The Collection of The End

Chapter 673 Prehistoric (16)



In the end, Taiyi gave up the idea of ​​bragging about his achievements to Nuwa and Fuxi, and flew away maintaining his new image.

As for the reason, in addition to the fact that he saw more and more "karma" between these two half-human and half-dragons and those little things with "natural Taoism", it was also because of what Fuxi was called by the villains. 【Emperor】.

What the hell watermelon? What kind of strawberry?

With this king here, it is natural that "there are no two suns in the sky, and no two emperors on the earth"... Taiyi glanced at Di Jun and Xi He who were flying together in mid-air - well, that's what it was all about.

At this time, Taiyi was no longer in the form of the Golden Crow, so he could get close to and contact those mortal creatures, so he simply flew close to the ground to observe them.

Maybe I will also meet my significant other? ――Although it’s unlikely.

As for Fuxi and Nuwa, they learned the lesson of "because their presence is too strong to attract all kinds of beasts and trigger conflicts between the two parties", and instead selected powerful ones from those "people" who can inspire The guy with the "power of the red ball" serves as the leader, with the "tribe" as the unit, and is transported to all parts of Pangea through a weird black box. Unless they are very unlucky, their leader can always lead the tribe members to survive.

However, from Taiyi's perspective, Nuwa's original intention of "creating humans" probably failed.

Ordinary ferocious beasts who want to become stronger will transform themselves into a "natural body", and those "people" who are originally "natural bodies", in order to gain the power to fight against them, most choose to stimulate the depths of their souls His animal nature transformed part of his body into a "beast", and the two sides were almost indistinguishable at first glance.

But there is only one person in a million who can truly use "supernatural powers".

However, when Nuwa used "templates" to mass-produce thousands of "natural Tao bodies" so that "people" could already be called "human beings", the kind of "people" who could use "supernatural powers" appeared. The frequency is still not too low.

Due to the friendship that they had been together for a long time, when Taiyi was wandering around and playing in Pangu Continent, he made many attempts to subdue those powerful "demon" to prevent them from harming the human tribes or being killed by the "witches" in the human race.

Although Taiyi didn't understand why the human race named those powerful people who could use the power of the red ball as "witches", since Nuwa had no intention of intervening, he had no reason to interfere. Let them be happy.


During the random flight, Taiyi noticed that as the two major groups of dragons and phoenixes, which represented the four elements of heaven and earth, reconciled and gradually disappeared into the sky and deep sea, those who were "unwilling to compromise with each other" and had "conflicting natures" The elemental powers began to gradually transform into entities similar to dragons and phoenixes, but quite different.

Among them, the most obvious ones are the "green ancestral dragon", "white squirrel", "red Yuanfeng", and "black underlord" - of course, this is just Taiyi's opinion.

They are merely symbols of earth, water, fire, and wind. They will appear when powerful enough "supernatural powers" are used, but they themselves are in a state of nothingness and unreal existence.

Therefore, those "great witches" of the human race who can use magical powers respectfully call them the "Four Symbols".

Since these "four images" are imaginary, there must be another "four things" that are real, and their strength is roughly equivalent to half of Zulong and Yuanfeng.

Compared with those little demons who are completely insignificant now, they are certainly more suitable to become the subordinates of Taiyi, the "king".

Therefore, after wandering around Pangu Continent for a period of time, Taiyi found his goal again.

"I feel the presence of some kind of elemental incarnation ahead," Taiyi said to himself as he flew at low altitude: "Submit yourself at my feet! Hahaha!"

In fact, there is no need to "feel". In the direction Taiyi is heading, there is a huge beast lying on the ground, all white.

It seemed to have a head, wings, and tail, but it was a bit too slender compared to its chubby body.

"I grant you the honor of becoming my number one subordinate! Surrender with gratitude! This - well, this fat dragon!" Taiyi landed right in front of the giant beast's head, holding up his big ax and said .

"..." The big blue eyes of the "Fat Dragon" turned to Taiyi and blinked.

"What? Are you so moved that you can't speak? It doesn't matter, I—"

Ah wu——


"..." Taiyi, who fell back a large distance in an instant, looked at the sudden appearance of a hemispherical pit as big as the "Fat Dragon" body in front of him. He didn't know what to say for a moment.

Chew, chew, puff, puff -

"Fat Dragon" moved his mouth twice, and then spit out a large amount of earth and rocks with a dissatisfied expression, but only half of the big hole was filled.

" turns out to be [Tao Tie]..." Taiyi obtained the name of this fat dragon with the authority of the Innate Sub-Sage, but it did not help the current situation.

After the fat dragon glutton finished vomiting the earth and rocks, he turned to look at Taiyi and said in a girl's clear voice: "Eat chicken!"

The next moment, it, no, she jumped forward, opened and closed her mouth, and with a click, the large piece of earth and stone where Taiyi was was disappeared again.

"Damn it! I am not the kind of idiot who crows!" Taiyi once again left his previous position, looking a little angry.

Puff puff puff... Taotie spat out a pile of earth and rocks again and looked at Taiyi: "Eat duck!"


"I am not that kind of flat-mouthed beast!" Taiyi, who successfully dodged for the third time, noticed that Taotie did not move his body or limbs at all. He only bit him with his head and slightly moved himself.

When Taiyi thought that the fat dragon would attack for the fourth time, she spat out the earth and rocks that she had somehow swallowed into her mouth, and returned to a helpless state. She stared at Taiyi with her round blue eyes, and said: " So hungry."

"Even if you are pitifully hungry, I will not give myself to you to eat," Taiyi said, keeping a distance away from her: "However, if you are willing to surrender, I may give you something to eat." Find some food."

Taotie looked at Taiyi, and his body suddenly shrunk and deformed rapidly. In less than a moment, it transformed from a huge white fat dragon into a pink-haired, pink-and-white velvet skirt, with horns on both sides of his forehead, and a dragon trailing behind him. She is a cute little girl with a pom-pom tail, about seven or eight years old. However, perhaps because she is fat, she has a round face and her short legs wearing white stockings are also fleshy.

She stretched out her two short hands towards Taiyi from a distance, blinked her round sapphire eyes, and called out: "Daddy!"



"...If Di Jun and Xi He see this, I will definitely be laughed to death." Taiyi pinched his forehead and shook his head.

"Hmm? Are you okay? Dad?" Taotie walked out from behind Taiyi, grabbing half a grilled fish.

"No, it's nothing." Taiyi shook his head and looked behind Taotie.

Sitting there was a little girl wearing a strange black tights, a kitten-like mask on her forehead, slightly darker skin, and looking much slender than Taotie. She was holding an almost She was originally looking at Taotie and Taiyi when they had eaten all the grilled fish, but immediately turned her head away after noticing Taiyi's gaze, and said in a stiff voice:

"[梼杌(tao wu)] is just here to confirm Taotie's condition, and has no intention of thanking Mr. Taiyi for his help. However, if Mr. Taiyi needs [梼杌]'s help with anything, it's not impossible..."

Well... this is the second "daughter" Taiyi accepted, and her name is exactly what she calls herself "梼杌". In her words, the first pronunciation of "Taotie" and "梼杌" are the same, so the two of them are sisters. But in order to determine who is the elder sister and who is the younger sister, they must compete with each other by force.

However, almost every fight between the two little girls ended in a draw. After Taotie was too hard to move, Yaozhu would go find food for her and continue to fight after she recovered.

This time Taiyi ran to the sea to catch a lot of seafood, roasted it, fed it to Taotie, and recognized her as his daughter. Taotie followed him reluctantly. If Taotie's characteristic is that he "never has enough to eat", Then the characteristic of Yaozhu is that she "refuses to speak properly". Even though her attitude is very clear, she still insists on denying it.

"梼杌 is so cute, meow~" When 梼杌 turned her head stiffly, she was hugged by another girl.

"梼杌 hates [Qiongqi] the most! Uh-huh--"

It is said that one sheep is also driven, and two sheep are herded. After Taiyi accepted two of the four incarnations of the elements as daughters, he decided to just take the remaining two together, so there was This "third daughter".

The first time he saw Qiongqi, he thought he was seeing Long Qizi Bian. She looked exactly like a white tiger with wings, and she was pretending to say something like, "I am the white tiger among the four elephants." "So, in the blink of an eye, he glanced at Yaozhu, and immediately transformed into a little girl and rushed towards her.

Her natural Tao physical form is that of a girl wearing a black and white plaid skirt, green eyes, and long silver hair. A long strand of hair sticks up for no apparent reason on the top of her head. She is normal in all aspects, except for a patch on her head. Besides having cat ears and always adding "meow" as a suffix when speaking--isn't she really a transformation from that guy Biwan?

And this place, sensed by Taiyi, was the last place where the four major elemental entities appeared.

bring it on! No matter what kind of little girl she is, he will accept them all!


Following a sound that was both bubbling under water and flowing mud, an indescribable figure appeared in front of Taiyi.

It was a ball of surging black mud covered in strange yellow clothes. There were many "eyes" in the black mud that were constantly moving around, but all of them were staring at Taiyi. It had nothing like hands, anything that was in contact with the ground to move. It was something that looked like tangled arms and legs of an octopus poking out from the black mud.

“[Pindao ‘Chaos’, nicknamed ‘Zhonghuang Laojun’,]” the mud-like object said in a voice with a strange echo: “[Who is fellow Taoist? Why are you trespassing in Pindao’s territory?]”

"The king finally met a guy who can be beaten directly!" Taiyi was so moved that he raised his hand and pointed: "[King's Horn Cannon]!"

The feathers of the golden crow cover the sky and the sun.

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