The Collection of The End

Chapter 655 There is a red dragon holding a candle in Zhongshan

"Even my father doesn't know what happened before Chaos."

"There may be people with great supernatural powers, but there is no trace of them since the beginning of the world."

"Although there is land in the sea, the animals living on it have not yet developed their intelligence and have no climate. Therefore, it can be confirmed that the 'dragon' and 'phoenix' are now the rulers of the heaven and earth."

"Although there is some friction between my father and the 'Yuan Feng', the two races occupy the sky and the sea, so there is no reason for conflict for the time being - but it is necessary to prevent it."

Leading the way, I took Stupid System and I to visit the East China Sea Dragon Palace, and by the way introduced the current situation of the world - of course what the Dragon Clan thinks about it.

I'm not sure to what extent a new dragon or phoenix tribe can "know it from birth". For the moment, I just keep a curious attitude and just listen but don't speak. I occasionally echo some modal words, such as, "Hmm." "Oh?" "No. Got it.” and so on.

I always feel like he glanced at me twice. Is it an illusion?

"Mortal birds and beasts always have to land on the ground to rest, so they all live near the continent in the sea. Although the Phoenix clan dominates the sky, they don't have many subordinates except their own clan. It's really ridiculous."

"Our Dragon Clan is different. All the wise people in the sea are under our command. Although there are still some stubborn tribes at this time, it is just that my father wants to recruit them, not that they are really helpless."

"Because the territory is too huge, my father ordered Fifth Brother to establish four dragon palace sub-regions in the southeast, northwest and northwest for governance. Fifth Brother is inspecting some of the subordinate dragon clans and plans to arrange for them to be on duty in other dragon palaces that my brothers and I don't often go to."

"Well..." I listened and observed the "East China Sea Dragon Palace" where I was currently.

Perhaps because it was designed to facilitate the movement of dragons, especially Zulong and his sons, the gates and passages of the palace are very large. As a result, in order to drive away stray fish and the like, a gate must have three levels: upper, middle and lower. The guard looked quite happy.

"Myna, why don't you drain the water around the Dragon Palace?" I "looked" at the many seafood around me and said, "You... we dragons don't need water to breathe and move around?"

"...Don't imitate Sixth Brother's speech." As expected, Yan Xi was distracted by an obvious flaw, and did not pay attention to my faux pas in the previous sentence: "What do you mean, sister?"

"Drain the water around the Dragon Palace and set up a formation so that ordinary fish will not approach, and the guards only need to guard the bottom floor. This will free up more manpower to expand the border. As for the way in and out..." I pointed at a giant turtle in my field of vision and said, "Just take those big old turtles that look like Sixth Brother."

"Sounds good," Negative Xi said, "But what if some brothers like to see these free water tribes, but have never told them out of reservation?"

"Then capture the common aquatic animals wandering nearby and build a palace to exhibit them within the Dragon Palace, called an 'aquarium'. If he wants to see something new, he can also go to land to catch some animals. This is Let's call it 'zoo'." I suggested.

"...Haha, that sounds like a good idea." He looked at me and nodded slowly.

Hey, Negative's attitude is more kind and kind. What is it thinking about?

[My sister can’t be so cute? 】

'you shut up! ’

"In addition, these are [Chuanggu] and [Zhongzhong]. Ringing them individually will open the 'passage' to the Dragon Palace in the South China Sea and the North Sea respectively. After entering, you will be there in a moment." During the conversation, we have arrived at the East China Sea. At the westernmost end of the Dragon Palace, there was a high platform with black drums and golden bells. Negative Xi pointed at the two objects and introduced them.

"What about ringing at the same time?" I asked, looking at them.

Although I knew by guessing without using my authority that the portal produced by doing this should lead to the West Sea Dragon Palace, I would still listen if someone is willing to be a tour guide to explain.

"They are……"

Boom boom——! Before negative words were spoken, he heard the sound of bells and drums, and a blue light door with continuous ripples appeared suddenly.

Then a big lobster with a steel fork in his "hand" ran out of it.

The shrimp head couldn't tell its expression, but its voice sounded quite anxious: "The eighth prince! The second prince was attacked and trapped in Ruomu, Zhongshan! Come back with the younger one and ask for help!"

"Huh? As for Zhongshan, even the father has to retreat temporarily until he is fully prepared to deal with it. Second brother is..." Fu Xi glanced at me, quickly looked away, and waved his claws at the lobster soldier: "You and Report to the fifth prince, I will go and check the situation first."

"Got the order!"

After the lobster soldiers swam away, Negi rang the bell and drum again, opening a light door that was enough to pass through himself.

"Brother, I have something to do at the moment. Little sisters and brothers, you guys will go back to the Dragon Palace for the time being——"

"Drive!" I kicked the stupid system and rushed in with the "man" and the "horse" before Fu Xi could finish his words.

Who has the patience to play with him like "you can't go", "I'm going to go", "you really can't go" and "I just want to go".

This princess can go wherever she wants!

[You've gone too far into the drama...]


The West Sea Dragon Palace was in chaos. I ignored them. After coming out of the portal, I directly drove the stupid system out of the sea and flew westward.

Ruomu, Zhongshan.

These two keywords are enough to draw a conclusion: the candle is nine shades.

In ancient myths and legends, it either entrenched itself on Ruomu or lived under Zhongshan Mountain. Now I can just sum it up here.

According to Dragon Palace information, there is a mountain named "Zhongshan" on the sea in the extreme west of Pangea. It was originally just the "place where the sun sets" opposite the "place where the sun rises" of the "Fuso Tree".

But when the Phoenix Clan occupied the Fusang Tree and the Dragon Clan wanted to occupy Zhongshan Mountain in order to seek balance, they discovered that there was also a giant tree on that mountain that was as big as the Fusang Tree, named "Ruomu", and they had an owner.

It was a giant dragon with a body of more than a thousand miles and a human face and a snake body.

Because there is no "human" yet, the Dragon Palace described its head as a "hairless monkey head." Zulong explained in the information that he politely called the other person "Hericium", but for some reason it attracted It was furious, and the two sides fought fiercely, with no winner or loser, so he asked his sons not to approach the sea without complete preparations.

Yaizhen was petrified by me once before. When I rushed out to beat up those stubborn sea tribesmen who refused to surrender, I probably hit him on the head before he strayed into Zhu Jiuyin's territory. Judging from the words of the scout shrimp soldier, it was only " Trapped”, indicating that the situation is not too bad.

After running for a while, although the "Zhongshan" was still out of sight, "Ruomu" could already see it.

It is gray-yellow in color and stands far away on the sea in the west, straight up and down. The main trunk is round and straight, and the top turns into a flat elliptical plane as if it was suddenly hit by something.

It looks like a wooden shovel standing tall against the sky.

[It doesn’t seem like it, it is your wooden shovel, and Zhongshan is the handful of soil you dug away. 】Silly System said.

"Is that so?" I tried to remember what I did when I first started, "What about Zhulong?"

[Torch. 】

"Well-founded and convincing."

When I was still with Pangu, I got a wooden pickaxe and planned to dig directly downward, so I conjured a torch and planned to poke the wall after the hole turned dark. However, I found that I could see clearly no matter how deep I dug. It is clear that any pickaxe used on the ground can only hit a large piece, and there is no use for a shovel specially made to shovel sand, so throw away the shovel and torch.

The result...

[In this way, the question of Zhu Jiuyin having a human head is solved even though there are no humans at this time, because it saw you. 】

"..." I refused to imagine what it would be like to have my head on a snake.

[Maybe it’s Bai Suzhen who drank expired realgar wine? 】

"Then Xu Xian must be completely dead this time."

[But you can rest assured that this candle dragon cannot look directly at your face, so it is impossible to see your own face on it. Now it probably understands that the human form is the natural Taoist body, so in this regard Just evolution. 】

"The human form is a natural Taoist body? Who stipulates it?"

【You——existence itself. 】


For Zhulong, if it has the impression that there is a "humanoid" being that is omnipotent, then it is understandable that it will subconsciously imitate it.

But the problem now is that I, Long Jiumei, Lin Hao, have a perfect human form. I changed it because a group of brothers from the Zulong family were ignorant, but Zhulong's words...

Ruo Mu and Zhong Shan have become clear, and the huge snake-like creature entrenched above them can also be roughly seen clearly.

"Do you think it's too late for me to go back and change my body now?" I looked back hesitantly.

[I guess it’s coming——]

Wow! The surrounding sea surface suddenly boiled, and a huge red snake body, or dragon body, suddenly rose from the bottom of the sea, slammed into the stupid system, and flew it and me towards Zhongshan.

【——Not enough! 】The stupid system just finished the second half of the sentence.

"Does this guy not only have territorial concepts, but also territorial waters? Is he capable of shooting down a few more phoenixes passing through the airspace?" I grabbed the fins of the stupid system and complained.

[How do you know it didn’t do this? 】

The stupid system zoomed in on some pictures of Zhongshan Island that could be seen from this high altitude and painted them on my "goggles".

Some phoenixes were locked in wooden cages in a state of depression. Judging from the black marks on the wood, it was clear that they had tried to burn the cages, which did not seem to be fire-resistant, but to no avail.

And Yaizhen, as well as a group of shrimp soldiers and crab generals, including several strong sea beasts, were trapped in a larger wooden cage.

My cheap second brother was scratching the wall like crazy. He was more effective than the Phoenixes - he caught a lot of wood shavings.

Boom boom boom——

Accompanied by a heavy friction sound, a huge snake with a big head holding a candle came towards us in the air.

Fortunately, unlike me, it was a standard "human" head, with all the features and a handsome face, but without any features, like a plastic mannequin in the closet.

It seemed to be preparing to use the firewood in its mouth to form a cage to do the same to me and the stupid system, but it froze when it saw me, and the firewood fell one after another.

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