The Collection of The End

Chapter 622 Green Dragon Ascends


North of Luoyang.

"Strange..." Liu Bei retracted his gaze from the distance over the West Garden and continued to push the cart carrying the emperor northward.

In his perception, the continuous "warmth" from the Sword Master was suddenly interrupted. You must know that even if someone suddenly changes from kindness to malice towards him, there will still be some "tail" of kindness.

Liu Bei had only experienced such an abrupt interruption in some elderly people who were about to die, and the sword master obviously just used a powerful sword skill. Why did this result occur?

"I heard Wang Qing say, 'Instead of attacking everywhere, it is better to accomplish the result in one battle.'" The still weak emperor replied while leaning on the car and taking the "elixir of death".

After learning about the efficacy of the elixir created by Xiahou Ji, the emperor was not disappointed at all. He asked about the practical amount needed every day and "the more you eat, the more you can accumulate", and then he started eating non-stop.

Liu Bei made a rough calculation. If the emperor could maintain this pace and eat one and a half days a day, then he could rest for two days every five days, just like ministers and officials "take baths and visit relatives for one day every five days." Same, even an extra day.

At that time, Xiahou Ji asked Zhang Fei to make about three days' worth of "elixir of immortality", so there would be no problem in taking the emperor away from Sili, and impatiens flowers were not a rare thing, and supplies of materials could be found at any time on the road.

Even if the supply is cut off for some reason... the emperor is just in a coma, not dying, right?


"Hmm..." Xia Houji, who was sitting on Zhang Fei's shoulder, raised the rabbit and gestured to the sky: "That bad old man seems to be summoning the four elephants, seven stars and twenty-eight constellations."

Hearing this, Ge Xuan laughed and said: "Haha, although the sword master's sword is called 'Seven Stars', he himself has no interest in astronomy and stars. When the old Taoist occasionally explained it to him, he was called 'the frog in the well' and 'the mouse's short-sighted'. Apart from the sword in his hand, there is probably nothing else that can catch his eye."

"That means he wants to cut off the 'road to ascension'." The little girl nodded particularly confidently.

"No, no, the 'Stairway to Heaven' has been broken for a long time, unless..." Ge Xuan looked at Liu Bei who was pulling the cart and the emperor who was eating hard, and said no more.

"Strange... Could it be that I remembered it wrong?" The little girl tilted her head as if thinking.

"How old are you? Today is the first time you see the Sword Master. How can you remember..." Ge Xuan shook his head and didn't care.


"Is the great virtue here?"

When a group of people walked past a mural depicting wheat fields and farmhouses, suddenly a young Taoist priest with upturned hair, wearing gray and white Taoist robes, and a slightly fairy-like spirit jumped out of the "farmhouse". There were black circles under his eyes, as if he had been beaten by someone.

"Chief Zuo?" Liu Bei was quite surprised.

This weird Taoist who kept claiming that he was a "great virtue" who "revived the Han Dynasty" dared to appear in front of the emperor?

Although I don't agree with his title, it doesn't mean that the emperor doesn't care.

The emperor was still taking his elixir and ignored Zuo Ci. On the contrary, Ge Xuan reacted greatly and took a step forward to prostrate himself: "Master!"

"Hey~ I can't afford to bow down to you as a national master," Zuo Ci waved his fly whisk, and Ge Xuan couldn't bow down anymore, so he had to make a normal bow.

Are they actually in a master-disciple relationship? And is it the opposite of what it looks like? Liu Bei was surprised again.

"Since the great virtue is here, things will be simple." Zuo Ci ignored the emperor, who was also concentrating on taking medicine, as if he didn't see him and everyone's reaction at all: "In the next hour, Before entering or leaving Luoyang, the great virtue must accompany the emperor and never leave."

"What's the matter?" Liu Bei asked quickly when he saw Zuo Ci seemed to be leaving.

"When Xiaosheng was playing chess with him, many dragons were sent into Luoyang. Unexpectedly, he directly overturned the chessboard." Zuo Ci nodded to Liu Bei, flicked the whisk and turned away, leaving only the lingering sound: "In' Until the master of the chess hall comes to find him, it's better for Xiaosheng to stay away from the enemy for a while."

What chess?


Although the process was a bit strange, the result was consistent with Liu Bei's plan.

That is: order a large force to contain and occupy part of the territory, open up the northern road, and leave directly after picking up the emperor.

Even if the other forces who came to Luoyang at this time speculated, they could not have imagined that they planned to take the emperor away and move the capital to Youzhou.

This place of Sili is long and narrow in its east-west direction, and borders the states of Liang, Bing, You, Yan, Jing, and Yi. When the country was strong, it might still be able to be regarded as "awe-inspiring in all directions." However, at this time, the imperial power was declining, and all parties The princes all have their own plans, so it would be unwise for the royal family to remain in this battleground for military strategists.

However, this reason cannot be made public, even if everyone in the Thirteen States of the Han Dynasty knows it.

If we were to choose a specific slogan, it would be: [The emperor guards the country, the king dies for the country] That’s it.

Seeing that he was about to arrive at the stronghold occupied by the "Baibo Taiping Road" in the north of Luoyang, Liu Bei thought so.


"Shijun Liu."

Zhang He and Gao Lan led people to welcome Liu Bei and his party. Since Liu Bei had already told him his plan in advance, they brought back to Liu Bei an old Taoist, two Taoist boys, and a man who looked like an emperor but kept eating dirt. The man showed no surprise.

They immediately ordered their soldiers to relocate several people and made arrangements for subsequent evacuation from Luoyang.

"Previously, the Qingzhou Army's 'Tiger and Leopard Cavalry' detachment was misled by the Liangzhou generals and rushed into our army's camp. They were trapped by the Taoist techniques of the generals. However, a little later, someone from the other side came and asked for reconciliation. In order to avoid complications, After discussing with Yang Feng, Guo Tai and other commanders, we released them."

When telling this information, both of them looked a little unhappy.

From Liu Bei's point of view, Zhang He seemed to be dissatisfied with the lack of a gorgeous battle, while Gao Lan seemed to be dissatisfied with a perfect sneak attack opportunity but failed to do so.

"Where are the two commanders? Bei wants to talk to them." Liu Bei said.

They were recruited to Luoyang on the grounds of "clearing the emperor's side" and "taking care of the ten permanent servants", but found that the intended enemy had fallen apart and really needed to be appeased.


The sky suddenly turned dark again.

"Hey, is this 'Sword Master' not finished yet?" Zhang Fei scratched his head: "As long as he starts fighting with others, will the entire state have to light torches?"

"No..." Liu Bei looked at the dark sky seriously.

Just now, the "warmth" from the Sword Master reappeared, but this time it came from the extremely high zenith. Although Liu Bei couldn't see anything when he looked up, he was very sure that the Sword Master Wang Yue was there.


Accompanied by a buzzing sound that made the surrounding space tremble, a golden halo suddenly appeared in the dark sky. It may not be a small corner compared to the entire sky, but the giant light pillar projected down by it. The light spot completely enveloped the entire Luoyang City and a large area around it.

When Liu Bei was still thinking about what this meant, he felt his body sink. He, Zhang Fei and Xiahou Ji were fine, but Gao Lan and Zhang He knelt down directly. The surrounding Baibo Taiping Road and Bai Er pretending to be them The soldiers and white horse followers fell to the ground involuntarily.

The emperor, who had already left a certain distance, and Ge Xuan and the two Taoist boys who were accompanying him, were completely unaware. They were looking at the soldiers who suddenly fell to the ground with surprised expressions.

Tsk, that's it. Liu Bei quickly thought through the whole story. The sword master wanted to "complete his achievements in one battle", so he deliberately put all the princes into Luoyang. He planned to use an unparalleled move to eliminate the target he selected. Everyone outside will be wiped out. By then, Luoyang will be destroyed and Sili will be completely deserted. The capital must be moved in the first place. To him, his proposal is completely sleepy and meets the pillow - maybe it is because he has such a plan. , the clothing edict will be handed over to him.

Choking - when Liu Bei's thoughts turned to "what kind of move will it be?", in the southeast and northwest directions of the light pillar, there was a huge monster slowly descending. No, for people with a little knowledge of mythology, they Neither can be called a "monster".

Green Dragon, White Tiger, Suzaku, Xuanwu.

Four sacred beasts.

Because they are so huge, even if they "slowly" descend, they will still drop enough to completely cover the sky in a moment. And right above Liu Bei and others is the green "green dragon". Opening its huge mouth, it seemed to be preparing to exhale a large-scale destructive breath in this direction.

"Jiaomu Jiao! Kang Jinlong! Do you two want to die?" In this situation, only Xiahou Ji could curse without scruples: "Believe it or not, I asked my husband to lead 80,000 sailors to demolish it. Your bullfighting palace!”

"..." Qinglong seemed to hesitate for a moment because of her righteousness, but it was only a moment, and the green light in his mouth continued to gather without hesitation.

"I am well versed in astronomy, stars, and even related legends, but I have never heard of these stars as she calls them." Because Ge Xuan was not affected by coercion, he still had time to do academic research.

The emperor who was constantly taking the "elixir" should be immune to this breath, but the range was too small. Liu Bei made this judgment after looking at the number of unaffected soldiers around the emperor.

Although there is enough time to rush over and take refuge, the other soldiers are dead. If Bodhisattva... no, Sword Master reveals such a big thing, she must be busy with other more important things, so don't cause trouble if you can. .

In the flash of lightning, Liu Bei suddenly took out the "Edict on Clothes and Belts" from his arms. If the emperor's statement that "seeing this edict is as if I were personally present" is correct, it should be completely unaffected by this attack.


Liu Bei suddenly threw the "Belt Edict" high into the sky, and then used his black and white swords to create a cross sword energy and push it towards the Qinglong's mouth.


From the corner of Liu Bei's eye, he saw a "well"-shaped crack appearing in the void beside him. The next moment, a little girl broke through the "mouth" and jumped out.

She just turned around in the air and turned into the "Luo Shen" she had seen before.

"[That can't be stopped! Husband!]" she shouted.

Can't stop it? Huh? Husband? "Luo Shen" called me?

Liu Bei was confused for a moment. As soon as his hand stopped, the sword energy that pushed the "Edict on Clothes and Belts" disappeared.

"[——!]" The "Luoshen" seemed to shout something, and then a shield of flowing water that could cover the entire northern part of Luoyang suddenly rose.

The next moment, the breath of the green dragon came overwhelmingly.

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