The Collection of The End

Chapter 648 Who hid me in Langhuan Pavilion

There is still some basis for saying that the stupid system is Hongjun.

For example, this guy was originally the consciousness of Gaia. As long as he maintains the existence of the planet, it doesn't matter how many living beings on it die. This is different from Hongjun's "All saints are ants" and "The laws of heaven are always constant. It does not exist for Yao, nor does it perish for Jie." ” is pretty much the same statement.

Although there is no Yao Jie now, and this sentence was said by Xunzi.

Based on experience, in every new game world, I will replace the world's supreme being, that is, the existence that can use the "God's perspective" to influence the world. Generally speaking, it is world consciousness, while stupid systems will become similar or opposite. Existences, such as Alaya and Gaia, Akatosh and Alduin, Akarin and blue screen monsters... Bah, I am not Akarin.

Since that kind of character does not exist in the world of the Three Kingdoms, he became the most powerful Nanhua Old Immortal. As for the prehistoric god, it is naturally "the way of heaven" and "the great road".

Since I am not Hongjun or Tiandao, the suspicion of stupid system is high, but judging from the way it firmly denies it, it doesn’t seem like it?

[Anyway, in short, let’s see how this doomsday element causes the doomsday? ] After being shaken by me for a few times and running away, it abruptly changed the subject.

"Then, let's play it." Anyway, Pangea Continent has not yet finally stabilized, and any specific plans will have to wait until it starts to generate living beings.

"[You loach——!] [You roast chicken——!]"

Before the stupid system's light screen was fully opened, a huge roar came out first.

They sound like the roar of a dragon and the cry of a phoenix respectively, but anyone who hears these sounds can understand their meaning.

In the final scene, the two sides facing each other were the dark Eastern dragon and the giant phoenix shining with colorful light.

They seem to be high in the sky, with no ground reference. The reason why they are "giant" is that the similar ones around them and a little further away. The black dragons and colorful phoenixes who are probably their subordinates are all smaller than the "commander". More than ten times.

[Chaos Ancestral Dragon (Lv60)], [Colorful Yuanfeng (Lv58)].

Tsk tsk, are you bullying the smaller ones or are you trying to leapfrog the challenge?

"Speaking of which, shouldn't there be a 'First Qilin'?"

[Probably running to be someone’s ‘companion unicorn’. 】

"This setting also crosses the world?"

[Anyway, there is no Qilin, white tiger and Xuanwu in this 'doomsday'. 】

"Well, it seems that not every 'Four Symbols' has a specific incarnation."

Roar--! Chirp——!

Stupid System and I didn't say a word before we saw the two giant beasts on the screen moving, no, speaking.

Zulong sprayed out a flood of water as black as ink, while Yuanfeng fanned out a huge flame of seven colors. Where the two sides met, the sound of water vapor growing and the flame extinguishing was earth-shattering, and what followed was a huge explosion. The storm blew away many of the ordinary dragons and phoenixes that were fighting around them.


Finally, under the conflict of these two forces, a small "hole" appeared there, and with its appearance, all the dragons and phoenixes on the screen tilted in that direction.

[That is the reaction of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth being drained out in an instant, but there is still some spiritual energy left in their bodies, and it is losing it at a speed that is not too fast but definitely not slow. 】Because there is no intuitive visual situation, the stupid system explained.

If it were spiritual energy that could be seen and contacted directly, I would be able to detect it, but what is playing at this time is just a picture. What can really be seen indirectly is the dragons and phoenixes fighting with each other, all of them standing stiff from small to large. Falling down, it was okay at first, but then it even dropped like rain.

Zulong and Yuanfeng finally noticed the abnormality and each stopped (orally?), but the situation was irreversible. Like ordinary dragons and phoenixes, they lost their ability to stay in the air and fell straight down. The "lens" then turned downwards,

It was a strange "sea" that was blood-red, sticky, and constantly churning.

The doomsday scene ends here.

"Hmm, so the 'aura suffocation' was created because the battle between them was too fierce?"

[The result of this deduction is that various conflicts and frictions between the two sides continue to escalate, and finally form the result of a decisive battle,] Stupid System said: [So, if there is a serious and unending conflict between the dragon and phoenix tribes in advance, In a conflict, as long as one party is killed, there will not be so many participants in the final battle. Only Zulong and Yuanfeng are not enough to cause 'spiritual suffocation'. 】

"You said you're not Hongjun!" I raised my hand and knocked.

[Ah wow wow——] The stupid system whirled and flew away: [They are not human beings. Strictly speaking, they are just snakes and chickens. Why do you want to protect them? 】

Um? It seems reasonable...I started thinking about the feasibility.

[You can’t do this in the subsequent Lich War, but there’s no problem with dragons and phoenixes, right? ] The stupid system kept talking: [The most important thing is that they are transformed from the elements of heaven and earth. Every move will resonate with the four elements of earth, water, fire and wind. If they maintain their dominance, the witches, demons, and humans behind them will Ah, there is no chance of anything happening. 】


"Wait? You said 'after'?" I caught one of the loopholes and asked: "If we do what you said and reduce the number of dragons and phoenixes so that they will not cause 'spiritual suffocation', then shouldn't we get the doomsday element and end the game?”

[Ah... It seems not possible,] Stupid System was dumbfounded: [Even if the dragon and phoenix disappear, but the aura user is still there, then the creators of this 'doomsday' will become the two races of lich and lich. 】

"What if the Lich War is completed as originally planned, and both sides suffer heavy losses and are unable to create 'Aura Suffocation'?" I suddenly felt like I had fallen into a pit.

[Then it will...fall into the battle between Jiejiao and Chanjiao. ] The stupid system suddenly became very unconfident: [In the end... we can only get 'Aura Suffocation' after there are no more Reiki users in the world who can cause 'Aura Suffocation'. 】

"..." I stared at it without speaking.

[I am really not Hongjun...] Stupid System said weakly.

"Okay, I get it." I interrupted its self-examination.

This time is different from the past. There is no "who" who subjectively wants to "create the apocalypse". If we insist on saying so, it is just the innate desire of living beings to "become stronger". There will be no such thing as "whoever defeats it will end." Plant good things.

The people I originally wanted to save, those who died in the so-called "Great Tribulation", even if they cultivate their moral character and stop fighting after being rescued, as their own strength increases, one day they will cause "" The aura is suffocating”.

The method I can think of at the moment is to forcibly lower the height that the practice can reach, so that they cannot reach the level that "can cause spiritual suffocation".

But in this way, the prehistoric war turned into a fight between village chiefs.

[I’m convinced.] The stupid system complained from the side: [You want the battle to be exciting, but you don’t want them to bring down the sky. You want to save the human race, but you also want to save the demon race and the witch race. You also say that I am Hongjun. , I think you are simply Nuwa. 】

"Humph, then I will add one more, 'creatures that can communicate' are also included in the rescue, such as dragons, phoenixes, etc." I responded.

【as long as you are happy……】

"In addition, since the local doomsday element has appeared, the doomsday element I chose is the inexplicable [God List]. Can you also see its specific abilities?"


As soon as I finished speaking, I saw a translucent rectangular flat plate that looked like white jade and was about the size of a basin appeared in front of me. At the same time, there was also a reminder for my sister to explain it.

[Tip: The ‘Feng Shen Bang’ is the doomsday element of the law of time and causation. It can predict the situation when the world it is in is destroyed, and list the specific list of those who caused this situation. 】

Oh... So at that time, Taigong Jiang got a list of guys who needed to be killed, right...

But how will it bring about the apocalypse?

Tip my sister to continue writing rows of handwriting steadily:

[Tip: No matter what reason the 'Feng Shen Bang' loses its integrity, its function will be completely changed. Depending on the specific size of the fragment, the holder will be able to predict the future at a maximum of one year and at a minimum of one day. This future can be sustained by the Feng Shen Bang fragments. There are some changes, but the list of gods will not be predicted due to this change. 】

[Tip: When the list of gods is divided into four or more parts, the doomsday element 'Time Paradox' with passive attributes will be generated. 】

[Tip: 'Time Paradox' will be triggered when at least two holders try to change the same precognition result. The other holders will obtain the precognition that 'they must be stopped'. If they fail to stop it in time, the world line will Being sucked into the flow of time and disappearing, the 'Feng Shen Bang' is restored to integrity. 】

"Great, two passive doomsday elements in one world, one time and one space, wonderful."

[Hmm… This ‘God List’ is not so much a ‘doomsday element’ as it is an excellent assistant when collecting ‘Aura Suffocation’. As long as it is stipulated in advance that it must not be destroyed, then there is no possibility of triggering the passive. 】

"Are you saying that when I throw my vest away, I should take it with me?" I thought about the pros and cons of doing this.

[After all, this time there is no clear process and goal like the previous times. Anyone can improve their skills and break the space in one fell swoop to cause "spiritual suffocation". With this thing, at least they won't wander around aimlessly. And whack-a-mole, isn't it? 】

"Then, first make sure it will never be destroyed, throw it away as a doomsday element, and then create 'Patient Zero'..." I poked the "Doomsday Comes" button on the globe, and then looked beyond Fangcun Mountain of Lingtai: "Do you want to draw cards or use 'End Sand' to pinch people?"

[Although both of your ideas are acceptable, there is a better choice now~] The stupid system flew away, and then took a round thing from the bookshelf and came back: [During the period of the Dragon and Phoenix War, this should be very good. Appropriate? 】

【Dragon Egg (Lv0)】

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