

"The ancients said, 'A fair lady, a gentleman loves to chase', that is to say, as a lady, you should pursue a gentleman when you see him!" Cai Wenji continued what she said before.

"You're talking nonsense! That's not what it means!" Zhang Jie stared, with an expression like "Although I haven't read much, don't try to lie to me."

"There are also words at the end, 'A fair lady, a long-awaited one, a friend of the harp and a harp, a music of bells and drums.' That is to say, if you want to pursue a gentleman, you have to think about it day and night, and practice a variety of musical instruments." Cai Wenji raised her hand. The harp on the instrument plays a few notes: "I have the zither, what about you?"

"I have one too!" Zhang Jie waved the apricot-yellow flag, summoned a translucent drum from the void, and banged it several times: "How about the bell and drum?"

"..." Zhao Yun looked at a loss for words.

"Humph, it seems that you have been prepared for a long time, so let's see the real seal in your hands!" Cai Wenji shouted: "The ancients said, 'A gentleman talks but never touches'. That is to say, when we ladies have conflicts, we should fight with hands rather than with hands. Use your words!"

"Ha! That's what I meant!" Zhang Jie responded.

The two girls threw away Zhao Yun's arms at the same time, each holding the harp and apricot flag and walked a few steps away.


One of the two used his harp to stir up gusts of wind blades, while the other summoned pieces of suspended amber-like fragments to fight against them.

Although Zhao Yun could take the opportunity to slip away at this time, he had to stay to prevent the two little girls from really fighting.

"I especially want to know who taught her the meaning of these lines of poetry..." Zhao Yun said to himself.

"What's wrong with me?" Cai Wan dropped from the sky holding a shining harp that was about three times larger than Cai Yan's hand and glanced at Zhao Yun.

"No...not at all." Zhao Yun shook his head quickly.

"Oh, you don't have it, but I have it," Cai Wan said: "I don't care how you travel around, and I don't ask you what you are doing in Luoyang now. You only need to answer one or two words: Will you hinder Cao Mengde?" Plan? Don’t say you don’t know his plan.”

"No, no. In fact, his plan is quite complementary to mine." Zhao Yun responded. Before Cai Wan was about to say anything, he added: "However, to achieve my plan, I cannot join Any force."

"Then, I will assume that you will remain neutral in this big drama in Luoyang," Cai Wan said: "You just watch the two girls here, and as for your original work, I will do it for you - is it to save Lu Bu from being killed?" Are there any injuries caused by this chaos?"

"Wait-" Before Zhao Yun could say anything, Cai Wan instantly disappeared from the place and triggered a series of sonic booms.

"Alas..." Zhao Yun sighed softly, as if he heard something again, and sighed again: "Alas! If you want to laugh, just laugh..."

Beside him, there seemed to be a shadow of a narrow boat passing by.

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