The Collection of The End

Chapter 695 Prehistoric (End)



Xuandu was struggling to pull Kuafu up in the air. His demonized body was almost as big as the escaped Xingtian, so it was quite difficult to pull him up.

At this time, there were already many witch clans walking in the newly built heaven, and they were very concerned about Kuafu as the great witch. The ordinary clansmen could not speak and could only watch from a distance, but those witch ancestors did not have such worries and came to Xuandu from time to time to ask when they could. Pull Kuafu up, or release him and let him fly by himself.

The two female witch ancestors named Xuan Ming and Jiu Feng also used their six arms to hold knives to threaten each other and made themselves ignite with flames to pretend to be the Phoenix clan.

So, why on earth do they dare to believe that they don’t have any extraordinary means except the golden rope?

When he was studying under his master, Taishang Laojun, Xuandu mastered any magical power as soon as he learned it, mastered it in a while, memorized it backwards and forwards, and forgot it immediately.

When Taishang Laojun suspected that he was a fool and arranged a test, Xuandu's ability showed its true nature - he could not use any magical power that was of a performance nature, could miss, or could miss, and could only use it when there was a problem that must be solved. Only when there is a problem and must hit the target, he will use the corresponding magical power according to the situation. If there are multiple magical powers suitable for solving the problem at the same time, he will use the one with the lowest consumption and smallest impact range, but can just solve the problem.

Taishang Laojun was quite pleased with this, saying that this was the disciple who conformed to his way of "natural inaction". Considering that the senior brother was a weirdo who slept all day long, Xuandu was quite suspicious of this.

However, this characteristic similar to "the sword does not come out of the sheath, but blood will be seen when it comes out" may seem inappropriate many times. After repeated tests, Taishang Laojun came to the conclusion that when Xuandu uses magic weapons, he can hit them casually. Empty will not be unable to be sacrificed or used because it has no target and will inevitably fail.

Therefore, in this lower realm, in addition to the "golden rope" he was using, Xuandu also carried the [mutton-fat jade purification bottle], [purple gold red gourd], [seven-star sword], and [banana fan] given by Taishang Laojun. ], cow bell and cow nose ring - no, the last two should be called [Purple Gold Bell] and [King Kong Ring], which are carried by Laojun's green cow.

At this time, if Xuan Du wants to, he can pull out the Seven Star Sword and cut off Xuan Ming's six knives, or he can wave the banana fan to extinguish the fire fan on Jiu Feng. If the two of them are unwilling to let go, they can also use the purple gold gourd and the The mutton-fat jade purifying bottle put them away.

etc? Is this how the saint's pinch is used?

Um... no, the master did not target them. He just calculated the situation that the apprentice would encounter, so he prepared various countermeasures in advance. Whether they were used or not was Xuandu's own business.

There is only one real mission, which is to bring back the "Buzhou Mountain" that was broken into three parts, and ask Nuwa, or Hou Tu, to fill the hole from the human world to the heaven.

However, before leaving, the master specifically said that he could "act accordingly", which obviously meant something that was too variable to be confirmed. Now Xuandu can be sure that the "possessed person" Taishang Laojun was referring to must be .

There is basically a limit to the size of the "natural Taoist body", and those that are acquired are also within this category. "Witches" and "demon" can transform into beasts or beasts into humans. Their appearance may seem strange, but they still conform to their basic nature. Regardless of appearance, only demonization changes the appearance and characteristics of the "natural Tao body" itself, and it is not like a lich.

For example, Xingtian's demonic transformation has the characteristics of "body like steel", "huge", and "immortal", while Kuafu, in addition to "huge" and "easy to thirst", also causes himself to have to be locked up The characteristic of "evolution after death" caused Kuafu to eventually die of thirst. This is because of the inevitable impact of his other characteristic. The body will turn into mountains, rivers, minerals, vegetation, animals and birds, which cannot be easily The controlled natural objects all have their own demonic influence. Then it will no longer be a matter of locking up a giant, but it may be necessary to sink an entire continent.

If this thing never happened,

Then almost no one would believe it. His action of locking Kuafu interfered with Nuwa's mending the sky, so that Brother Zhuangzhou and Laojun's Qingniu had completed their respective duties, and Xuandu still had Kuafu was not completely dragged up, but fortunately, Nuwa, Fuxi and Taiyi were all easy to talk to - although the level of enthusiasm was a bit strange.

Speaking of Qingniu, Master Taishang Laojun and Master Yuanshi Tianzun both seemed to be quite interested in the ordinary human being named Ji Xuanyuan. Master specially asked Qingniu to bring two treasures to protect him, and Master even sent his big Disciple, Senior Brother Guangchengzi went to teach Ji Xuanyuan to forge a Xuanyuan Sword, and Emperor Jun even gave it to him in the form of Hetu Luoshu. Although his excuse was "Humans have a short life span, I will take it back when he dies", but He couldn't hide his admiration for this person.

As a disciple of a saint, Xuandu also saw the Western Taoist Taoist. He made more than 30 great aspirations to try to save this "Yellow Emperor", but he never succeeded. In the end, he simply gave up on saving living people and ran away directly. He came to heaven to try to intercept his soul. In the absence of other saints, this move was likely to succeed...but in the end he ran away for unknown reasons.

In short, this mission in the lower realm should be over soon. Xuandu worked harder to retrieve the chain of the gold rope.



As the gold and silver chains were restored to integrity, Xuandu dragged Kuafu's huge body up to the heaven, which as expected caused bursts of noise and even attacks from the little Golden Crows.

Because Kuafu had been hung for too long, in addition to not being very clear-headed, he seemed to be very angry. After Xuandu had just withdrawn the chain, he waved his cane, a bare section of Ruomu, and tried to attack the little Golden Crows. .

"You guys can only run away! Do you dare to fight me for 300 rounds!"

"How many rounds? You can say more."

As a result, he was stopped by Taiyi, who had been waiting for a long time.

Huh? When did Taiyi come? How long have you been here? Hasn't he been secretly watching himself pulling Kuafu up? shouldn't be possible to "secretly". With his personality, he would probably be sitting somewhere, drinking something while admiring the beauty.

"Beauty" is not something Xuandu boasts about, because there should be few people in the entire heaven who are more beautiful than himself, and the standard for judging is -

Puff - With a weird bubbling sound, a green-haired boy who looked like he was sleepy appeared out of thin air next to Xuandu on his mount. As always, no one noticed him.

"Hey~ Junior Sister~ I want to work with Senior Brother -" "Pah!"

Well, the standard is the number of times that senior brother Zhuang Zhou strikes up a conversation. As someone who has to say this every time they meet, there is nothing wrong with thinking that she is the most beautiful girl in heaven at this time - although senior brother does not dare to strike up a conversation with Nuwa and Xihe.

Xuandu lifted him up and slapped him to the floor, oh no, thought the banana fan on the cloud board.

"Ah, uh... junior sister, I'm here to tell you, that's not how the banana fan is used," Zhuang Zhou seemed to wake up a little after this blow, and raised his hand to take the banana fan.

"Huh?" Xuandu did not stop his actions. After all, although his words were unreliable, his actions were quite purposeful.

"Like this," Zhuang Zhou turned his wrist, swinging the small banana fan more than ten times in size, and then fanned it out while shouting: "[Banana-banana-fan-!]"

A silent sharp wind suddenly blew up, blowing straight towards Kuafu who was confronting Taiyi over there and seemed to be planning to take action. Because the hundreds of golden vortexes created by Taiyi were even louder, this hurricane hardly caused any disturbance. Note that after being blown by the wind, Kuafu's size quickly shrank.

"Hmm...Okay, now even if he dies immediately, the demonic energy will not spread. Huh...huh..." Zhuang Zhou handed the banana fan that had returned to its original shape back to Xuan Du, his eyelids drooped, and his head was a little bit... , disappeared in front of him.

"My name is Taiyi, [East Emperor Taiyi]!" Over there, Taiyi, who was quite proud of Kuafu's inexplicable shrinkage, announced.

Xuandu shook his head, put away the chains and banana fans, walked into the Huoyun Palace, and said to the young saint who was holding a box of "Nuwa Stones", no, the half-step saint said: "Nuwa, we are done here. You can fill this hole when you are about to return to heaven."

"What kind of place is Heaven?" Nuwa seemed to ask curiously.

Haha, it seems that Nuwa hasn’t realized yet. Due to her achievements in creating humans, establishing the Six Paths of Reincarnation, and cultivating the Human Emperor to make the human race the master of heaven and earth, she is only one step away from becoming a true saint with the recognition of Heaven. In other words, she may go to meet Master and Uncle at any time. They sit on equal footing.

Xuan Du smiled at her: "I think you should know it soon."

"Well...don't you say goodbye to them?" Nuwa nodded and looked in the direction of Taiyi.

"Ah haha... They are too enthusiastic, so let's avoid it." Xuandu just didn't know much, but he was not stupid. After Xing Tian challenged Huang Di because of Lei Zu, he had roughly understood what Tai Yi and Fu Xi meant. but……

He said no more and jumped straight into the "hole in the sky".


At this moment, Xuandu felt that he was separated from the entire human world by something transparent and indestructible. After a brief pause, he quickly rose up.

Xuandu noticed that Nuwa did not keep staring at the "hole" he entered. Her eyes actually followed "me" who was no longer in the human world in theory, and she also made a strange mouth shape.

Anti, demon? What's the meaning?

Xuandu was wondering when he saw three golden light pillars rising into the sky. No, they were not rising into the sky. They were actually of the same nature as the "passage" he was in. The ones shrouded in the light pillars were Nuwa and Fuxi respectively. , and Huangdi Ji Xuanyuan, who he had glanced at before and was already very old.

In this golden beam of light, his appearance is rapidly changing from old age to middle age and young man, and the expression and demeanor on his face are gradually getting closer to the one that Taishang Laojun usually wears on his face.

Although these beams of light "took off" later than Xuandu, they caught up with or even surpassed him at extremely high speeds.

" this sanctification? But isn't three at a time too much?" Xuandu looked up and murmured to himself.


At this time, the mutation regenerated, and a dazzling light pillar rose again from almost the same position as Ji Xuanyuan. No, it was not so much a light pillar, but more like the afterimage of something extremely dazzling when it rose at high speed. Look at the outline, It seems to be a golden crow. Could it be that Taiyi is also catching up? Looking for me?

"[Ji Xuanyuan, you big fool! Don't hold me back when you become a saint!]"

Before Xuandu could formulate this slightly narcissistic idea, he heard the angry voice of Little Golden Crow Weaver Girl coming from the fourth beam of light.

Can you lead others to become saints? No, there are still people who don’t want to become saints?


The next moment, the "passage" covering Xuandu, Nuwa, Fuxi and Huangdi exploded.

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