The Collection of The End

Chapter 628 The end of Xingchi’s glorious empire

——? ? :? ? ——

As three "holy beasts" fell down one after another, the two flamboyant "Cao Cao Phantoms" finally gave up their plan to fight and instead began to be wary of their actions.

But Zhao Yun was thinking about another question at this time - the "Golden Theater" is barely available, where are the "virgins" singing the praises?

"Hey!" "Whoops!"

While he was thinking, Zhao Yun felt a familiar pull on his arms at the same time along with the sound of the girl exhaling forcefully. Without turning his head, he knew who was chasing him.

But, can they really be called "virgins"?

"I came first!" "Obviously I came first!" "You're talking nonsense!" "You're the one!"

Well...if it only counts the mind, there should be no problem.

"How did you get here?" Zhao Yun gently used his arms to pull Cai Yan and Zhang Jie in front of him, who were about to pull him to both sides.

The two girls each explained in one sentence, as if they were arguing.

"After you flew into the sky," "We waited for a while."

"In the gray world," "In the position of the palace,"

"Suddenly a golden theater appeared," "So we decided to come in to find you."

Although it doesn’t make sense, at least the destination is correct…

If I say now, "You guys have a really good relationship," will they all say in unison, "Who has a good relationship with her?"

Zhao Yun thought for a while and decided to give up this move that would be of no benefit.

"Listen, now is not the time to argue. Have you seen those three holy beasts? Although I don't know why they have become smaller, we will probably have to fight them." Zhao Yun pointed to those who fell on the audience, "Three Elephants" said, unable to get up for a while.

The two girls looked at the huge holy beasts and finally stopped fighting for Zhao Yun. They each raised the apricot yellow flag and the harp in their hands.


The apricot-yellow flag emits golden light in all directions, but in one direction, the golden light suddenly disappears after it spreads, and the disappearing "space" is in the shape of a not too big rectangle. Zhao Yun is a little familiar with this shape. ,seem……


From the position of the rectangle that absorbed the golden light, there suddenly came a strange sound like the bursting of bubbles. Next, with a stream of water from an unknown source, two identical women were "washed out" by the water.

These two can't be considered "virgins" either, Zhao Yun thought to himself, they clearly used the appearance of "Luo Shen".

As if to deny Zhao Yun's guess, one of the "Luo Shen" stumbled a few steps, fell to the ground, and quickly shrank, turning into a little girl about four or five years old.

"Hmph, if it's fake, it's fake." Another Luo Shen shook his hair and snorted at the little girl.

However, this obviously adult woman is not the "Lord Goddess" that Zhao Yun has seen. At least he has never seen this outfit with a white base and red edges, long boots, long socks, long gloves, and a thin sword on her waist. The "Lord Goddess" is clearly He should be holding a scythe, wearing dark red leather armor, and traveling in a small boat.

"Shame, shame, shame," the little girl who was sitting on the ground was not to be outdone, and shaved her face at "Luo Shen": "She actually competed with a four-year-old child for her husband."

"Hmph, I'm sorry, I'm three years old, and brother Yudi is mine." "Luo Shen" responded directly.

etc? What to grab? Who to rob?

"Even if virgins are needed here for some reason, at least there should be some normal ones..." Zhao Yun muttered in a voice that Zhang Jie and Cai Wenji couldn't hear.

Squeak, squeak, squeak—bang!

The place where the water flowed out suddenly ignited a black flame, and incredibly burned the "air" black. Then, a little foot directly kicked away the "blackened air", and then,

A little girl in black dress holding a rabbit doll jumped out of the "black hole" and shouted in a clear voice:

"Who dares to call me!"

I didn't say anything... Zhao Yun turned his face to one side and pretended to look at the scenery, although there was really nothing interesting to see in this "Golden Theater".


And in the direction Zhao Yun was looking at, the space was suddenly slashed with four swords, forming a "well" with white flames burning "between the lines". The next moment, the "mouth" in the middle of the well was also kicked open. , jumped into a small figure.

Very good, let me see whose sister-in-law this is——

Zhao Yun's thoughts were interrupted when he saw the person coming. He was a "little boy" with blond hair and blue eyes, wearing silk clothes that seemed to be torn by sharp claws in many places, and holding a long sword burning with white flames.

Your son? Zhao Yun looked at the "Phantom of Cao Cao" over there.

The woman in red kept a strange smile when the little girls kept appearing one after another. Until the little boy with the same blond hair and blue eyes appeared, the smile finally couldn't be maintained anymore, and she blurted out: "My son?"

"Who are you giving birth to?" another male version of "Cao Cao Phantom" mocked.

"Liu Bei?" The woman in red answered casually, probably without thinking at all.

"Don't even think about it!" the "Lo God" over there and the little girl who appeared with her shouted in unison.

Because the situation in the "Golden Theater" was a bit complicated, the little boy didn't speak or move rashly after he appeared. He just looked around with the sword in his hand.

Zhao Yun noticed that the three holy beasts who had struggled to stand up suddenly hid back in fear after the little boy appeared, but he couldn't think of the reason for the moment.

The little boy observed the environment for a moment, and also noticed the woman in red who looked over with a kind expression. However, he only frowned slightly and did not actively talk to her. Instead, he shouted loudly to the girl next to "Luo Shen" over there. road:

"Sister! Come to me!"

"Hmph!" The little girl who was called by him snorted with her hands on her hips and turned towards the little boy.

And just when she was about to arrive, two holes suddenly appeared beside the little boy, which were large enough for a person to pass through. One of them seemed to have been chopped and torn by a sharp weapon, while the other seemed like...the space itself had been greatly bitten by someone. One bite?

After that, a girl wearing a kitten mask, a dark blue combat uniform, a small fluffy cape over her shoulders, a machine crossbow in her right hand, and a hidden sword in her left hand jumped out of the hole on the left.

And from the hole on the right, two little girls came out. One was wearing overlapping velvet skirts that alternated between pink and white. The other was wearing hard leather black light armor and holding a large cross-shaped shield in her hand. .

The girl in the velvet skirt and the girl in the cloak looked at each other, seeming to have reached some consensus, and then called out to the little boy together:

"younger brother!"

Zhao Yun looked at the boy's expression at this time. Well, "hard to describe" would be more appropriate to describe it.


The situation in the Golden Theater was very chaotic for a while.

Some brag about their elder brothers, some praise their husbands, some compete with each other to see who is first, and some are older or younger for unknown reasons. One group of people are really or fake grabbing Liu Bei who is not present, and the other group is People were grabbing Zhao Yun with different purposes. Sun Quan seemed to want to leave as soon as possible, but several girls surrounded him and called him brother. The "Phantom of Cao Cao" in the image of a woman in red took advantage of the chaos and claimed that everyone present belonged to her, but it was unknown who was being attacked. The evil hand was covering his chest and crying out that it hurt.

Zhao Yun took advantage of the chaos to stir up the trouble, put Zhang Jie and Cai Wenji into other battle groups, and went to find the only "Phantom of Cao Cao" that no one cared about - the male one.

"What's going on in this space?" Zhao Yun asked a question that should have been asked long ago.

"Jiangzuo Meilin, Zilong should know." The tone and attitude of the man "Phantom" were quite similar to Cao Cao himself, and he did not deliberately recruit him, which made Zhao Yun feel a lot more relaxed.

"Of course, she can be regarded as my 'half master'." Zhao Yun responded.

"Sometimes she goes by the alias 'Merlin', and sometimes she goes by the alias 'Lin Hao', but the character 'Lin' is always indispensable," the man said. "It was only after the Sword Master used the 'Beast Emperor's Evil Formation' that we found out that she actually It's 'Kilin'."

"'s not an accident." Zhao Yun nodded: "So, this is her way to solve the problem in Luoyang?"

"Although there is some suspicion of boasting, the people present at this time should be everyone in the world who can compete with the 'Four Elephants'. She can weaken and restrict it, but in the end we can only do it." The man said upward. He pointed and said.

"Ah, I can guess that the 'Sword Master' himself must still be outside waiting for our challenge." Zhao Yun nodded.

"Even without looking into it carefully, I can see that the noise they make when fighting will not be too small, so it is very necessary to limit the fighting venue." The man gestured to the "Golden Theater": "However, now the court has There is chaos, and even if this crisis can be solved, it is inevitable that the Han Dynasty will fall apart as a whole, and 'chaos' is coming."

"No, there is still a way." Zhao Yun thought of the "Ranger Guild" he was planning.

With the backing of the "Mountains and Rivers Map" that is inaccessible to mortals, anyone who hinders "peace in the world" will be punished. So no matter who is the emperor, there is an organization that cannot be directly eliminated, and he must be careful when governing.

There is no need to take any measures against the emperor, because he cannot do everything by himself. If he is so stubborn that every appointment must be a corrupt official, then one day he will have no one to use and can only promote honest people.

Of course, the only flaw in this method is that the leader of the "Ranger Guild" itself cannot have problems. He was originally worried that "Merlin" or "Lin Hao" might be deceived, but if it was "Qilin", this last loophole would also was made up for.


Zhao Yun looked up and saw a huge "Qilin" emerging in the mid-air of the "Golden Theater". Its image completely matched the legend and imagination. It, no, she glanced at everyone present and the three "Qilin" "Holy Beast", he slowly said:

"[You have each made your own efforts in the outside world, but only by defeating these three 'holy beasts' here can you truly break through the 'Beast King's evil formation' and save your homeland,]"

Although the voice was loud and powerful and had almost no resemblance to "Merlin's" voice, Zhao Yun could still hear some shadows.

"[You come from different forces and each has his own master. Then, when you return, you can convey this to your lord,]" Qilin seemed to glance at Zhao Yun, and then said: "[No matter which party ascends the throne, he/she will If you get a 'companion unicorn', every time it does something 'immoral', the 'companion unicorn' will get sick. If the emperor insists on having his own way, it will eventually die of illness.】"

This is the "measure" against the emperor. It goes further than he thought. Zhao Yun admired in his heart. Obviously, the "companion Qilin" will not put any restrictions on the emperor, and may even be helpful. Once a certain emperor's The death of "Ban Sheng Qilin" is basically telling the world:

He can take his place!

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