The Collection of The End

Chapter 684 Prehistoric (21)


The hole in the sky.

Xuandu feels that the existence in the human world is a bit strange.

The half-human, half-dragon named Fuxi asked him about the "last world" for unknown reasons. Since Master Taishang Laojun specifically mentioned not to explain matters in heaven to people in the lower world when arranging the task, he just asked himself. You can politely tell him, "Of course I remember, but I have no comment."

Another three-legged golden crow named Taiyi declared with a strange attitude, "I have specially given you the honor of becoming my friend. Accept it with gratitude." Xuandu thought about it carefully and determined that this was what the other party wanted. It meant making friends, but the master did not explain that he could not make friends in the lower world, so he responded with "Okay, then we are friends."

Then, after the two received the answer, they seemed quite happy at first, but soon they looked at each other and then started to confront each other.

Xuandu thought for a long time but couldn't find the reason, so he turned to carry out the task assigned by his master - to use the [Golden Rope] to lift the [Tianzhu] broken into three parts and send it back to the heaven through the "hole of the sky" .

The "Golden Rope" is a magic weapon in the shape of a rope given by the Master. Its two ends are a golden "arrow" and a silver "ring". The length can be changed at will according to the holder's will, and various shapes can be made. This kind of action, but because the perception of the mind is too keen, the master seems to have the intention of adding a starting sentence to it.

Although the two ends are different colors, there is no concept of "middle". The golden color of the "arrow" will unknowingly transform into the silver color of the "ring". Even if you keep staring at the chain from beginning to end, you will not notice it. You will find out exactly when gold turned to silver.

After the co-owner of the human race, demon race and witch race, Yasheng Nuwa exclaimed "Heaven's Lock!" at it, the conflict between Fuxi and Taiyi became more and more obvious. Hmm... Could it be that he is too stupid? Sure enough, I still can't think of a reason.

As for the purpose of this trip, there were three [Tianzhu] broken at the bottom of the water, one long and two short. Xuandu touched them when he just pulled them out of the water with a golden rope, and found that they had indeed been specially instructed by the master to come here. Salvage value.

Their material seems to be ordinary stones, but they are many times harder than common mountain rocks and river bottom pebbles. If we want to make an analogy, it is to break a stone into a thin piece - regardless of whether the stone can be so Make, and then use these "stone flakes" to re-stack them into seemingly complete stones, break them into thin slices, and stack them again. This is repeated countless times. In short, ordinary methods of dealing with stones are completely ineffective against them.

According to what Taishang Laojun said, he planned to refine them into a long weapon and a pair of short weapons after bringing them back to the heaven. However, what puzzled Xuandu was that the master did not use weapons and did not know whether they were to be left to who.

Originally, the witch ancestor "Gonggong" who could break Optimus Prime made of this kind of material should also be taken away for study, but he has been taken away by the half-step saint Hongyun, or "Ksitigarbha", so he can only Leave it at that.


In addition to these three sub-sages who are considered leaders, the rest of the followers who are less powerful are also quite strange.

In Master's teachings, as the Four Symbols of Heaven and Earth, representing the four elements of earth, water, fire, and wind, Qinglong, Suzaku, Xuanwu, and White Tiger, who were not supposed to have self-awareness, were unexpectedly killed by the descendants of Dragon and Phoenix, Yazhu, and Bi. Replaced by Fang, Baxia and Biuan.

Although there is nothing wrong with the attributes of elements, and they do respond to the requests of element users, whether this obviously subjective response is good or bad, Xuandu is not sure before returning to the heaven to ask the teacher. Conclusion.

Then, there is the "daughter" of "Ksitigarbha" or some other junior, Fairy Hongyun. Her weapon or magic weapon is a wide, straight long sword with red, yellow and green colors. It seems that Because it was also an innate thing, Xuandu felt quite familiar with it.

The effect of this sword is the same as that of other innate treasures. It is unreasonable. Its lethality and hardness are actually quite satisfactory. However, once it cuts off the part of the body that is inconsistent with the "innate Taoist body", that part will be permanently destroyed. Cut off the relationship with the body.

For example, if a cat demon transforms into a human race but retains cat ears, claws, and tail, if Fairy Hongyun chops off those inhuman features, her transformed appearance will always look like this, even if the original body is Same goes for upper ear tails intact.

The most frightening thing is that Fairy Hongyun herself is keen on cutting off the non-human parts of those witches or demons, causing potential victims to flee and give her the nickname "Rakshasa Girl".

As for the "Mother of the Turtle Spirit" who took the form of the turtle shell left by Ba Xia, there is nothing about her body that is related to the "turtle". Even the large shield that should be a turtle shell cannot be seen from the outside. As a result, her relationship with Fairy Hongyun turned out to be surprisingly good.

In addition, Fuxi didn't know what he was thinking, and he asked the Holy Mother Turtle Spirit to call him brother. Maybe it was because Fuxi was originally ranked after Baxia, and now he wanted to take the opportunity to live up to his brother's addiction?

In addition, Fuxi often brought the Turtle Spirit Mother to Xuandu to interact with him, and then asked him if he remembered anything. Xuandu could only shake his head:

——No, I didn't expect that she is technically not your sister but your niece.

The Red Cloud Fairy and the Turtle Spirit Mother are in the form of dead objects. The images they use at this time can be said to be their true colors. Under ordinary circumstances, it is impossible to transform back into "a trace of red cloud" and an "empty turtle shell", although there are some strange things in their personalities. , but generally it's normal, but the "four evils" brought by Taiyi are much more troublesome.

At first glance, they are a blue-eyed girl in a pink dress and short horns; a girl with silver shawl hair, extremely long weird hair, and a black and white plaid dress; and a girl with short purple hair, a bone mask, and pure clothing. Girl in black leather jacket.

But this is just an incarnation. Their true bodies are Taotie, Qiongqi and Taotie, which symbolize the opposites of the Four Symbols. They are keen on eating, provoking fights and bringing death to living beings.

As far as the body is concerned, they are "a white and fat green dragon that seems to have eaten too much and is out of shape", "a white tiger with a lot of ominous black energy wrapped around its body like fishing nets and a sly smile on its face", and "no matter what The feathered body and claws are all spliced ​​together by a strange masked man in black, which looks like a strange existence like a black Suzaku."

Being surrounded by such three "girls" and calling him daddy, Taiyi not only did not feel any discomfort, but actually looked like he was enjoying it. Xuandu said that he couldn't understand this at all. Is it because he was not born with a Taoist body?

Oh, as for the remaining "Chaos" who calls himself "Zhonghuang Laojun", he looks like a ball of mud with eyes and octopus tentacles, and is also covered in a wide yellow clothes. In fact, it is also this image. According to Xuan According to Dou's prediction, his final complete body may be a huge, strange-shaped "Xuanwu" with a large number of tentacles protruding from the earth-yellow turtle shell.

Because he failed to transform into a cute girl, he was beaten many times by Taiyi. Recently, he seemed to have successfully transformed into a handsome boy with short blond hair, loose clothes, and a smile on his face. He called himself "Huang Long Zhenren" ".

It has to be said that the effect of this move was outstanding. Taiyi looked at him for a long time and said, "Even if you become my young form, I will not take more care of you because of this." However, he did not use Nayu again after that. The "King's Horn Cannon" composed of Golden Crow Feathers attacked him.


"Senior brother, are you awake? Stop the water -" Xuandu pulled the "Tianzhu" with a golden rope close to the hole in the sky, and called out to the hole where the Tianhe water continued to pour out.

It is not troublesome to fish the Tianzhu out of the sea, but it is not an easy task to lift them up to the original height of Buzhou Mountain. During this period, both Taiyi and Fuxi expressed their desire to help, but once they encountered the "golden rope", the chain would be broken. It would be instantly invalid and all the previous work would be wasted. Then Nuwa said something about "divinity" that Xuandu didn't quite understand, so Fuxi and Taiyi turned to assist in other aspects.

As for his senior brother Zhuang Zhou, when Xuandu was ordered to recover the Tianzhu, he was also given the task of retrieving the "Five Spiritual Pearls" by his master. The Wind Lingzhu can produce upward buoyancy on the Tianzhu, and the Water Lingzhu can control the water of the Tianhe River. It will not continue to flow downward, and the Earth Lingzhu will let the hole in the sky "suck" these pieces of Tianzhu back. The Fire Lingzhu and Thunder Lingzhu are of no use in recovering the Tianzhu. This trip was not determined to win, but the result was unexpected Really couldn't find it.

Perhaps as Master said, everything has its destiny?

"Ah? Really? It turns out that this is the waking world..."

With a pop, the still dazed green-haired boy appeared in front of Xuandu. As before, none of the surrounding Yasages noticed him. Only Taiyi Fuxi and Nuwa looked this way in confusion.

What was different from the past was that he was riding a strange fish-like bird with a blue back and a white belly.

"[Ah...this is Kunpeng...]" Zhuang Zhou explained without energy, "[Hey, even though it is so big, its real size in the dream is only this small. I just said I wanted to sleep with him, It agreed immediately.】"

"Senior Brother, you have to respect yourself..." Xuandu sighed, pointing to the Tianzhu that was almost the same height as the Sky Hole: "Now help bring it back."

"[No, no, no, if it hadn't been for it, I wouldn't have known there were so many layers of dreams," Zhuang Zhou made a "clearly layered" gesture: "[When you go back, please return my life to the master for me. I want to Let’s continue exploring the deep dreamland.]”

With another pop, Zhuang Zhou disappeared with Kunpeng, and the hole in the sky stopped leaking water downwards. At the same time, the broken Mount Buzhou began to rise upwards without anyone lifting it.

"Xuandu, will we have another chance to meet in the future?" Although he didn't know who Xuandu was communicating with, there were still obvious signs that the work was about to end. Taiyi and Fuxi came together to ask.

"Ah, of course." Although he didn't know the reason why they were so affectionate towards him, Xuandu had already recognized these two friends, so he responded: "'Above' is not that difficult to reach. If nothing else, Nuwa added Once you get into this hole, you will go straight up.”

"Huh?" "What?" "Ah?" The three of them looked at each other with different expressions.

Did I say the wrong thing again... Xuandu turned his head and looked around at the scenery with a slight guilt.

Then, he saw nine suns appearing on the western sea level with completely opposite trajectories than usual.

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