The Collection of The End

Chapter 644 Chaos (3)


Tao gives birth to one, gives birth to two, two gives birth to three, and three gives birth to all things.

Therefore, three is the ultimate number.

Just as the Golden Crow has three legs, so there are three Golden Crows surrounding Luo Shen at this time.

Compared with the arrogant and domineering "Tai Yi" and the calm and steady "Emperor Jun" who changes at the last moment, the newly emerged Golden Crow [Xi He] can be said to be disciplined and stubborn.

At that time, Luo Shen had just left the ginseng fruit tree some distance away, and was planning to take Taiyi and Di Jun to look for things like Xi soil, the ginseng fruit tree, and her pair of wooden daggers.

As a result, they met the third golden crow who came to find out why Zhen Yuanzi was shouting.

At that time, she only heard a girl-like voice "mid-air" scolding: "Two big men bully a weak woman, don't you feel ashamed!", before Luo Shen could react, "big old men" and " Whoever the "weak woman" refers to, saw a golden light breaking through the "horizon" and flying down, directly knocking Taiyi off her shoulder.

Then, Luo Shen saw that it was a golden crow that looked similar to Taiyi Dijun, but seemed to be slightly smaller. After knocking Taiyi down, it was flapping its wings and hanging in the air in a victor's posture.

Taiyi naturally refused to suffer a loss in vain. After borrowing strength from the ground, he jumped up and pecked at the newly arrived Golden Crow, shouting: "Emperor Jun! Let's teach this inexplicable girl a lesson!"

"Oh." Di Jun joined the battle group without much reaction.

The three birds pecking each other's claws and fluttering their wings was nothing to see, but it was unavoidable to be affected. However, Luo Shen, who was a little further away from them, discovered something that he had not noticed before.

That would push away the "turbulence of death", and the range of space named "horizon" by Taiyi is not an immutable spherical shape. In other words, the only one who can maintain the spherical shape is Taiyi himself.

Di Jun's "field of vision" is not just limited to the body surface as she expected. The performance of this "body surface range" is "compressed", and it can instantly increase to a size larger than Taiyi with Di Jun's will. to a certain extent, but it will not last long before its shape is changed by the surrounding environment, becoming more similar to a liquid.

And Xihe's "horizon"... To describe it, it's like a sea urchin, with a spherical core and countless spikes projecting out in all directions.

Luo Shen's thinking brought up so many words and sentences that she still couldn't understand. So, if you don't look at the process and only look at the conclusion - the shape of the "horizon" of these three birds reflects their personalities very well.

In the end, since they were both Golden Crows and there was not much difference in strength, "Xihe" lost the one-on-two match as expected, and then put on a posture of planning to fight tooth and nail.

Taiyi didn't bother to explain, and Dijun's way of speaking was easily misunderstood. As a result, the task of explaining the misunderstanding fell to Luo Shen.

Then, the number of Golden Crows she brought changed from two to three, but fortunately, Xihe's motive was to "monitor these two guys nearby" and not to fall on Luo Shen's shoulders or head.

There is also an episode. When Xi He introduced himself, he said, "Xi He, from sheep to me, is the Qi coming from above, which contains the essence of the air that makes all things grow; He, from the left to the right mouth, is responsible for eating. Connection and ending contain warmth, stability and joy; therefore, my mission is to provide food and clothing for all people in the world."

Luo Shen was stunned.

Why do you express great ambitions when choosing a name?

Although I don’t know what ambition means, it feels so awesome!


With the addition of a Golden Crow that could be used for reconnaissance, this small team quickly found something different from the "death" in all directions.

It was a large forest composed of trees that looked similar to the "Ginseng Fruit Tree", but it looked very different from the "Ginseng Fruit Tree" itself.

It is not a difference in the shape of branches and leaves, the height of the trunk or other "appearance\

,"Luoshen can easily tell that these "trees" are "circulating" with the "death" of the outside world.

"Death" is absorbed from the "ground" by the tree roots, and reaches the leaves along the trunk, and then the leaves will spray out the tiny red and black "turbulence" in the air.

Thinking about it now, it is really incredible that the "ginseng fruit tree" was not affected by "death" at all like them and the prairie dog.

"I guess it shouldn't be possible..." Luo Shen stepped forward, took out the soil from his bag, and sprinkled a handful of it on one of the trees. However, until the soil itself replenished the soil a moment later, there was no trace of soil on the tree. movement.

"Ha! Is this the thing that's causing 'death'?" Taiyi flapped his wings and pounced forward.

Boom boom boom! Click, click, click!

Since the previous battle was just a three-headed Golden Crow fight, and their own strengths were not much different, so nothing could be seen. At this time, the "enemy" was changed, and Taiyi's abilities really came into play.

With his flying movements, every tree that entered the "field of view" was knocked down and broken, and some smaller trees were completely smashed or uprooted.

"Brother is very strong." Di Jun commented.

"But it's meaningless." Xihe added.

When Luo Shen put away the soil and looked back, he found that the ground of the forest destroyed by Taiyi had sprouted tiny buds, which were still absorbing and spewing "death". It could be said that in addition to a pile of dead branches and leaves, Apart from a little wood, he gained nothing.

"Hmph, the scope of this forest is ridiculously large." Taiyi flew back from the top of the forest. Apparently, he had also scouted around from above after crashing into a passage.

"How about walking along the edge of this forest?" Di Jun suggested.

"Until then, you may have to deal with a group of uninvited guests." Luo Shen said as he backed away from the edge of the woods.

Then, some strange animals came out of the forest.

"What is that?" Taiyi looked at them condescendingly: "Sheep? Chicken? Horse? Cow? Rabbit? Pig?"

The reason why I say it is strange is that the whole body of these animals is filled with "death". To be specific, it starts from the mouth, enters the abdomen, and then spreads to the whole body. Their eyes are dull, and they seem to be approaching Luo Shen instinctively.

"Tsk..." Xihe glanced twice and then turned his head back as if he had a headache.

"Can I eat it?" Di Jun asked.

"They are - Fangri Rabbit, Ghost Golden Sheep, Xingri Horse, Pleiades Chicken, Ox Taurus, and Room Fire Pig." Luo Shen counted the animals that appeared one by one: "They are probably inedible, but they can be killed. ——No, it must be killed.”

After saying this, she felt a little dizzy and covered her head.

"Oh, really?" Taiyi's body lit up with fire.

In this chaos, anything could happen, so Jin Wu didn't plan to delve into what happened to these weird animals, and how Luo Shen knew their true names and why he wanted to kill them. He just wanted to know how to do it.

The next moment, a huge flaming Golden Crow rose into the sky, and then suddenly fell down with a crisp scream, causing a spherical light explosion at the point of impact. The scattered flames instantly burned the trees and animals it came into contact with to ashes.

"They shouldn't eat leaves or grass..." Luo Shen covered his head with one hand and touched out the soil with the other hand. He saw where the animals were burned, and the shadows of animals that were exactly the same as their bodies appeared, and then they seemed to be attracted. It usually flies from afar, is scaled down, and then dropped into the small mound in Luo Shen's hands.

"Hmph, how can you become stronger without defeating other strong men?" Taiyi jumped out of the light blast and said rather proudly.

"I have no interest in being strong." Di Jun said.

"I'm not born strong, I'm just born to be strong." Xihe said.

"Don't make me laugh..." Luo Shen struggled to hold up the soil to absorb the shadows: "Although I don't know what's so funny about these words."

When the shadow of the last animal was sucked into the soil, with the impact in his mind, Luo Shen once again fell into the wonderful state of looking for something in the vast ocean, but this time the thing he was looking for was not like It's as tiny as a small boat, and if you want to compare it to a metaphor, it's not too small an island, so I didn't bother too much.

"Death is not the end, but a new beginning." Luo Shen said to the Xi soil in his hand.

As she spoke these words, the handful of soil in her hand became like the plants around her, sucking in the "death" floating around her, swirling briefly and then pouring out again.

During this process, those seemingly ordinary "turbulences of death" became smooth and smooth, and were completely unaffected by the "vision" of the three surrounding Golden Crows.

"[Whenever a living being dies, it will be divided into six realms based on what it did during its lifetime,]" Luo Shen said in an ethereal voice: "[The heavenly realm, the human realm, the animal realm, the asura realm, the hungry ghost realm, and the hell realm. ]"

Following her words, an illusory six-point roulette wheel appeared on the soil, and the animal shadows that had just been killed by Taiyi rushed towards the part marked "Animal Path".

"This is, [Six Paths of Reincarnation]." Luo Shen said after the last animal's shadow disappeared.

Chaos has not been divided, heaven and earth have not been opened, but reincarnation has been established.

However, it is precisely because the heaven and earth have not yet opened that there is no way for "merits to be sent down from heaven", so this move leaves no trace like the breeze blowing on the face.

Luo Shen only felt that more "islands" were rising in the sea of ​​his thoughts.

"Hey, if I die in the future, remember to throw me to Asura Road." Taiyi didn't take the feat Luo Shen had just completed seriously at all: "It sounds like there are a lot of powerful guys in that place."

"I want to go to the human realm. I envy Luo Shen's arms." Di Jun said.

"Then I will go to the hell realm and chop those unjust people to death again." Xihe also joined in.

"Even if Chaos destroys you Golden Crows, you will not die!" Luo Shen said angrily, then turned around and continued walking along the edge of the woods: "By the way, I just remembered a new name, if you think Luo Shen is difficult to remember If so, you can call me——"


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