The Collection of The End

Chapter 659 Prehistoric (7)


Zhongshan territorial waters.

Chaos does not know the year, and prehistoric times do not remember the year.

As the incarnation of the elements of heaven and earth, it doesn't matter if they are not strong enough when they are born. As long as they live long enough, they will one day reach the level of [Assault Saint] or [Quasi Saint]. When the same level competes, who will win? If you are negative, each will rely on his or her ability.

As for the [Saints], their existence is just an illusory legend. The dragon clan has different opinions on the upper limit of the abilities of this level, but they are very unified about the lower limit, which is "survive the creation of the world."

As a race that was born after the creation of the world, it is normal for them to make assumptions about the past history that they have no access to. When compared with the information provided by the Chaos Demon Gods who were reincarnated with fragmentary memories, it can be completely confirmed that even the world at this time One of the masters, the Dragon Clan, who controls the power of earth and water, will not be spared when encountering the "Creation of Heaven and Earth".

After determining the lower limit of [Saint], they naturally began to want to know what [Saint] looked like, but they were still unable to reach a conclusion on this point because any discussant would apply that appearance to their own ethnic group. , at present, [Saint] roughly has two views: phoenix shape and dragon shape. I wonder who did it.

As one of the Dragon Sons, Negative Xi had seen a new concept in the information collected by his fifth brother Suanni, that is, "Innate Tao Body". This is just an appearance and does not bring any benefit to the person who obtains the appearance. However, it It is the image of the saint himself. Even if this image is clearly seen, it cannot be transformed through magical power. Only by eating it can it become that image from the inside out.

This kind of transformation is meaningless for low-level beings, because it will turn itself into a "natural Taoist body" and become the object of covetation. Only [Lesser Sages] are suitable for this, and they are among the real [Saints]. The difference between them may only be this "appearance".

According to Suanni, this news may be true, or it may be fabricated by other ethnic groups who are dissatisfied with the strong status of the Dragon and Phoenix tribes. The leaders of the Dragon and Phoenix tribes will not do this, whether out of caution or pride. Kind of thing.

Who knew that this guy Zhu Jiuyin would take it seriously? It doesn't matter if it's stupid, but now it's its sister who has the "natural body"!

After being slapped away by Zhulong's tail again, Negative Xi found that he had never been so hungry for power.

But unfortunately, his strength is at the bottom among the eight brothers.

When Zulong "created" his sons, he almost did not "set" their combat capabilities, and allowed their respective personalities to develop.

Prisoner Niu can catch any being in the form of a cow, but he likes music for some reason, and even got a piano from the land that suits his size - didn't he go chop down the building wood?

Yaizhen originally only had the characteristic of "being able to know the location of the attacker at any time when attacked and need to retaliate at least once". He only increased his strength to this point out of his own will.

The "Phoenix-shaped" Chao Feng loves to question what others say.

Pulao, who "screams when struck", chose his own "sound" and weird appearance.

Suan Ni, who is "able to sit still for a long time", is willing to collect and process intelligence from all sides.

Ba Xia and Bi Yan, who are responsible for the "Transportation Code" and the "Explanation Code", also became the enforcers of the Sea Tribe out of sheer interest.

As for himself, Fu Xi, according to Zulong's wishes, wanted to maintain "grace" and "elegance", but he was keen to take the initiative to carry out the tasks assigned by Suan Ni. After all, those lazy water tribes were so slow in everything they did. Can't stand it.

Although this made Ying Xi's reputation among the Dragon Clan and Sea People the same for a while, it also caused his strength to only maintain at the level of "natural growth". Not to mention Ya Sui, even the fifth brother Suan Ni was so much better than him. .

at this time,

Ninth sister, tenth brother, and the powerful second brother have all been captured by Zhu Jiuyin. Even if he judged based on common sense, he couldn't do anything, but Fu Xi just didn't want to give up and went back for help. He vaguely felt, If he did turn around, he would miss something that must not be missed.

I need - stronger power -


"What am I...doing?"

In his daze, he found that he was in a strange perspective of "observing himself".

He could clearly see "himself" running left and right up and down the water, suddenly trying to break through the defense line of the candle dragon's tail, but every time he was hit back by the tip of the tail.

I didn't realize it when I was really trying to find a way to break through, but looking at it from another angle now... that tail is basically playing tricks on me!

Although he had no idea how long Zhu Jiuyin's body was, even if he was carrying his own tail, he would not be "clumsy" to this extent.

Frankly speaking, if a sea snake with similar body proportions does this to the tail of the negative snake, the negative snake can guarantee that the bold little thing will be whipped dozens of times, bunched up, and then tied into a knot. But now this kind of seemingly The evenly matched situation means that Zhulong is letting off steam.

As for the reason... Under this "spectator's perspective", he analyzed things very quickly, and he came to a conclusion almost instantly - after threatening him with his second brother Yazhen and his tenth brother Chiki to no avail, even if he added A starling is meaningless, so Zhulong dismisses himself casually and waits for his father to come to his aid.

Damn it, to be underestimated to this extent...

However, even if this perspective can speed up analysis, it does not help improve strength at all.


As soon as negative Xi thought about this section, his vision was filled with endless red and white.

Red dragon, white flame, black dragon, blue sea, golden dragon, palace.

Countless pictures that seemed to have an impression but seemed to have never been seen flashed by quickly.

"Is this zoo for me?" "Oh, that's incredible." "Myna?" "Brother?"

Some familiar but never heard words passed through my ears.

This, this?

Negative Xi tried his best to distinguish the images and sounds clearly, but when he thought about it carefully, it was all blurry.

The final picture was of a strange black dragon, being hit hard by an oncoming purple ship in the dim environment of the earth and the dark sky, while my "Ninth Sister" was standing with a look of panic on her face. bow.

"...That's it." When Fu Xi suddenly came to his senses, the "observation perspective" had disappeared, but he was still "fighting" with the tip of the candle dragon's tail.

"Zhu Jiuyin! You want to die so much! I will help you!" Zulong's powerful words came from far away from the West Sea Dragon Palace.

Father is indeed father, but brother is more than just brother.

Negative Xi sighed, and the red dragon body flashed, passing by before Zhulong's tail had time to react, completely disappearing from its "vision". The tail was confused for a while, and hung down angrily.


Zhongshan Island.

After Zulong called the Phoenix tribe as reinforcements, he was very confident and directly chose to use force to suppress others. In order to avoid confronting both sides at the same time, Zhulong used the magical power of swallowing clouds and spitting mist to completely cover the entire island with water mist. This gave Sneaking in quietly presents an excellent opportunity.

Crack! Crack!

The giant wooden cage where Yaizhen and some of his subordinates were imprisoned was instantly cut open by Fu Xi. The sea beasts that had not been domesticated and strictly controlled fled into the clouds and mist to escape, while Ya Sui stared at Fu Xi as if he had seen some monster.

"Eighth brother, you are so powerful? It seems that we have to have a good discussion after solving this matter." Yaizhen hit the cage with his claws in disbelief, but returned with no success as before.

"No, this is not a skill that can be 'discussed'." Negative Xi shook his head and used another claw.

"Hiss..." Even with Yaizhen's ability, he took a breath of air.

No matter whether it was a wooden cage or a mountain rock, there was no sign of cracking or breaking wherever the dragon's claws crossed. They disappeared "out of thin air" and "completely".

During this process, strange black flames were attached to the nails of the dragon claw.

"It's a pity that the scope is too small," Xiang Xi didn't intend to explain, but just said: "Otherwise I could just cut this Zhulong in half - where is Jiumei being held? We have to take advantage of Zhulong being involved by his father and Yuanfeng. Get her out while you’re paying attention.”

"It should be closer to the top of the mountain," Yazhen responded with a gesture towards the top of the mountain: "I heard Jiumei's voice coming from there before. She teased the candle dragon and said, 'I am willing to let you eat - that's weird.' Haha, she is indeed our sister."

"Let's go." Without any nonsense, Xiang Xi turned around and walked in the direction indicated by Yaizhen.

"It seems that our sister has the potential to be a 'quasi-saint', and she completely ignores the pressure of Zhu Jiuyin," Yaizhen followed closely behind Fu Xi, while avoiding stepping on the Zhu Jiuyin that appeared from time to time and was entrenched on Zhongshan Island. Dragon's body: "Just like ordinary fish and shrimp soldiers, after telling us something, they don't have the strength to say 'weird' or 'I lied to you'."

"This has nothing to do with realm," Xiang Xi thought of the vague scene in the illusion and smiled slightly: "If she can swallow the 'Candle Dragon' in one gulp, she can naturally say 'It would be weird if I let you eat it.'"

"...Is there something wrong with my ears or did you say something wrong?" Yaizhen almost missed the point.

"Not only are you deaf, you are also blind." Before Negative Xi answered, a rather masculine-sounding female voice came from the side of the "road": "Brother Negative, the Red Dragon, can you help us? ?”

"Oh?" Fu Xi waved his paw, dispelling the fog in the direction where the sound came from, and revealed several languid phoenixes locked in the same cages. Among them, the speaker was a one-legged, one-winged phoenix. little phoenix.

"Hmph! Isn't it because of you that we are in this situation?" Yaizi glared at her: "You 'half-bird' just stay here!"

"Brother Red Dragon, you heard what he said, right? If he hadn't slandered us as a 'half', how would we have fought with him so close to the candle dragon?" the little phoenix responded.

"When the Phoenix people are close to the ground, they will suppress their own attributes in order to avoid explosions. If this continues, they will die." Negative Xi, who was in a good mood, explained to Yaizhen, turned around and broke open the wooden cage: "I don't know what to call this Phoenix? "

"Our name is Bifang," said the Phoenix, "because I have a bad temper, and anyone who dares to mess with us will be rewarded three times as much, so we are also called 'must repay'."

What a good name, it would be weird if you two didn't start fighting.

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