The Collection of The End

Chapter 835 Conferred God (93)

——Feng Shen——

Looking south to Buzhou and Shangqiu.

"It's just to attack Zhennu and defeat Xia Sigui. Do we need to make so many preparations?"

In the council hall where subordinate officials were constantly coming and going, Shang Junzilu, dressed in royal attire, asked doubtfully while assisting Yi Yin in handling the mountain of political affairs, orders and petitions.

"Yes, that's all." Yi Yin was so busy that he didn't even have the time to roll his eyes: "This is not the 'Conquer the Kingdom of Ge' that was a trivial matter before, but a serious 'Battle to Unify the World.' "

The Kingdom of Ge is located in the southeast of the Shang Kingdom. It is named after the country's specialty plant "Gudzu". It is a strange vine whose bark can be used to weave clothes, roots can be ground for food, stems can be used to build houses, flowers can be used to make wine, and the seeds can be used as medicine. Growing plants made Ge State completely self-sufficient and did not need to trade with Shang State at all.

Merchants have seen many small countries and tribes like this that cannot be traded when traveling around the world. In addition, the vines are not suitable for transplantation, so they simply decided to ignore them.

But what is surprising is that Ge State actually took the initiative to attack the Shang State's caravan, wanting nothing else but gold.

At that time, Yi Yin was quite curious about their behavior of grabbing money even though they had no place to spend it. After conducting an investigation, he found out that Xia King Sigui did not know who he heard from, believing that the tribes living in primitive style in the deep mountains and old forests would accumulate a lot of gold and silver. Not knowing its value, he led troops to conquer a nearby tribe and went to collect taxes from them.

Where can you find gold and silver in a small tribal country that lives entirely on vines? They can only rob the merchant caravans they had exchanges with.

Naturally, Yi Yin would not tolerate them. He sent troops to capture all the leaders of the small country, and then sent them all to the Xia capital, directly making it a vassal state of the Xia Dynasty. Then, Sigui handed over the tax collection matter. forget.

Although it was not intentional, this act of "taxation must not directly destroy the country" did increase the resentment of other tribes towards the Xia Dynasty.

But that seemingly easy conquest almost broke the Shang Kingdom's trading chain. For no other reason than Yi Yin, who had never experienced a formal war, underestimated its impact.

Sending troops to attack seems simple, but the soldiers need equipment and supplies, and the number of logistics personnel who raise and transport these supplies is almost as many as, or even more than, the soldiers participating in the war.

The Shang Kingdom did not have standing soldiers like the Xia Dynasty. Not only supplies, but the deployment of these personnel for training itself would interfere with the business cycle.

At the same time, he also sent envoys from many places to explain to other tribal countries that were well prepared near Ge State that the Shang State had no intention of attacking them, so as not to cut off the trade routes with these small countries.

Finally, we have to explain to the people at home the necessity of attacking Ge State, and do a good job in dealing with the aftermath if there are casualties.

And these problems are only the foundation of the foundation. At this time, in order to contact the various tribes and kingdoms to jointly raise troops to overthrow the Xia Dynasty, the things that must be done are dozens of times or even a hundred times more than when attacking the Ge Kingdom.

However, on the surface, it seems that the Shang State commanded the world, responded to a hundred responses, and completed its success in one battle. The armies of both sides may have fought decisively in the Xia capital, or they may have met at the border between the two sides, or they may have been anxious to the origin of the Xia Dynasty. Nanchao, but it will always end with the Shang gentleman defeating Xia Wang Sigui and establishing a new [Shang Dynasty].

No, it was still Yi Yin's business to formulate various laws, install officials, appease and absorb many surrounding tribal countries, restore trade routes and determine new business rules. When he thought about it, he suddenly lost his motivation. …

"Hey, speaking of Yi Yin, I didn't know that Concubine Ji was so powerful." Zilu naturally didn't know what Yi Yin was thinking about all the time, so he continued: "After the establishment of the 'Shang Dynasty', many matters still need to be solved." I will trouble you two more."

"Although my subordinates should immediately express their allegiance with gratitude, but before that, can you recruit some people who can help my subordinates?" Yi Yin finally took a moment to roll his eyes at him.

"I think the 'Zhonggu' of the Xia Dynasty is pretty good," Zilu responded: "When pouring the incense, he expressed his intention to surrender several times."

Presumably he was unwilling to be buried with Xia Chao.

Yi Yin nodded inwardly, but on the surface he was still dissatisfied: "I said I can help now, immediately."

"Hmm... Aren't sisters Yan and Wan from the Min family very good at it? Even the sister Xi you brought back is also very good." Zilu pointed towards the back house.

Yes, yes, compared to ordinary people, their ability to handle political affairs is much better - provided they do not fight.

My elder sister, Concubine Ji, was happy to hide in the back house as a concubine when nothing happened, but she could also come out to turn the tide when something happened, and she knew how to give the focus of attention to Zilu - as long as he didn't bring a girl back.

Since Sigui, the king of Xia, went around snatching women from the people and throwing them into the treasure house, Zilu, who wanted to be different from him, could only marry Yiji. However, this kind of thing could not be said clearly, otherwise no matter how stupid Sigui was, he would know that Shang had thoughts about him, so he would not tell the outside world The performance is - "Princess Iggy is particularly jealous."

For those who know the Shen family, this is complete nonsense. A clan that specializes in queens and concubines will make their married daughters jealous? But as long as it can be explained to ordinary people, that's fine.

However, Yiji pretended to be serious. After meeting the Min sisters, she had been deliberately targeting them in various aspects. And how could the two sisters who could fight with King Xia for dozens of rounds be so easy to get along with? The two sides were facing each other so hard that Zilu didn't dare to stay in the back house as a target, so he could only sneak out to help Yi Yin with his work.

Yi Yin's solution to this problem was to ask Mei Xi to go to them with a bunch of less urgent work, and to find a way to turn the fight between them into a comparison of quality and quantity of completed work.

Regarding this approach, the master of Tushan Fox Demon commented that he "doesn't understand women's hearts".

It's obviously handled so well, so why don't you understand it? Perfectly balancing the three parties, could anyone else do it?

Speaking of fox demons, we have to mention Golden Light Holy Mother and Xuandu. They are also divided into three distinct factions, but the conflicts between these gods and fairies are beyond his ability to interfere.

Although these fairies, goddesses, and female goblins did not express their intentions clearly, Yi Yin still analyzed the clues: it is destiny to replace Xia with Shang, but there will still be twists and turns in the process. They want to deal with these "trouble" In order to obtain benefits, but try to avoid directly providing help to the Shang Kingdom, and quietly assisting in political affairs like those fox monsters is the limit.

As for what this "twist" is? Judging from the statements such as "obey the Emperor of Heaven" and "everyone is in his own place", it cannot be more obvious which forces did not intend to let the Shang Kingdom succeed.

Therefore, if nothing unexpected happens, we will soon see a battle between gods and immortals.

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