The Collection of The End

Chapter 700 Conferred God (1)

——Feng Shen——

Eight Views Palace.

"Uh, um." Xuandu managed to open his eyes, but was blinded by the dazzling light and quickly closed them again, even letting out a painful groan.

"Hey...junior sister, are you awake?" At the same time, senior brother Zhuang Zhou's confused voice sounded in his ears: "Don't open your eyes in a hurry. You saw [Darkest] before and couldn't adapt to the light for a while. Uh-huh... wait until the master comes."

"Thank you, senior brother..." Xuandu responded in a low voice. He was too lazy to refute the senior brother's insistence on calling himself "junior sister". Due to the problems that Nuwa had when she created humans, now boys and girls look like boys. Basically, they are treated like this. Human women can also use the method of "giving birth to children out of thin air" to prove their identity, but I... forget it.

"Huh...huh, ah! I almost forgot," Zhuang Zhou suddenly made an expression as if he had just woken up from a dream: "We often go to the 'Chaos Hongmeng' to view the scenery, and we have never had similar problems, junior sister Tell me, what is the difference between [Darkest] and [Chaos]?"

"Hmm..." Xuandu frowned slightly, recalling the situation when he returned to heaven.


Whether it is "descending" from the heaven to the human world, or "ascending" from the human world to the heaven, the "action" is just a name. The actual situation is that it is like crossing the "realm" on the thirty-third level of heaven. Just like the "door", no movement is required at all. Just stand in place and watch the surrounding scenery continue to sway like water waves. After finally stopping again, you have arrived at another heaven.

However, the heaven is completely different from the "earth ball" called the "human world". It is "infinite up and down, and infinite in all directions." You can choose a position in the sky at will, and then keep moving in a certain direction. Eventually they will reach the starting point, dig vertically downward, and fall from the sky above after a certain depth. If the tunnel is dug straight, the unlucky digger can keep falling like this.

Talking about "descending" and "ascension", although Xuandu could clearly see himself "descending" or "ascending" when he was in the "passage", he actually stayed where he was without taking any action. Naturally, I just think that the "moving picture" is just the same type of thing as the "phantom wave" that is produced when passing through the boundary gate.

That’s why Xuandu was so shocked after the “passage” was broken—that passage actually existed? !

In shock, he didn't have time to make any response before he was blown towards the "darkest" by the burst of spiritual power - and then stopped by the golden fence that suddenly lit up.

He could clearly see that it was the Weaver Girl who had just shined with abnormal golden light. After everyone's "Light Pillar Channel" was shattered, she suddenly accelerated to the extreme and formed a new "Light Pillar Channel" around Xuandu Nuwa, Fuxi and Huangdi. aisle".

Perhaps because of the difference between "sanctification" and simple "return", even after the situation stabilized slightly, the three beings who were about to become [Saints] did not make any reaction. It would be better to say that they did not even cast an extra glance at them. The strange things around him were thrown away.

When Weaver Girl rotated at high speed and formed herself into a "passage fence", most of her body was always trapped in the "darkest". The deep darkness wanted to devour her, but she resisted by emitting a stronger light. In this In the process, as she emitted brighter and brighter light, her own outline also blurred rapidly. At the last moment of her stay in the "passage", Xuandu noticed that she could no longer discern the shape of the Golden Crow. It turned into an extremely dazzling red sphere that continuously emitted high temperature and light and heat, and was constantly exploding. It was this explosion that finally sent him out of the "passage".

Because she was so dazzling that she was a real threat, the "darkness" barely attracted Xuandu's attention.

Therefore, I was actually flashed by the light of the Golden Crow, not because of the darkest... Senior brother must have been asleep again!

Think about it carefully,

Xuandu discovered that the "darkness" was completely opposite to the ninth scene of the Eight Scenery Palace, "Chaos and Harmony". Using the "dye vat" that had just been invented in the human world at this time as an example, what color was the "Chaos and Hongmeng" vat? The "black" is all mixed in, and the "darkest" is a tank that has no color at all, but gives a black feedback of "nothing".

If the cloth is dyed with the former, although it is dark, ugly and twisted, it can still be said to be a "color", but if the cloth is dyed with the latter...oh, it cannot be dyed, the cloth will disappear directly, "darkest" It has jumped out of the category of "color". If you insist on saying so, it can only be called "death".

Then Zhinu immersed herself in it...


"That little Golden Crow!" Xuandu sat up directly.

Although his eyes were still a little sore, he could roughly see the green tiles and white walls in the Eight Views Palace clearly.

The Bajing Palace is located in Dachitian, which is exclusive to Taishang Laojun. It is located on the mountainside called "Daluo Mountain" and inside a huge cave called "Xuandu Cave".

Regarding this name... Taishang Laojun said this when he originally chose it, "My realm is 'Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal', so this mountain will be called 'Daluo Mountain', and my closed disciple is called Xuandu, then this mountain will be called 'Daluo Mountain'." The cave is called 'Xuandu Cave'."

Xuandu just wants to say to this, even if Master, your philosophy is "quiet and inactive", "let nature take its course" is not so casual, right?

And what’s the point of building a house in a cave? This is unnatural no matter how you look at it!

In response, Taishang Laojun just smiled and said nothing.

Although the Eight Views Palace is called a "palace", it is actually an eight-story pavilion. The overall shape is like an ordinary person's residence. The interior furniture is also made of wooden materials used by ordinary people. There is nothing special or extraordinary about it.

At the bottom of the pavilion, there is a huge Tai Chi yin and yang fish pattern composed of black stone and white jade. Farther away, there are farmhouses divided into eight trigrams.

The place where Xuandu is resting at this time is on the first floor of the main building of the Eight Views Palace. It is named after the scene, called Hanhai Cangming. You can only look at the scenery outside a certain window and the picture of Taishang Laojun hanging on the wall. You can tell from the picture of the vast ocean drawn by your own hands.

"Huhu... She's fine, um... Master said... I can't figure it out. She should have been... picked up by the two uncles." Zhuang Zhou lay beside Xuandu's bed, talking in a sleepy tone. Said.

"It's really hard on you for forcing yourself to stay awake, senior brother." Xuan Du shook his head, jumped out of bed lightly, and went out to look for Lao Jun.

In addition to teaching in the palace, this sage master would usually cook crops in the surrounding farms. Occasionally, he would study the wordless tablet at the "fish eye" position of the Yin and Yang fish.

They are one pair of black and one white stone tablets with no words on them. Taishang Laojun calls them "Taishang Renjiao stele" and "Laojun Renjiao stele" respectively. The naming method is simple as always.

At this time, Taishang Laojun was still dressed like an old farmer in the mortal world. He was standing in front of the "Taishang Renjiao Monument" and talking to a visitor.

It seems that they are not Master Yuanshi and Master Lingbao? It's really strange to have new guests here. Could it be that I'm going to have a junior brother? Xuandu adjusted his hair and clothes and walked towards the Supreme Lord.


"[Oh, Xuandu, you came just in time, thank this little friend quickly.]" When Xuandu approached, Lao Jun turned around inadvertently and said to him.

"Thank you so much, fellow Taoist." Xuandu raised his hand and saluted without asking the reason.

"You're welcome, I'm not of any help." The visitor returned the favor politely.

During the conversation, Xuandu looked at the other person up and down. He looked like a human youth in his twenties, with handsome features and a gentle temperament. He had a jade belt tied around his forehead, and his shoulder-length black hair was tied into a thin ponytail. He was dressed in moon-white clothing. He is wearing a fighting uniform, wearing bright silver light armor, a large cyan cloak, and holding a silver spear with a musket-like spike in his hand.

It seems to be the preference of human warriors to be called "I am here" instead of "fellow Taoist", but how can ordinary human warriors reach the Eight Views Palace?

Xuandu glanced at the warrior a few more times, but no matter how he looked at him, he was just an ordinary human being with no supernatural powers.

"[On that day, even if the little girl didn't sacrifice herself, you guys wouldn't have been able to fall out,]" Taishang Laojun nodded slightly and began to explain why Xuandu wanted to thank you: "[I'm Tai Chi diagram and your uncle Yuanshi The Pangu banner is waiting a little outside, and the receptionist has also prepared a twelve-grade lotus platform to save people. Your Uncle Lingbao was originally there, but he left early because he thought there were too many people.]"

It’s really Uncle Lingbao’s style…Xuandu blinked: “So, who is this fellow Taoist?”

"[He came a little later than us,]" Taishang Laojun stroked his long beard: "[Wrapping the 'Stairway to Heaven' with a wonderful magical power can make those who come into contact with 'foreign objects' return to the center of the passage. But it was blown away by the little girl who kept exploding.】"

"Oh..." Xuandu looked at the young man again. He still seemed to have no supernatural powers. Well, this was indeed an illusion. To be able to participate in the affairs of several saints, he must be at least "half-step".

"It seems that this girl is not the one I'm looking for. I'm sorry for bothering you, so I'll take my leave." When Xuandu looked at the man, the man was also looking at Xuandu. He seemed to have some expectations at first, but in the end he showed disappointment. look.

"[Haha, it doesn't matter. If you encounter obstacles in what you want, you can come to the Bajing Palace for help at any time. Even if I am not here, the two disciples will help.]" Taishang Laojun responded with a smile.

"Thank you, Laojun. Then, I'm sorry for being rude." The young man said, swiping the silver gun in his hand out of the air, and a dark "crack" appeared on his side. He cupped his fist and gave a salute to Laojun. , turned around and stepped into the crack, and then the crack disappeared.

Could it be that the darkness inside is "Chaos"? ! Xuandu was surprised and asked Laojun: "Master, who is he?"

"[Haha... He said he came here to find someone who had escaped, to hunt down a troublemaker, to save someone who was about to die, and to bring back a lost one. He was quite busy,]" Taishang Laojun chuckled and said: "[As for the name , um, cloud? Purple?]"

"[Yes, he calls himself 'Yun Neutron'."

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