The Collection of The End

Chapter 625 Suzaku Burns the Sky



Cao Cao looked up at the western sky, which was instantly darkened by the sound of the Sword Master reciting poetry, and Lu Bu, who hesitated for a moment and then started fighting with the uncontrolled giant sword again, and frowned slightly.

At this time, all forces gathered in Luoyang. While acting unscrupulously, they also adhered to a principle, that is, "never attempt to overthrow the imperial power or harm the emperor" because this is the bottom line for the "Sword Master" to kill people with his sword.

After the Zhu family tried out this bottom line through many lives, they all acted in a manner that was close to it, and finally the political situation in Luoyang became like this.

But, is that bottom line really the “bottom line”?

Who can guarantee that there is no "line" that can be cut or not cut? The day everyone reaches this line is when the Sword Master uses his own will to turn the "uncut" into "can be cut".

"[Partners, take everyone eastward to evacuate the palace immediately. If it's too late, all leave Luoyang.]" The "substitute" seemed to have seen more things than Cao Cao, and looked a little anxious: "[That old Sword Master, actually Played a big game.】"

"We have to leave as soon as possible. Ben Chu, Yuan Jia, take the royal concubine and the second prince, An Min, and organize these guards and palace people. If evil comes, you will carry Feng Xiao." Cao Cao quickly formulated a plan and immediately assigned it for execution. .

The imperial concubine Wang Rong did not resist Cao Cao when he came to Weiyang Palace and wanted to take her away. It was obvious that she had thought clearly about the situation at this time. Unlike the queen who had the support of her relatives, she was just a bargaining chip for the courtiers to fight against their relatives. According to The current situation in Luoyang will not change if she stays, and the possibility of her son ascending the throne is even smaller. In this case, it is better to follow Cao Cao. With Liu Nai here, at least one prince cannot escape, and this Wanwan Princess Nian hates the Queen's faction extremely, so relatively speaking she will be kinder to her.

As for the guards and palace guards, most of them were courtiers and nobles from all over the world who came to protect Wang Rong. They were not united and could not be used. But at least they could protect their mother and son from being taken advantage of by people from the queen's side. When facing Cao Cao, who is now the de facto "head of the courtiers", they will still obey orders, and Cao Anmin, who was the former guard of the east gate, is the best person to command them.

In addition, letting Dian Wei carry Guo Jia is also a reasonable arrangement. After all, Cai Wenji has grown into a big girl and is not suitable to continue sitting on Dian Wei's shoulders all day long, but Dian Wei's ability to resist others has not fallen behind, and, Judging from Guo Jia's slender figure, whether he has Cai Yanzhong or not is still a question.

Finally, there is the little girl Guo Huan. She doesn’t need special care. Just looking at her elusive movement, she knows that she doesn’t need to worry about speed. Moreover, even if she is given orders, she probably won’t listen. Guo Jia even has to respond. Come and listen to her.


After a period of hectic but efficient arrangements and command, Cao Cao and the original troops of Weiyang Palace had packed up and began to move quickly towards the east gate.

At this time, in the western sky, Lu Bu regained the upper hand after suffering several losses because he was accustomed to the fighting style of the flying sword. However, the "substitute" did not feel relaxed because of this, but instead became more and more anxious for unknown reasons.

"Fengxiao, what do you think?" Cao Cao didn't think it was anything, so he asked Guo Jia.

"Evil's shoulders are quite comfortable...just kidding," Guo Jia said with a smile: "Seriously, I can confirm that the sword master has not made any plans, so the lord does not have to worry about a group of people suddenly coming out from the front and shouting "I've been waiting for a long time."

"I'm not worried about this." Cao Cao wanted to laugh, but when he saw the confused "stand-in" who still looked serious and even distressed, he gave up the move: "If Fengxiao said it, didn't the Sword Master intend to Using force to overcome skill?"

"How is it possible? There are millions of civilians in Luoyang.

How can he tell? "Guo Jia paused mid-sentence: "Unless..."

"[——Unless he plans to kill them all.]" "Substitute" continued the next sentence.

"This..." Cao Cao was stunned.

Massacres of cities have been practiced since ancient times, but most of them were the attackers retaliating for excessive casualties, or the entire defenders refused to surrender, resulting in a de facto massacre. But to massacre a huge city with the power of one person? The traces of his blood may not be eliminated even if they stretch for thousands of miles.

"Huan'er!" After Guo Jia came to this conclusion, he frowned for a moment, suddenly jumped off Dian Wei's shoulder, and called for his sister.

"Brother's lord," Guo Huan appeared in response, but it was not in front of Guo Jia, but beside Cao Cao. The little girl stared at Cao Cao, with a hint of anxiety on her expressionless face, and said: "Quickly give the order to stop it. elder brother."


Cao Cao had not yet understood the meaning of these words, but he felt something was wrong in his heart. It seemed that Guo Jia was preparing to do something that would put him in crisis, so he directly stopped him and said: "Fengxiao! I order you not to take any action!" "

"Haha! My brother has long asked you to learn how to express yourself, but you didn't listen." Guo Jia laughed twice. His hands and feet really didn't move, but he said: "[Sword Master's move will definitely fail!]"



The golden halo and light beams penetrated the sky and the earth, and the four sacred beasts descending from the sky were powerful in all directions. Their pressure caused the palace and the guards as well as Cao Anmin to lie down on the ground. Although they were conscious, they were completely unable to move.

The imperial concubine Wang Rong hugged the unconscious Liu Xie and trembled slightly. Liu Nai frowned and looked at the sky, and by the way, he pulled Yuan Shao, who was also unaffected, to his side.

"Oh oh oh - open!" A strange, golden "flame" appeared around Dian Wei, and this "flame" was constantly being suppressed by some invisible thing, and he opened his mouth to shout and encourage The golden flames tried to push it away, but overall they were still in a stalemate.

Cao Cao and Guo Jia, on the other hand, froze in place with strange postures.

——? ? :? ? ——

This is where? Cao Cao frowned and looked around.

This place looks like a calm sea, but the water is as black as ink. As far as the eye can see, there are no islands or ships except for the boundary between sea and sky.

The sky was covered with layers of lead-colored clouds. They surged and gathered at the zenith, forming a huge and daunting whirlpool. Just by looking at it, you felt as if your whole person was about to be swallowed up by it.

Under his feet, there was something that was neither gold nor wood. It could not be seen at all, but it was obviously not thick. Cao Cao would tremble slightly when he stamped his foot with a little force.

"Tsk... It seems that the price to pay for this 'ghost plot' is a bit high..." Guo Jia's slightly unexpected voice came from beside him.

Cao Cao turned around and saw that Guo Jia and Guo Fengxiao were standing there in an empty place when he looked around just now.

"Fengxiao, where is this?"

"I don't know, but I usually call it the 'Sea of ​​Ghost Conspiracies'," Guo Jia responded: "If I make an assertion about something whose cause and effect I don't know at all, I will be brought here, and the 'wave' is It will destroy my footing.”

The place to stand is...


Before Cao Cao could ask questions, the originally calm black sea suddenly set off a huge wave and hit it not far away, and then slowly receded. The remains of the dark sea water revealed the shape of the thing that was neither gold nor wood.

It is like a "floor" composed of white jade "floor tiles" that are just big enough for one person to stand on. Under the beating of the "waves", the floor tiles fall off one after another and fall into the sea.

"Oh, this can still be picked up -" Before Guo Jia could finish his words, he saw another huge wave in the sea. He took another picture at the opposite position to the previous heavy wave, and the number of "floor tiles" it destroyed was also equal to it. .

"This is just..."

Boom boom——

If the two giant waves just now came from the east and west, then at this time, the "south" and "north" sides once again set off dark giant waves that were exactly the same as them.

"It's a bit too much..."

Boom boom boom buzz buzz——

As if in response to Guo Jia, huge waves were set off layer by layer around the "footholding place" that were completely uncountable and far exceeded the previous four waves in both height and width.

"Oh, Fengxiao, what will happen if your 'foothold' is completely destroyed?" Cao Cao, who was still counting how many floor tiles were destroyed by those waves, gave up thinking immediately.

"Well... it will probably end without any problem..." Guo Jia responded without any nervousness.

Seeing those huge waves about to hit, Cao Cao, who was desperately thinking about countermeasures, heard the voice he expected:

"My brother is a big fool. "


The next moment, countless dark "walls" unfolded out of thin air appeared on the "floor tiles", forming a simple "house" while blocking all "sea water" from the outside.

What surprised Cao Cao was that the "sea water" did not seem to come into contact with the "wall", but disappeared completely before contact.

Then, Guo Huan, wearing a kitten mask, appeared out of thin air in the "house" that was being hit by countless huge waves. She looked around, put away the hidden sword in her hand, waved her small fist to hit Guo Jia, and Repeated:

"Brother is a big fool."

"Uh, uh, ow!" Guo Jia screamed after being hammered, but he didn't dare to hide. He reluctantly turned his head and looked at Cao Cao: "Well, my lord, the 'creditor' obviously wants to kill me here. So it’s up to the Lord to leave here.”

Cao Cao frowned, how could I——

"[Partner! How long will it take you there! I can't stand it anymore! I have a severe headache!]" After Guo Huan appeared, the noisy voice of the "substitute" was also brought along.

"[You stupid bird! Let me give you a try!]"

"[Crimson Queen (Laus Saint)! Azure Rose (Fax Caelestis)!]"

"[Da da da da da!]" seems possible.

Cao Cao flipped his hand, and a strange-shaped long sword with a red base and cyan patterns appeared in his palm. He looked around briefly, the blade of the sword drooped, and he took half a step back. A blazing flame immediately ignited on the sword's edge. The "waves" that kept crashing around him paused for a moment.

With one swing of the sword, the sea and the sky were cut off.

[The capable minister in governing the world is the traitor in troubled times! 】

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