The Collection of The End

Chapter 791 The Age of Mythology

Heaven, Hall of Heroes.

"Your Majesty! Our department was ordered to assist the human race who traveled to Dongsheng Divine Continent to establish a nation. It took about forty years, and the national border was initially stabilized. However, my subordinates died from a large number of monster attacks during the change of defense. This was a long-planned incident, but it belongs to There is no way my comrades can make them happen!" A young-looking heavenly soldier reported to Emperor Jun.

"Very good, go and have a rest. Next time I will arrange a relaxing trip to Nanbuzhou for you." Di Jun nodded and recorded.

"Thank you, Your Majesty! But I still want to go to Dongsheng Divine Continent, which still needs the protection of the heavenly soldiers!" the heavenly soldiers responded.

"No, it's enough to give the kings of those small countries the impression that 'the heavenly soldiers will help them resist the intrusion of demons.' If you have feelings for those countries, you will inevitably be used by the king to do private things, and those private things may not violate or even comply with The orders you have accepted must be changed regularly." Di Jun shook his head.

"Yes, I understand!" The heavenly soldiers bowed and retreated.

Just now, after proposing the construction plan of "Langhuan Pavilion", Emperor Jun showed extraordinary action. He immediately recruited heavenly soldiers to build the pavilion, checked past dispatch records, compiled the planned defense change plan, and transferred many additional secretaries. The official recorded the resumes of the heavenly soldiers who had "returned from the dead", and finally occupied a table in person to work with those heavenly immortal officials.

The other immortal officials were fine because they could often see Emperor Jun, but the heavenly soldiers who had never been in contact with him were as excited as if they had been given a shot of chicken blood. They spoke sonorously and forcefully, and even walked with wind.

"...Little brother, could it be that our father was a fairly diligent emperor?" I deliberately asked Lu Ya beside me while listening.

"Father is just too lazy to take care of things. Compared to the chaotic Uncle Taiyi, he is still quite popular in heaven... Hey, have you remembered? Sister?" Lu Ya turned to look at me in surprise.

"No." I shook my head honestly. I have never forgotten it, let alone remember it.

"Ah...well, that doesn't really matter," Lu Ya continued to explain with some disappointment: "My father may seem lazy, but he is very reliable when he must take responsibility."

"Responsible? Are you talking about the 'two' mothers who were watching outside for a long time just now?" I gestured to the outside of the Hall of Valor.

"Uh...Actually, what I said before was what I heard from my brothers. I have never seen it myself." Lu Ya was obviously a little bit dissatisfied with the two goddesses of the sun and moon who could blow up the Fire Cloud Palace just by fighting with their momentum. fear.

Just now,

Not long after Di Jun suddenly started working in full swing, they somehow reached some kind of reconciliation and came to the Hall of Valor together to look for Di Jun. It seemed that they wanted him to make a proposition like "choose her or me", but However, he was calmed down by Di Jun who was working hard. He only looked outside the door for a moment and then left directly.

[After all, men who work hard are the most attractive. 】Stupid system commented like this.

'Give you a chance to say it again. ’ Since the Qixiang car couldn’t park into the Hall of Valor, I left it at the door. It could obviously know what happened between those two people.

[They say that a man who is a leader should have some face in front of his subordinates. 】

'He will be even worse in private, right...'

[Well, Xihe just went to Yaochi Palace, and Wangshu went to Guanghan Palace. The choice between the two did not disappear but was postponed. 】

'It seems that the plan of burning a bigger fire next to the fire is not very effective. After all, my daughter has no problem with which one to choose... How about I get Weber or Kong Ming to come out? ’

【You have to respect yourself...】

While Lu Ya and I were chatting wordlessly, Di Jun's Langhuan Pavilion plan never stopped.

"Your Majesty! At the request of a human tribe in Hezhou, Xiniu, which is suffering from demonic intrusion, we went to assist them in their migration. However, they concealed the fact that there were several demoniacs in the tribe. Most of the villagers during the migration They were affected and turned into demons, so our brothers had to kill them." A dissatisfied heavenly soldier reported to Emperor Jun with a dozen people behind him.

"Oh? That should be a retreat after the mission failed, but why did you come back dead?" Di Jun looked at the remodeling room where they came out.

"Your Majesty! We originally planned to take the remaining villagers to continue migrating, but the 'Eight Heavenly Dragons' of the Western Sect came and burned everyone present except the human race! The subordinates died later. It's time for them to take the surviving human races to the Western Sect's dojo." The expression on the Heavenly Soldier's face could already be called angry.

"Hmm... Over in Hezhou, Xiniu, demons and monsters have been emerging in endlessly, but the Second Western Cult Master has always refused to exterminate them all. Most of them are trying to 'rescue the poor' to gain faith. Is this a warning to us that we have crossed the line..." Di Jun shook his head: "Go and rest. Next time I will arrange for you to go to Nanzhan Continent. There are mostly conflicts between human races there. Sage Nuwa will not behave like that."

"My subordinates take orders! Let's go!" The soldiers, no, they should be called generals, shouted and took away dozens of his subordinates.

Hmm...I guess these people will not have a good look when they see Western believers in the future.

"Excuse me, report me, your majesty..." The newly resurrected batch of heavenly soldiers are obviously worse than the previous ones. Half of their bodies are covered with frost, and the other half are scorched black. Reshaping and resurrecting should have eliminated all injuries and abnormal conditions. They look like this, probably because they have endured similar injuries for a long time, so that they look a bit Stockholm.

[That’s not how the word is used...]

‘As long as the idea comes to mind. ’

"Were you near Huoyun Palace just now?" When Di Jun saw them, the corners of his eyes couldn't help but twitch.

"Wha, what? No, my subordinates were sent to garrison at Beiju Luzhou." The leading Heavenly Soldier seemed to have slowed down, and the ice particles on his body gradually disappeared: "There is a group of humans claiming to be 'explorers' from Nanzhan Continent. I wanted to come to inspect the 'Tianguang' in Luzhou, Beiju. My subordinates couldn't persuade me, so I had to accompany them to protect them, and then..."

"Then we fell into the scene of a battle between the dragon and phoenix clans, right... What a sky light, it was obviously the breath of collision," Di Jun continued, then shook his head: "Go and rest quickly, I will send you to Nanzhan Buzhou later to warm up. "

"Sir, I'm lucky to have lived up to my command. None of the human explorers froze to death or burned to death." The soldier shook twice and called his companions behind him to file away.

‘By the way, how did they get from Nanzhanbuzhou to Beijuluzhou? ’

【Riding a boat made of hibiscus wood will not be affected by bad weather. 】

'It would be better for such a deceptive explorer to enter reincarnation early...'

"Aren't Longfeng in-laws?" After thinking about it, I asked Lu Ya in a low voice pretending to be curious: "The Kong Xuan and Kong Yi I know seem to be the children of Zulong and Yuanfeng."

"Think about father and mother and another mother." Lu Ya whispered with a bad smile.

Di Jun obviously heard the whispers here, turned around and shouted: "We are different! Longfeng is robbing the bride!"

. m.

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