The Collection of The End

Chapter 680 Prehistoric (19)


Xiniu Hezhou, Ruomu.

Due to some strong shock, "he" woke up.

The first thing he sensed was that he was in a small "eggshell". The golden and warm shell seemed fragile, but as "he" went up and down and bumped into it twice, he discovered that the "eggshell" In fact, it is indestructible.

After this "impact", "he" found that he was just a ball of golden "liquid", shaking up and down with the eggshell itself.

Due to the lack of logic and vocabulary, the above findings are just "perceptions". "He" cannot express them concretely and clearly. While "doubting his own state", he cannot understand what "doubts" and "self" are. , and "status".

Boom - crackle - sizzle -

Some kind of even stranger loud noises and vibrations appeared, accompanied by a squeaking sound like liquid being instantly evaporated into high-temperature steam. However, "he" still didn't understand what these concepts were, and he had no idea of ​​the "concept" itself.

In short, "he" is in a state of passively accepting external information, but completely unable to understand them.

"Damn it! Why did 'Ruomu' fall down suddenly?" A woman's voice sounded not far away, with anger, anxiety and doubt at the same time.

"I saw Luo Shen Tongfu and a group of dragons and phoenixes wandering at the foot of Buzhou Mountain before." Another calm and rough man's voice sounded beside her.

"Could there be some idiot who 'touched his head against the pillar'?" The woman's voice approached quickly, accompanied by the sound of some debris being lifted up and knocked away: "Where is the promise of 'you will be responsible for the consequences'?" Why - ah! My babies! "

boom! Snap!

With the sound of something being blown away, "he" felt his surroundings suddenly light up, and it seemed that "something" that "he" felt extremely close to was outside the "eggshell", very, very close.

From this, "he" had some inexpressible thoughts of "wanting to go out and see her", but he was unable to act on it.

"I said, don't be nervous," the man's voice from before also sounded not far away: "With my protection, the children will be fine."

"Um, I'm worried that the doll is wrong!" The woman's voice changed a little in tone for some reason.

"But the way you left the golden chariot in the sky and came down on your own - oh, okay, nothing wrong..." The man's aura weakened inexplicably.

"Uh-huh, one, two, three--" After the woman snorted, as she counted, "he" felt the surroundings shaking again, but this time it was not following the outside world, but "he" "I was shaking, so I fell into a little confusion.

If "he" had enough logic and knowledge, he should be able to tell that this was the feeling of "him" being put in an eggshell and being taken away by someone, but "he" didn't, and could only feel a sense of the movement. With a strange sense of security, "his" consciousness gradually became blurry again.


"Your name is——."

When "he" regained consciousness, he heard the man's voice from outside the eggshell.

At the same time, there was a violent but unclear sound of wind and the sound of metal objects idling.

"He" could sense the woman's presence, but she seemed to be busy with something further away.

Near "him", another "something" that made "him" feel very similar to the golden liquid in his shell responded to the man with a cry.


This cry sounded full of confusion and stupidity. "He" secretly decided that if he had not been able to scream like this after coming out of the shell, he would never make such a silly sound.

At this time, "he" has not noticed that he has been able to initially understand and think about things outside the shell. However, "thinking about why he thinks" is a bit profound, and he may not have thought of it at the moment.

"...At least 'wolves' are considered fierce beasts among land animals," the woman's voice came from a little further away, and at the same time there was a strange sound of metal friction.

"Then, it's you next," the position of the man's voice seemed to have changed slightly: "You call..."

"Gugu?" came another voice different from Sirius. His confusion was slightly lessened, but not much less.

"I shouldn't have expected anything from your naming skills..." The woman's voice suddenly became helpless: "It's unlucky for them. If they catch Ruo Mu, they have to hatch early, and they have such a weird naming style like you." Incomparable dad.”

"Hahaha, there's no need to praise me so much." The man's voice sounded quite pleased with himself.

"Hmph... Get up slowly, I won't listen anymore." The woman's voice was interrupted, and the sound of metal friction sounded again.

"Your name is... uh... why do you have three heads? But only one foot? We haven't seen Bifang in a while - ow!" midway through the man's words, he was suddenly hit by something unknown and let out an exaggerated cry. .

"Gu?" "Gu?" "Gu?" Three voices were in the same position, but the pitch was obviously stepped.

"Okay, just scream." The man said again.

"Gu..." The brother(s) named "Three-Body" sounded very sad.

"Then, your name is——" The man's voice got closer and closer to "him".

"Gu!" The new voice sounded very energetic.

"How could I not know that the Golden Crow has horns? It's obviously a dragon...forget it, it doesn't matter." The man paused in the middle of his words: "That's what you call it."

"Gu!" Dajiao seemed to have no objection to the name.

"In your words-" "Father, can you let your daughter name herself?"

The man's words were interrupted again, but it was not him or the woman who interrupted him, but a girl's voice that sounded very young and cute.

"Oh... of course." The man seemed stunned, and then shouted at the top of his voice: "Hey! Xihe, I hatched a beautiful daughter!"

"Hmph, I guess you want to call her 'Tiandao'?" The woman's voice came with a sneer.

"No, I originally wanted to name it 'Biology'."

Bang! There seemed to be a sound of falling.

"Ah! Daughter, why did you fall?" the man asked in a surprised voice.

"No, it's nothing..." came the child's voice from before, his tone seemed a little harsh: "My daughter plans to name herself, what does daddy think about it?"

"Ouch? Not bad." The man replied in surprise, "With you as a reference, the names of the remaining five children have been determined!"

"Then...Dad, what name are you going to give?" the girl asked in disbelief.

"Listen up, your name is -" The man seemed to take a deep breath, then moved and said: ",,, -"

"Gu?" "Huh?" "Woof!" "Quak?"

Being named suddenly, the other "brothers" who had just hatched were shocked, but some of the names should be correct.

Before "he" could figure out how to respond, the man's voice was already just a stone's throw away from "him", as if he was just outside the shell.

During this process, the "liquid" that made up "his" body was solidifying rapidly, and the "eggshell" also made a sound as if it was about to break.

Worst of all, an obviously questionable name is about to come out:



"He" got stuck at this critical point and formed his throat, so he immediately yelled loudly to prevent the man from finishing his sentence.

"Oh? Are there actually two 'natural Tao bodies'?" The man fiddled with the eggshell in surprise.

Crash-the already fragile eggshell collapsed and shattered, revealing "him" inside.

Because a large dazzling golden light suddenly appeared in front of his eyes, "he" had to squint his eyes before he could react.

"Since you are not satisfied with the name given to your father, you can also choose one yourself like your sister." The man's voice sounded again.

"..." After adapting for a while, "he" put down his hand that blocked the light and looked around.

This is a flat, smooth golden surface. If you don't count the broken golden eggshells on its surface, there are only nine golden figures that look about the same height as you. In front of you, only half of your body is exposed. Giants".

He has flaming red hair and a beard, a broad mouth, a ferocious face, and a stout figure. He wears a set of golden armor and wears a red cloak with furry edges on his shoulders. He is dozens of times larger than himself. He is slightly smiling at this time. He bowed his waist and looked at himself with wide eyes.

As for the nine brothers and sisters... "He" turned his head slightly to look.

Sirius doesn't look like a wolf, it's just a slightly larger golden bird with three legs - rather, almost all the brothers look like this.

The old man is not old either, but he walks with his head bowed and his back hunched over, which is not bad for his name.

The three-body... As I heard before, it has three heads. Wouldn't it be better to call it "Three Heads"?

The big horn does have a sharp big horn, and it looks quite lively.

Zhinv is the only one besides herself who does not have the shape of a golden crow. She has no wings. Like her father, she only has a pair of upper and lower limbs. She wears white cloth with holes and torn, and different parts of her limbs and torso are decorated with light golden objects. , looking at himself strangely at this moment.

The charioteer was running in circles and had no left foot at all;

The puppy has an extra pair of front paws under its wings, and its head is a bit more rodent-like.

Hekou looks like a fatter Golden Crow, and his name doesn't sound like it has any special meaning.

As for herself, she is quite similar to Sister Weaver. She also wears a strange set of rags, but does not have those golden accessories.

And speaking of his original name... "He" looked at the giant man's arm.

Obviously, he carried ten "eggs" to this "platform" with his arms, and probably because of his position at that time, he was about to be named "Armpit" by his father. Fortunately, he arrived in time. Speak in disguise.

"My name is." "He" finally said.

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