The Collection of The End

Chapter 650 Prehistoric (1)


"Who was that just now?"

"I don't know."

"Approximately the same as the people in the other two houses?"

After the middle-aged Taoist stepped into the huge golden door that shone with milky white light, the light in the door disappeared, and the golden door also dimmed a lot, which made the three golden crows who followed Luo Shen into the "palace" talk in confusion.

"Compared with the people who have left, don't you think you should pay more attention to these treasures at this time?" Luo Shen pointed at the many extraordinary objects displayed in the "palace".

Some of them are purely decorative, such as the giant goose-yellow flag in the corner, the black and white circular pattern on the wall, and the huge black clock on the roof.

Some of them seemed to be only for display, or were objects with very few opportunities to be used, such as the simple but blue-gleaming ax with patterns on both sides, and the overall golden broad-blade sword.

Finally, there are the iron pots, stone stoves, books and black boxes that look like they are often used but are definitely extraordinary in themselves.

"Which one do you like? According to the previous agreement, I will bring it to you." Luo Shen continued, and eagerly rubbed his non-existent sleeve.

"Ah, it's good to keep your word," Di Jun said, "but no need."

"These things are all contaminated with great cause and effect. If you take things that don't belong to you at will, I'm afraid the consequences will be very serious." Xihe continued solemnly.

"Yes, yes..." Luo Shen was confused. I took a few more glances at the treasures.

The ax is used to chop down trees, the golden sword is a weapon that is not easy to use, the iron pot holds water, the stone furnace is used to bake items, books are used to add effects to items, and the black box is only used for storage.

Although everyone has the magical power of "understanding the origin of things when they see them", they seem to see different things? "cause and effect"? what is that?

"Hahahaha!" Taiyi suddenly laughed, causing everyone present to look sideways.

"They all belong to me!" Then I heard him say this.

Ah, he calls himself "this king". He obviously just commands a bunch of animals, and without their consent, Luo Shen glanced in the direction of the pasture outside the palace.

Huh? Wait a minute, are those red and black "deaths" filling the sky and the ground pressing closer?

"Let me guess, my brother probably discovered something that is 'destined' for him from these treasures, and he plans to use it directly to show his 'power'." Emperor Jun said.

"That's ridiculous!" Taiyi glared at him: "We are brothers, so don't expose me!"

"It's not my brother who talks too much, but there is no need to prove that my brother is the 'strongest' among the four of us." Di Jun said in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Hehehe, hahahaha!" Taiyi laughed again.

"However, Xihe and I also found our destiny, so I said there is no need to trouble Luo Shen." Di Jun continued.

"...What are you all related to?" Taiyi's tone was a bit gritty, but it didn't have "teeth" or "teeth".

"This is it." The sound of the golden crow's wings came from behind.

Luo Shen didn't pay attention to the exchanges between several golden crows. After a while of observation, she was completely sure that the "death" that was originally isolated from this "village" was rapidly lowering, but because it was originally too high, there were no clues for the time being. If At this rate, they should be pretty fast——


As soon as he thought of this, Luo Shen saw a golden light flying away from the pasture, farm, and pond outside the palace. They were obviously several unknown Taoists who had just stayed there.

Could it be that they also anticipated the danger? So we should leave immediately!

Luo Shen turned around to greet the three birds, and saw Di Jun taking down the book with added features, and Xi He pulling out a glittering car from the stone furnace.

"Brother, these are the things [Hetu] and [Luoshu] that I am destined to have.

"This is my [golden car]." "

"That..." "Hahaha! I thought you got something good!" Luo Shen's words were interrupted by Taiyi's laughter. It flapped its wings and flew high, landing directly towards the hanging hanging in the middle of the palace. The big dark clock.

"Come and see my [Chaos Clock]!"

Boom——! !

[The bell of chaos rings, and chaos ends. 】

Amidst the deafening sound of the bell, a row of "words" with unknown meanings flashed through Luo Shen's mind.

There is no way a small bird would make such a sound if it landed on such a big clock!

Luo Shen ignored the row of writing and turned around to rush out of the palace gate. Then he saw the "Buzhou Mountain" that originally towered into the "clouds" suddenly fell down, "splitting" the small farm in half, and the earth was immediately torn apart.

The farms, pastures, ponds, and the palace where they were at this time suddenly fell apart and scattered.

And this situation that would never occur under "normal" circumstances means that Luo Shen looked "down", but saw that the bottom after being "split" by the Buzhou Mountain was not the expected solid earth at all, but Like the "above", the "sky" is composed of bottomless "death".

This is

Luo Shen seemed to find something "down there", but as the dirt around the "palace" flew away and disappeared, she had to retreat inside.

"Tsk, we're in big trouble now." Taiyi was using his claws to grab the bell nose of the huge black clock and fly it in the air. It didn't seem to be strenuous, but compared to Di Jun and Xi He's little book cart, it looked quite clumsy. .

"Indeed, this 'pure thing rises and turbid thing descends' will last for quite some time," Di Jun was flipping through the "book" it held with its wings: "If you don't want to become 'heaven and earth', you have to stay in the 'middle' , but Luoshen seems unable to do this.”

"We must save her!" Xi He added without hesitation: "It's too late to explain, get in the car quickly!"

With a sweep of the ground, the small car it obtained before instantly became huge enough for Luo Shen to sit in it.

"This golden car can't carry her! It can only carry you!" Taiyi said.

"We still have you two!" Xi He flapped his wings and landed in front of the car, grabbing something similar to a "rein" with his claws.

"It's hard to imagine that I can pull a cart." Di Jun said as he put the book under his wings and dropped to grab the other rein.

"I still have to carry this bell, and it can only exert half of my strength!" Taiyi handed the "Chaos Bell" to one paw, and barely grabbed a section of the reins with the remaining paw.

squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak

Since all the surrounding soil has been scattered, even if the stone materials that make up the "palace" have been repeatedly forged and suppressed, they will inevitably scatter.

Luo Shen hesitated for a moment and decided not to mention what he just saw below.

It was a purple-black light that was quite similar to the dark stone door deep in the palace. It seemed to be in a relatively safe hole, but the next moment it was buried in the soil and disappeared.

She directly picked up the shiny green box and jumped onto Xihe's golden carriage.

"How dare you add weight to this king!" Except for Taiyi's complaint, the other two Golden Crows pulled the golden car together without saying a word and made it fly into the air, and the "palace" almost immediately Swallowed and disappeared by the red and black "death".


Luo Shen sat on the golden car and looked around, and found that the world around him was indeed as Di Jun said, with the clear above and the turbid below. As a result, the entangled black and red "deaths" gradually separated, making it dark below and above. blood red.

The dark ones below gradually spiraled and gathered into the shape of a snake, while the blood-red ones above became like...a chicken?

As black and red gradually converge and condense, other colors begin to appear in the sky and earth, such as loess, green land, blue sky, and the fire, strong wind, heavy rain, and earthquake that are raging between them.

As things that can be called "chaos" gradually disappeared, Taiyi's "Chaos Clock" also gradually shrank, and finally turned into a bell on a collar. Taiyi raised his paw and put it on his neck, and stared. Liao Yan forbids Di Jun and Xi He from commenting on this.

"Ah——" After realizing that there was no possibility of being involved in the disaster for the time being, Xi He breathed a sigh of relief and complained: "I will have ten sons to pull the cart for me in the future!"

"What a coincidence, I thought so too," Di Jun continued.

"It's a pity that I hate children the most!" Taiyi announced proudly.

"Single by strength" is probably you... Luo Shen looked at the sky speechlessly.

Then she saw something strange.

"Hey, what do you think that is?" Luo Shen called to the three golden crows pulling the cart.

The red and black energy still entrenched in the "middle" converged into a huge black wolf and a fat pink pig of the same size right in front.

[Evening (Lv18)], [Year (Lv19)].

"That seems to be the guard dog from the pasture, and the biggest pig among them?" The answer was actually Tai Yi, who seemed to care a little about his "subordinates".

"If the subordinates you want to recruit are all of this size, it will be difficult." Luo Shen responded.

"Woof woof!" "Hmph!"

During the conversation, the wolf and the pig were already fighting each other. Although they were huge in size, they obviously had no magical powers and could only use ordinary strikes, claws and bites. However, due to their huge size, they still looked earth-shattering.

In the end, to the surprise of one person and three birds, the seemingly weaker fat pig won. It collided with the black wolf into a large piece of black gas, and then ran towards the golden car with a roar.

"Does this guy want to die?" "Maybe he can be captured and pulled into a cart?"

When the Golden Crows were thinking about temporarily letting go of the reins to repel the pig, the box in Luo Shen's hand suddenly flashed with green light. Luo Shen was so blessed that he opened it and pointed it in the direction of the big pig, and saw the box flying in the direction of the big pig. A lot of cylinders are produced.

These "cylinders" are all pale green and covered with white spots. The head is painted with a crying human face, and the tail has four short legs.

The big pig stopped suddenly, turned around and ran away, but those green cylinders chased after it relentlessly, and exploded all the way. Finally, they caught the mistake of the big pig and pounced on it, killing it all over. Then they crackled and exploded at the same time, directly exploding the big pig into red smoke.

"What the hell is that..." Taichi complained.

"Who knows? But..."

Luo Shen looked at the world and everything that became clearer and clearer as the big pig collapsed and disappeared, and said a certain thought that came to his mind:

"Welcome to 'Ancient Wilderness'."

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