The Collection of The End

Chapter 718 Are you still in Luoyang?

Cloud City.

Since Yun Zhongzi came to visit, as the "master", I couldn't leave them alone, so I had to invite him into the city to entertain them.

At this time, the bunch of shiny golden magic weapons Duobao gave me came into play. Although Zhao Gongming's Dinghai Pearl and Dragon Binding Rope were very useful, Fairy Sanxiao's Nine-bend Yellow River Formation and Hunyuan Gold were very useful. Dou and Golden Dragon Scissors are also very powerful, but they are not as domineering as me, who just put them together and put them together.

However, since I had "not long since transformed" and was playing a role in calming down the situation, I mainly left it to Yunxiao to talk about, and her first words were, "My daughter and Taoist friend Yun Zhongzi both have the word 'Yun' in their names. How about you shamelessly show off your identity and call your Taoist friend 'brother'?"

This is a skilled worker! Could it be that she is currently stuck at level 100 because she doesn’t recognize enough brothers and sisters? Become a saint?

Talking back to Yun Zhongzi, he is the only immortal in Fengshenyan who takes an unconventional path. When the other two sects are planning to resolve the massacre through the Shang and Zhou wars and send others to the list of gods, he is the only one who tries to directly Kill Daji.

I'm afraid even the sages couldn't figure out the consequences of such a move like not allowing an old road to pass through Niujia Village, and naturally they didn't dare to do it. However, Yun Zhongzi did it so lightly, so it's fair to say that he actually traveled through time. Not without reason.

According to "this" Yun Zhongzi, he is convinced that he is not an aborigine of this world, but from another world that is closely related to this place, and the time to enter was the previous "ascension event" , however, he didn’t seem to know that it was actually an accident during the conversation. After confirming the news, I noticed that this made Zhao Gongming slightly relieved.

Yun Zhongzi said that he came here with a purpose, and the medium or clue was this jade pendant. During the "travel" process, he had to make a choice between "strength" and "memory". In view of the The purpose was too important. He had to ensure that he could survive in the unknown world, so he only retained the memory of that mission, but did not remember who he was or the specific situation of the other world.

As for the "mission", it is to find three people, or they may not be human. They are all women. One has messed up the world out of interest, one has sacrificed himself to save that world, and the third and final The important thing is that she didn't do anything in the original world, but what she did after coming here could completely destroy that world.

The first lesson, the second thanks, and the third undecided, but she must not let her world in the future be destroyed.

‘It sounds like the second one is me... prompt sister, who are the other two people? ’

[Tip: Insufficient information makes it impossible to judge, but a third person may hold the ‘Cracked List of Gods’. 】Prompt sister to answer.

‘She is indeed a little girl who wants to change history. Unfortunately, the river of time where I am will not fork. Problems in the upstream will definitely affect the downstream. ’

【Huh? Do you want to deduce the world strictly according to the plot of Fengshen Yanyi? Confess three hundred and sixty-five righteous gods? Not changing history? ] The stupid system was shocked.

‘Changing history with the will of the world is not called ‘changing history’, that is called ‘consolidating the world line’. ’

【All right. 】

‘Hehehe, this is the first time I have met a time traveler, even though he is a domesticated one. ’

[How are you going to find her? ] "How are you going to find her?"

Stupid System and Zhao Gongming asked questions almost at the same time.

"I plan to visit all the female immortals who have achieved enlightenment so far," Yun Zhongzi showed the jade pendant in his hand that was shining brightly: "Only those who have enough power to change the world will make it shine. Although it is inefficient to investigate one by one, at least it works."

Because Fairy Sanxiao was complimented on her cultivation, she beamed a little.

'Hey, if it's me, I'll just stick to the original plan and continue to mess up the original history, and wait for someone who can't help but take action to put things back on track.

That means she definitely didn't run away. ’


'Of course, if you want to change history, the general approach is to take action at the node you want to change. But I am probably the only one who can erase the history that I don't want to see long in advance from the source. ’

[Dragon-Phoenix War and Lich War give you a thumbs up. 】


If you think about it carefully, although there was interference in terms of the participants, the scale of the battle, and the consequences of the battle, the two battles still happened as usual. As I guessed before, there was probably an existence similar to the way of heaven that was silently guiding things. To develop towards the original trajectory, this is not the world's will or restraint, it is simply "man-made". And if he confronts this time traveler, can I just eat the melon and watch the show - no, sit on the mountain and watch the tiger. Fight?

"All the female fairies?" The conversation on the other side continued, and Zhao Gongming asked Yun Zhongzi: "Have you ever gone to Biyou Palace, Yuxu Palace and... Bajing Palace?"

"There are no female immortals in Biyou Palace and Yuxu Palace, and I don't dare to disturb the saint," Yun Zhongzi said: "I saw one in Bajing Palace. Although she is strong enough, she is not the person I am looking for."

"Oh..." Zhao Gongming became a little proud for some reason. After a pause, he said: "If you want to go to the human world, I can point you to two places. One is Beiju Luzhou, where there are many Phoenix tribes. Women, the two of them are in the "Heavenly Court" located in the middle of the sea, among the clouds. There are many women of the Witch Clan there. As for the Jinwu Xihe who patrols the sky all day long, don't bother, she is absolutely impossible to be what you are looking for. one."

"What about the human race and the demon race?" Yun Zhongzi thought for a moment before asking again.

"The human race mostly lives in the southern Zhan continent and has been roughly unified, while the demon race tends to the east Sheng Shen continent and constantly fights against each other. The two live together in the west Niu He continent, but there are two half-step saints from the Western religion to suppress them, and they are generally in peace. "Zhao Gongming shook his head: "But the life span of these two tribes is too short. If there are successful monks, they often live in seclusion and are difficult to find."

"I have benefited a lot from my chat with you. I will go to these places to explore them one by one in the future. Today, I will never get drunk with Brother Zhao." Yun Zhongzi directly raised his glass to invite him to drink.

Cheers to Lancelot and Zhao Yun... Well, as long as you live long enough, you can see everything.

[How long did you live? 】

‘Foshan Shadowless Feet! ’

I kicked the Qixiang car next to me, just in time to stop Han Zhixian, who was about to secretly get the wine. Her eyes widened, with an expression of disbelief that she had been discovered.

"Children are not allowed to drink." I pushed the wine glass away from her, took a carrot and put it into her hand.

Her wide eyes were immediately covered with mist, and then she ran away crying.

Hmm... strange, isn't she a rabbit spirit?

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