The Collection of The End

Chapter 692 Prehistoric (25)


The hole in the sky, the Fire Cloud Palace.

Luo Shen is holding a box of "Nuwa Stone" in a daze.

This place is regarded as the traffic artery of Huoyun Palace. People are coming and going around, and everyone seems to be very busy. She is the only one who is not in the state at all. At this moment, the only thing she is thinking about is:

——When can I make up for this day? !

Zhu Rong and Gonggong had a fight with a pair of bulls and horses, and after they crashed through Buzhou Mountain, they were taken away by Ksitigarbha to work in "hell". The "cause" of the matter can be regarded as an end.

She upgraded several young dragons and phoenixes to the Four Elephants, divided Pangea into four major continents, and successfully found five-color stones to refine into the [Nuwa Stone] used to "repair the sky", and the "process" was basically over.

But just when she was about to block the entrance of the cave with this, so that the matter of [Nuwa patching up the sky] would come to a successful "result", Taishang Laojun's close disciple Xuan Du came from the "heaven" with his "Lock of Heaven" "Jumped off and then things got out of control.

Why did Fuxi and Taiyi suddenly have a strong liking for him? Why did Taiyi build a mechanical kite out of gold and gems? Why are the four villains three cute girls and a ball of mud?

Why did the Witch Clan and the Demon Clan suddenly start fighting? Their power systems are completely different, so why are their final forms similar?

How could it be that a crude ballista made of fallen Ruomu branches affected Xihe's golden chariot and knocked down a small golden crow?

Why did "demon" arise? Why can Kuafu use it? And why did Xuandu keep tying him up?

And if Xuandu returns to the top from the hole in the sky, the process of mending the sky will always be stuck here and cannot be advanced... Why on earth does he dare to ignore the mission of his saint teacher?

Why is Ji Xuanyuan, an ordinary human being with basically no power whom he met where the Golden Crow "Weaver Girl" fell, so valued? Nuwa had a vague perception that at least three "sages" or "half-step saints" were involved.

His brother Fuxi, who went to help bring the Golden Crow back, had an unknown conversation with a certain saint. He even transformed into the "Fire Emperor" and ran down to put pressure on him, and helped him quell the lich war - if all those guys were caught Arranging duties can be regarded as calming down.

As for during this period, Di Jun and Xi He went to find their daughter, and the Little Golden Crows set up a star formation for next week - Taiyi used the Chaos Clock to help, so there is no need to ask why.

Regarding these doubts about Luo Shen, it is a pity that her own innate magical power can only tell her "what" something is and "how" something is achieved, but it cannot know "why" these inexplicable things happen.

For example, after she used the pseudonym Nuwa, Fuxi called her "sister". After she expressed doubts about the matter, she would get the explanation "Fuxi is Nuwa's brother", and created humans and supplemented her. Heaven is also the task that "Nuwa" was originally responsible for.

And when she used this magical power to judge whether the feminine and handsome Xuan Du was a boy or a girl, she even got the strange result of "gender to be determined".

Wasn't this arranged by the saint to warn her?

Warn her to stop playing and to distinguish between men and women quickly, otherwise she will be allowed to be abducted by an indistinguishable being who is close to her.

Hmm... Although [Tai Shang Laojun] is the leader of the Human Religion and values ​​Taoism and nature, he doesn't care about such trivial matters, right?

However, after all, the world is divided into yin and yang, and living things are divided into male and female. I only felt embarrassed to pinch people with my brother, so I didn't divide people into male and female. No matter how I thought about it, it was inappropriate.

So, she simply sent Fuxi out to help on the grounds that Xiao Wu of the Jinwu family had fallen into the human world, while she made up some human beings with sexual characteristics... But she was still really embarrassed!

In the end, Luo Shen simply found a gourd vine that was entangled in Buzhou Mountain - Xuandu called them "Tianzhu" - and swung it around with mud, using its inherent male and female distinction to deduce the difference between men and women in the human race. ,

Just out of sight and out of mind.

If nothing unexpected happens, when Ji Xuanyuan, who calls himself "Yellow Emperor", enters reincarnation and takes a tour, ordinary humans should be able to separate men and women normally...

So, why did he fly up on the Huanglong Master?


Speaking of this "Fire Cloud Palace", it was built with the efforts of the sub-sages who often gathered near the hole in the sky.

Although everyone can fly and hover without getting tired, there is no place to stay. Even those who don't land all year round, such as Jinwu, are quite uncomfortable.

Finally, due to the inexplicable awakening of the golden-winged roc, Taiyi, who lost his mount, took advantage of the situation and proposed to build a resting palace near the hole in the sky, which received an enthusiastic response.

Building a palace is actually very simple, but the problem is to make it float stably. If spiritual power is given once for levitation, it will eventually be used up. And if the magical power is continued to be used, it is putting the cart before the horse.

In the end, it was Taotie who did not participate in the discussion who gave the builders important tips - she pounced on a fluffy white cloud to bite and devour it, and then even rolled on it and dozed off.

The builders had a flash of inspiration - yes, the palace can be built on clouds that will float forever.

Once you have an idea, the next thing will be easier to handle. The four elephants are responsible for using the power of earth, water, fire and wind to confine and attract the clouds within a certain range. The four evil spirits, especially Huanglong, are responsible for changing the properties of building materials. Taiyi instructs the little golden crows. The palace was carved into shape, and Fairy Hongyun and Nuwa were responsible for the decoration.

In the end, with the hole in the sky as the center, a continuous palace group appeared in the sky, including thirty-six palaces and seventy-two palaces - although due to the laziness of the Yashengs, they only built one palace and one palace. Palace, but isn’t it easy to copy the original and fine-tune the shape?

Since it was the first to be built and was the largest, everyone put the most thought into it, and it would probably be the most commonly used. The main hall is mainly red, so someone suggested calling it "Hongyun Palace", but Fairy Hongyun strongly opposed it, so the name was changed. Fire Cloud Palace].

As for the name of the entire building complex, Taiyi waved his hand and called it [Heavenly Court].

When the Heavenly Palace was built, it happened to be the time when Fuxi, who incarnated as Emperor Yan, was preparing to join forces with Xuanyuan to quell the war between the lich and the demons.

According to Luo Shen's original considerations, these strange-looking, aggressive "witches" and "demon" were not suitable to thrive in the same continent, and they should be thrown away to Dongsheng Shenzhou and Xiniuhezhou respectively, but because of the "witch" Their essence is still "human", so they have been hesitating. Now with the Heavenly Palace, the matter will be easily solved - just catch them all and give them official positions in the [Heavenly Palace].

As for whether the demons will hunt humans everywhere without their natural enemies and become stronger? If someone who is too strong appears, just find a "Heavenly Official" from Heaven who can restrain the opponent and deal with it.

Moreover, the magical power that Ji Xuanyuan used with the "Xuanyuan Sword" and "Hetu Luoshu", which is extremely powerful without Pangu's essence and blood, and should be called "Taoist magic", can only be used by pure humans. "Taoist priests" are enough to protect most of the human race from monsters.



With the crisp sound of chains, the gold and silver chains wrapped around Xuandu's hands became complete again, because He no longer tied Kuafu remotely, but directly dragged him up to heaven like a broken Mount Buzhou.

"Quack!" "Gu?" "Woof!" "It's that ugly human race!" "Can we throw stones at him?" "Baby, please—uh huh!"

Luo Shen retracted his gaze from Lu Ya, signaled to Di Jun, and then received the feedback of "don't care". He couldn't help but secretly lamented that the so-called "half-step saint" was so powerful, and just one glance made Lu Ya half-activated. The "Immortal Killing Flying Knife" made his own face blurred, and this improvement in strength was only due to the great development of the human race he created under the leadership of Ji Xuanyuan.

"You guys can only run away!" It was obvious that Kuafu was not quite sober yet. Even though his waist was tied, he waved the Ruomu tree trunk in his hand and roared at the little Golden Crows: "Don't you dare fight me for 300 rounds!"

"Yo~" A big hand wearing a golden gauntlet patted Kuafu on the shoulder: "How many rounds? You can say more."

"You..." Kuafu turned around and saw Taiyi, who was about the same size as him. Before he said anything else, he saw a wall in the air, with golden ripples of a golden weapon in each vortex - —No more, no less, exactly three hundred.

"Who are you..." Kuafu's figure slowly shrank as if he was deflated.

He can really do it... Luo Shen looked over and wanted to shake his head. Strictly speaking, Taiyi was two levels higher than Kuafu. If you want to make an analogy, it's like a lion threatening a mosquito.

"Listen up, my name is Taiyi," Taiyi even revealed the dark chaos clock: "[Eastern Emperor] Taiyi."

At the same time as he announced his name, the color of the bell instantly changed from pitch black to bright gold, shining brightly, causing Kuafu to shrink further.

It was clearly agreed that all "witches" would be appointed officials in the heaven, and that bygones should be forgotten. What on earth was he doing...

"Quack!" "Gu!" "Woof!" "Uncle Taiyi is so handsome!" "Uh-huh!" the little Golden Crows flapped their wings and cheered.

Well, as long as he's happy.

"Nuwa," Xuandu put away the chain and walked to Luo Shen: "This is over, I will return to heaven soon, you can fill this hole."

"Heaven..." Luo Shen frowned: "What kind of place is it?"

Xuandu blinked his emerald green eyes and smiled slightly: "I think you should know it soon."

"Well...don't you say goodbye to them?" Luo Shen motioned to Taiyi, who was still threatening Kuafu and showing off to his nephews, and Fuxi, who was outside the door of Huoyun Palace.

"Ah haha..." Xuandu scratched his hair: "They are too enthusiastic, so let's avoid it."

He looked around furtively and jumped into the hole in the sky.

At this moment, both Taiyi and Fuxi seemed to be aware of it, but before they looked over, Luo Shen had already filled the empty hole with Nuwa stone.

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