The Collection of The End

Chapter 779 Conferred God (55)

——Feng Shen——


"Be respectful to the Emperor of Heaven, be respectful to the Emperor of Heaven..." Emperor Jun of the "Western Emperor" was in the Huoyun Palace dealing with the many petitions collected by the immortal officials from all sides, and giving instructions of "yes", "no" and "shelved" one by one. As the number of instructions increased, his frown became tighter and tighter, and he finally couldn't help but drop his pen: "Is this attitude 'submissive'!?"

The immortal officials who were passing the memorials back and forth shrank their necks and slowed down their steps, but their movements did not stop at all.

Di Jun got sulky for a while, but found that the problem could not be solved, so he angrily picked up the pen again, shook it twice and continued to give instructions.

What is the duty of heaven?

The first and most important point is to contain those witch ancestors and great witches who are too powerful and would cause natural disasters if they run around in the world. In other words, people with "Pangu Essence and Blood", such as Kuafu and Houyi. .

Secondly, when demons and ghosts cause trouble in the human world, they are sent to clear up and suppress them.

If you want to talk about the reason, it is because monsters will become stronger and more violent after eating people, and then kill more people, and "demons" killing humans will cause them to become "evil ghosts" after death and be affected by "evil ghosts" The human race has a high probability of becoming "demons". This is a vicious cycle that adds pressure to the six paths of reincarnation.

Finally, it was to help them deal with some trivial matters with a little bit of friendship from fellow human beings.

But now, as the number of human beings who have "ascended" to heaven has gradually increased, the proportion of "immortals" who care about the human world has also become larger and larger. In addition, the emperor of the human race has announced that he will not worship Nuwa but worship the Emperor of Heaven, which directly led to the former The side job has become the main job. Nine out of ten of the memorials that Di Jun handles in Huoyun Palace are trivial matters in the human world.

——There is a firebird falling from the sky in Qishan. It is suspected to be a monster. Please send an immortal official to investigate?

no! I don’t even recognize Fenghuang. What’s the look in his eyes?

——A white tiger swaggers through the city in Shangqiu, frightening children. Please ask the immortal to take back its mount?

no! If it's White Tiger, something good will happen. If it's Qiongqi, there will be a large-scale fight. It's too late for Heaven to do anything now.

——An immortal has descended to earth many times to catch sheep, causing the surrounding herdsmen’s sheep to dare not come out of their pens to graze. Do you want compensation from heaven?

Put it aside for now and go back to find out who is so boring.

There are still many appeals and petitions like this, but they can barely be related to the heaven.

"It hasn't rained for a month. Does anyone care about it?" "I have set up a net now. Please let all the prey in the southeast, northwest and northwest get into it." "My concubines have run away. Help me catch them." Catch it."

This is completely unnecessary to pay attention to.

As for "Try it and see if there is a response." "I want to become a fairy and be happy~" "I really want to live another five hundred years."...

Not being able to hack them to death with Dao Lei is already considered a reward.

If Wu Yunxian was still here, he would definitely be able to deal with these inexplicable demands in an orderly manner. Even the sons who are not good at political affairs can at least make a preliminary classification, instead of writing the demands intact into memorials like these silly immortal officials. They all rushed to Huoyun Palace.

"Okay, that's enough for today. Put down your things and go have a rest." Di Jun processed a few more petitions.

After looking at the sky outside, he waved his hand to order the immortal officials who were still sending memorials to Huoyun Palace to retreat.

The next moment, the "sun" that had set far to the west completely disappeared under the distant sea, and the originally orange sky above the heaven immediately became as dark as thick ink.

The next moment, a huge silver-white ball of light appeared in the dark night sky as if rising from the bottom of the water.

Then, Di Jun's familiar yet unfamiliar arrogant female voice sounded from behind him.

"Oh, your time calculations have become more accurate recently."

"Stop teasing me and help with official business,"

Di Jun smiled bitterly and turned around to look at the woman behind him:



Moon God [Wangshu] is the name of this woman. She has almost the same appearance and figure as Xihe, but she can never be mistaken.

When Xihe appears in his natural Taoist form, he has long golden hair that is as bright as the sun, eyes as blue as the sky, and wears a light skirt and metal boots of the same color. Sometimes he also wears an additional light blue suit. wearing a hooded cloak, and the whole person exuded an aura of "mother's respect for the world".

But Wangshu... Her hair color is so light that it is almost invisible, and her eyes are completely silvery white. She is not wearing armor, but an ink-colored dress that is as bright as the sky at this time, and a pair of similar shoes. Completely black knee-high leather boots give people a sense of indifference and calmness.

Di Jun didn't know when Wang Shu started to appear. He only happened to be there by chance after Taiyi was accepted as a disciple by Yuanshi Tianzun, Wu Yunxian and the capable heavenly soldiers were taken away by Jiejiao, and had to take over the mess of Heavenly Court. chance to notice her presence.

Basically, she will appear when the sunlight completely disappears and there are no other immortal officials around Di Jun. At the same time, there will be a silver ball of light in the sky that looks about the same size as the "sun".

When they met for the first time, Di Jun was probably out of his mind because he said very quickly: "This dress doesn't suit you."

Then Wang Shu pulled out her black sword, knocked her to the ground and kicked her.

He is an innate Golden Crow! Since Wang Shu can easily knock him down, there is no doubt that she claims to be "Xi He's other side".

With Wangshu's arrogance and eagerness to laugh at him, Di Jun was embarrassed and asked many times before he finally understood what was going on.

As the "sun", Xihe orbits the "earth" once every day. Although he can ensure that every inch of land is illuminated, he can also reach places that are beyond his reach, that is, "places that she cannot see."

To put it simply, it is the "other side of the earth" that she cannot see. Even if she can see it after half a circle, the "unseen position" is on the other side again.

Under this kind of anxiety that, although not serious, could not be alleviated, "Wangshu" was born. The meaning of her name is "you will feel comfortable when you see it." There is no doubt that she was influenced by Emperor Jun's naming skills. , so I basically have no good feelings towards him.

But as the "other side of Xi He", she naturally would not focus on taking care of those surface creatures like Xi He. What she wanted to "look at" was Di Jun, who was guarding the sky alone after Xi He went to survey the sky.

In the end, when Wangshu faced Di Jun, he showed a strange attitude of "both concerned and disgusted, worried when he couldn't see it, and wanted to beat him when he saw it."

Specifically speaking, she was scolding Emperor Jun for being so useless while quickly handling the backlog of petitions and memorials for him. Although she couldn't help but get closer to him, she would punch him if she found he was too close. past.

However, in order to deal with those memorials, Di Jun gritted his teeth with pain and joy and endured it all. ...

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