The Collection of The End

Chapter 617 Biography of Sun Jian (20)

——AD 187——

Yangzhou, Wu County.

After being attacked while passing through Jingzhou, Sun Jian and his party fled towards Yangzhou without stopping like frightened birds.

Although Yang Xiu was quite concerned about the person who helped them and captured the leader of the strange marksman team halfway, he did not have time to investigate in detail at that time.

It later proved that although the ambush was extremely precise and to the point, it was not deliberately planned by Liu Biao, and other Jingzhou cities passing along the way did not respond to them in any way.

As for Yuzhou on the other side of the escape route, although the Yuan family and the Cao family were divided into east and west, their contemporary speakers Yuan Shao and Cao Cao were close, and there was no daggers drawn between common conflicting forces. Therefore, Sun Jian's team passed through Almost unimpeded.

In addition, something strange is that these two families seem to be mobilizing heavy troops towards Luoyang in the northwest, as if they are going to fight a big war. Perhaps the situation in Luoyang has changed dramatically after the Jade Seal of the State was taken away?

However, Sun Jian and his generals do not care about these matters and have no time to care about them. It is more serious to bring the young master - oh, he can be called the lord now - back to his hometown in Jiangdong as soon as possible.

Cross Shouchun, cross the Feishui River, pass through Hefei, cross Chaohu Lake, cross the Yangtze River, pass through Danyang, and finally go down the Zhejiang River directly to Fuchun, Wu County.

In Cheng Pu's words, he had never run so fast in his life.

Sun Jian was originally a little uneasy about not returning to Xiapi, but he breathed a sigh of relief when he heard from the scouts that his friend Zhou Yi had brought their family members, as well as the Zhuge family and Qiao Xuan family back to Jiangdong.

"Wait? Which Qiao Xuan?"


Fuchun, Sun's old house.

There is a saying that "if wealth does not return to its hometown, it will be like walking at night in brocade clothes." However, if you lose all your money, you will have to return to your hometown honestly. But based on what Sun Jian has gained now, a Yang Xiu and a piece of national jade seal. , it is difficult to draw a conclusion whether it is considered rich or lost.

"Sun Wentai is young and promising, and is truly a pillar of the Han Dynasty."

"Wherever, Qiao Yuanshan has wiped out many foreign invaders, and he can be called a champion in the world."

In the main hall of the mansion, his father Sun Zhong and Qiao Xuan, the former third prince, complimented each other, which made Sun Jian quite embarrassed.

However, seeing the two girls taking care of Mr. Qiao on the left and the right, as well as the eyes of his son and his playmates looking at them, Sun Jian didn't seem to say anything.

Things like young Mu Shaoai may be considered secretive by themselves, but in the eyes of adults, it cannot be more obvious. If adults pretend not to notice, it is only possible that they intentionally facilitated it, or they already knew about the relationship between the two. Destined but not destined - and the situation at this time is obviously the former.

Sun Jian heard from a few words that although Mr. Qiao Xuanqiao was disappointed with the imperial court at this time, he still hoped that the Han Dynasty could continue. Therefore, he did not dare to take out the [Jade Seal] in his arms for discussion. He had to get it. Only after the father has finished communicating with them and gets along with them privately can they be taken out for further reference.

Unable to interrupt, Sun Jian tried to move his seat and moved closer to Mr. Qiao's son, Qiao Feng, ready to chat with his peer.

"I heard that you left your wife and children in your hometown and went out alone for three years. Have you ever felt guilty?" Unexpectedly, Qiao Feng turned to him coldly and asked.

Could it be that he recognized Ronger? impossible……

"My wife learned about this when I had an exchange with my wife. Although my wife was not too resentful, my wife was quite unhappy and wanted me to find an opportunity to teach you a lesson." Qiao Feng looked at Sun Jian with bright eyes. .

That madam, you are too lenient! Sun Jian wailed in his heart.

"Brother Qiao told this matter, he must have made a decision..." The corners of his mouth twitched, and Sun Wentai still reluctantly answered.

"If you are a dishonest person, you will inevitably be palmed by Qiao Feng," Qiao Feng said, "However, Qiao can see that you are a hero in this world..."

Has this been revealed? Sun Jian made a guess in his mind.

"——You can decide for yourself whether you want to compete with fists, weapons or formations."



The ancestral land of the Sun family is a martial arts arena.

It is said by all the servants of the Sun family that after Sun Wentai returned from Luoyang after traveling thousands of miles, he took the initiative to challenge Qiao Feng, the head of the Qiao family, with bare hands, weapons, and fighting formations all in one go. He was a hero among the doctors of the Sun family.

After Yang Xiu heard about it, he just curled his lips and said, "He was tricked again."

Although he recognized Sun Jian as his lord, because he was still young, apart from himself, only Sun Jian and several family generals who had shared hardships took him seriously. Compared with Zhou Tai, who was treated seriously, he was completely regarded as Sun Jian's casual The rescued child.

However, precisely because he was not taken seriously, not many people paid attention to his forcible removal of Sun Ce and Zhou Yu from the martial arts arena. At most, they regarded it as a child's play.

"Hey, kid, if you weren't the guest invited by my father and you seemed to be hitting me hard, I would have gone crazy." Sun Ce turned his arm and said impatiently, "What's the matter?"

Zhou Yu frowned slightly, but said nothing. After all, with Zhuge Liang in front of him, it would not be surprising for another genius child to appear.

"Both Xiaozi Guan are heroes of the world -" Yang Xiu directly quoted the exact words.

"Want to fight? Count me in!" Sun Ce became slightly more interested.

"No, what you are saying is, why do you two show your admiration so obviously? Is it part of some kind of plan?" Yang Xiu pointed at them, and then pointed at Xiao Qiao who was watching the battle with Qiao Xuan on the martial arts field. the sister asked.

"Huh?" "Huh?"

Sun Ce and Zhou Yu were stunned at the same time, and then fell into deep thought.

Could it be that these two people didn't even notice such a simple thing? Yang Xiu was slightly surprised.

"No, this is wrong," Sun Ce was the first to react: "I'm not admiring you, I'm..."

yes? Yang Xiu looked at him.

"I just want her to touch my head or chin and say 'so good, so good'!" Sun Ce replied decisively.

Are you a dog! Yang Xiu held his forehead, feeling deeply that he shouldn't have come here to ask this question.

"Oh, is that true of you?" Zhou Yu didn't question it, but just continued: "I hope she can keep singing for me, and I can listen quietly all day long."

You’re happy to hear that! Have you thought about the girl’s family? Sing all day long! Yang Xiu suddenly felt that he was a fool, and turned around angrily to leave.

"Hey, don't leave."

As soon as Yang Xiu turned around, Sun Ce and Zhou Yu held down his shoulders.

"We're done, what about you?"

Now they suddenly became smarter! I really shouldn't have come to them!

"Ah, we won't ask you how you want to get along with the woman you like."

"You just have to answer who you like,

"Or whatever it is."

"If you don't tell,"

"We'll beat you until your face is full of peach blossoms,"

"Let me show you why the flowers are so red."

Why are you so skilled! How many times have you threatened others like this?

Yang Xiu almost collapsed and his mind was spinning rapidly.

No, no, I don’t have a favorite woman, not even a type, but if I don’t answer, I obviously won’t be able to pass the test. How about using my favorite food instead? Just do it.

"Chicken, tasteless!" Yang Xiu said.

"Huh?" Sun Ce and Zhou Yu stared at him.

"I mean, when I eat chicken, I don't like to eat the head, ribs and claws," Yang Xiu said quickly: "I like women who like to eat these parts!"

"Normal." "Common."

Sun Ce and Zhou Yu let go of Yang Xiu and turned to leave.

I will never give you any advice in the future!


Sun's old house, near the guest room.

Sun Quan was not interested in this kind of socializing between adults. He found an opportunity to sneak out and was going to play with Zhuge Liang. Of course, Sun Shangxiang also followed.

Sun Quan's intuition told him that this boy who looked about the same age as himself had an unusual origin.

He said that no one would call him "precociously wise", but what does it mean when he calls himself "so wise that he is almost a monster"?

"Shui Jing has met Mr. Zhuge, and I brought Mr. Pang De's greetings."

When Sun Quan was about to kick in the door and break into Zhuge Liang's yard, he suddenly heard a girl's voice coming from the door.

Girls? Mr. Pang De? Zhuge "Mr."?

Sun Quan forcefully withdrew his kick from kicking the door, and then made a silent gesture to his sister behind him who was about to ask a question.

Sun Shangxiang also imitated the comparison in a decent manner.

Sun Quan looked around, then climbed lightly onto a pile of boxes beside the wall. He pulled his sister up as well, and the two of them looked into the yard together.

I saw the short-handed Zhuge Liang sitting on the stone table in the courtyard playing with his small columns known as the "Eight Stone Formations". In front of the stone table stood a man wearing a white-on-black martial arts uniform. A short-haired girl with a somewhat concerning wooden sword on her waist.

"I said, are you really going to let me, a four-year-old child, help?" Zhuge Liang looked in the direction of Sun Quan, then turned to the girl and said, "Even if there is no problem in terms of intelligence, if you don't have enough strength, you won't be able to help with many things. I’m busy.”

Does he claim that "wisdom is not a problem" anymore? This is even more arrogant than me claiming to be "precocious".

Sun Quan cursed and glanced at his sister next to him. As expected, she looked like she thought this was fun and didn't listen to the conversation at all.

"Master just wants to ask Mr. Zhuge to watch some real-time pictures." The girl said, and took off the wooden sword from her waist.

"Oh? Please."

Chacha chichi——

The girl stepped forward and swung her sword, and instantly cut out a large "well" in the air in front of her. Then, the word "口" fell off, and began to reflect a scene that was different from the scene in the small courtyard and was clearly located somewhere else.

"Oh, this 'Water Mirror Technique' is really special." Zhuge Liang said and sat upright.

Sun Quan looked intently and saw that what appeared in the picture seemed to be a magnificent palace complex. The "well mouth" was located at the same level as the eaves of the palace. It could be clearly seen that there was a huge black dragon and a dragon in mid-air. Great gray swords are fighting.

At the bottom of the picture, there are some strange people: a woman with long hair and black clothes and carrying a pair of black and white swords, a tall, dark-skinned man, and a little girl in a black skirt, who is wearing a slightly black robe. The Taoist and two Taoist boys pushed a man dressed as an emperor away on a cart.

"This is……"

Before Sun Quan could see what was going on, he heard Sun Shangxiang shouting in surprise from beside him:


Strong man? Taoist?

I don't agree with this marriage!

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