The Collection of The End

Chapter 812 Conferred God (78)

——Feng Shen——

Heaven, Penglai Island, Zizhi Cliff.

In this internal competition within Jiejiao, it is very simple to decide and announce the rankings, but in order to get the prize, you have to climb Zizhi Cliff to meet Senior Brother Duobao.

In view of the importance of this "event", Taoist Duobao asked for leave from the two saints who were busy writing the list of gods, and then walked out of Biyou Palace to see the three holy ladies. After learning the details, he was a little bit dumbfounded.

"So, you just rushed up and knocked them all down with your shield?"

Taoist Duobao raised his lightning-shaped golden eyebrows and confirmed with the Holy Mother Turtle Spirit again.

"Yes, I judged that they were trying to guide Huoling and Wudang, so I had no choice but to help them." Our Lady of Turtle Spirit shook the giant shield in her hand: "I just don't know where they came from, thinking that the shield can only Used for defense."

"According to common sense, it is indeed the case," Duobao shook his head: "Tell me, what reward do you want this time?"

As the de facto treasure house of Jiejiao, Duobao has no pressure even if it rewards a hundred magic weapons every "season", and even allows the first place to request a "search". No matter what, you can always find a suitable one. The required magic weapon, even if the person who meets the conditions only has the treasure belonging to the leader, can still be given after reporting to the leader of Tongtian and agreeing.

"I want a short weapon that won't break!" Our Lady of Wudang was the first to raise her hand.

"Hmm...short weapon," Duobao, who casually removed a prefix, touched in his sleeve and took out a small flying knife with a dark red light shining on the blade: "'Hongying' can be used as a dagger. If Used for throwing, it will 'flash' back to your hand without a path."

"Gu——" Our Lady of Wudang puffed up her cheeks.

It would be impossible not to remove this prefix. After all, the requirement of "not being damaged" is too absolute. If even a saint cannot damage it, it will at least be the starting point for the Four Swords of Killing Immortals.

Speaking of which, why has she been thinking about this attribute? Are you planning to assassinate the saint?

"I want endless food!" Our Lady of the Fire Spirit raised her hands in imitation of the others.

Should I say that she is the girl with whom I have a close relationship? Compared with the previous one, this request has even reached the level of "innate treasure". The affix "infinite" is a step higher than "indestructible". The most troublesome thing is that her request has not been changed since she made it. .

Let’s give it a try... Huh?

Duobao is already ready to tell Our Lady of Fire Spirit, "What you are looking for does not exist."

But he actually touched something when he touched it, and he took it out out of surprise.

"Hmm...'Pearl Rice Jar'?" Duobao looked at the wooden barrel that he took out again, with three rings of pearls around it, and casually recited the explanation that appeared in front of his eyes when he saw it: "Whenever the rice jar is near When there is 'rice' being steamed, the same amount of rice will enter the vat. It will always maintain the temperature just out of the pot, and will only be filled and will not overflow. However, if there is no 'rice' in the position, There will be no harvest in the ‘pearl rice jar’.”

Huh? When was this put in? Duobao looked at the wooden barrel in surprise, and then suddenly realized who it could be, of course the saint Nuwa who was visiting as a guest. Only she could create such a magic weapon that obviously involved the actions of a mortal.

After all, the leader was probably listening when Fire Spirit made similar requests before. If there was such a solution, it would have been created and given to her.

"However, I think no one should eat it on Penglai Island -" Duobao was halfway through his words when he saw that the rice vat was filled with rice, so he reluctantly handed it to the Fire Spirit Virgin Mary: "Okay, Is there really any junior brother who is greedy for this kind of food and drink?"

Oooh, ooh, Huo Ling didn't want any side dishes, he just raised the rice vat and started eating.

"Gu..." Our Lady of Wudang continued to stare at Duobao with complaining eyes, as if she was accusing him of being biased.

"Ah, cough, where are you, Guiling?" Duobao pretended not to understand and turned to Madonna Guiling, who was waiting aside with a shield.

"I want to see what my brother is doing." Turtle Spirit blinked.

As expected, Duobao's golden lightning eyebrows twitched. Compared to the other two, no, the four Holy Mothers, Turtle Spirit can be said to be the most considerate. Not to mention how much he likes to take care of people, this The champion's request always mentions something that can be easily accomplished, as if he is afraid of causing trouble to his senior brother. Zhao Gongming has a sister like this, so what else can he ask for?

"Well... you can, but there must be no magic weapon that can directly point to Junior Brother Zhao." Duobao began to take out his sleeves: "How about I give you a magic weapon that can see the real-time status of those who have a relationship with you to a certain extent?" , although if the other party finds it inconvenient, they can refuse it."

"Yeah, okay." Turtle Spirit nodded nonchalantly.

"If you see these junior sisters here, just inspire them a few more times." Duobao said as he took out a jade tablet and handed it to the Holy Mother of the Turtle Spirit.

Seeing that the Holy Mother Turtle Spirit had touched the jade plate, she began to close her eyes and get excited. Huo Ling and Wudang also joined in the fun and raised their hands to touch it.

After all, it is more effective to have more than one person working together, and they will not be chosen. Duobao looked at it and let them go.

Zhizhi - buzz!

After a moment, a white vertical light lit up on the jade plate, and at the next moment it parted to both sides, revealing a handsome young man with blond hair and red eyes. He was looking in the direction of the jade plate with a puzzled look on his face, and said in his mouth: "Strange, it's Who’s asking me if I want to show my current heroic appearance to those close to me?”

Is this how this jade plate works? And why is Lu Ya the target? The girls looked at Duobao together, and Duobao shook his head and spread his hands to express his ignorance.

"No matter who is using some weird spell, since you recognize me, you must also recognize my sister Zhinu. Look, look, look." Lu Ya fiddled with the "picture" a few times, pointed it at the sky, and then gathered around All the virgins around the tablet saw the heroic appearance of their "seniors".

Our Lady of the Golden Spirit somehow put on a handsome Western robe that was a mixture of gold and snow-white. She was surrounded by a colorful halo and was rising straight up. She struck a palm as she approached a huge flame like a high wall. roll out.

At that moment, the colored lights around her merged into one, turning into a giant palm that was dozens or hundreds of times bigger than herself and hit the "wall of fire".

Also appearing at the same time were the two vertical rows of extremely wild writing on the tablet: "[Five Elements Mountain·Sakya Tathagata Palm]!"


In an instant, the "wall of fire" scattered into countless burning rubbles. They were blown up slightly by the strong wind generated when the giant palm dissipated, and then fell like rain. This scene even though it was separated by a flat plate. , which also shocked the girls.

"[Hmph!]" Before the Third Holy Mother and Duobao could discuss the matter, they heard an angry roar coming from Biyou Palace: "[Western religion, you go too far to deceive others!]"

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