The Collection of The End

Chapter 851 Conferred God (Extra 1)

——Feng Shen——

Looking south to Buzhou, Xiadu pours out the wine.

With the flags fluttering and the trumpets fluttering, the troops led by Shang Junzilu had joined forces with other rebellious tribes and Fang Kingdoms, and together they besieged the last fortress of Xia King Sigui in the field of Mingtiao.

Because in the previous operations of breaking through the three levels, breaking through the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation, and bypassing the Chuanyunguan Pass, the Shang Kingdom Allied Forces did not exert much effort. Therefore, after the gods left their hands and ignored them, they burst out with greater enthusiasm and vowed to just Capture this city on your own and show it to the gods in heaven.

However, things went against their expectations. Their previous unstoppable advance was only because Xia Wang Sigui transferred all the defenders from all surrounding checkpoints back to Zhenhu to assist in the defense - but it is uncertain how many of them escaped from the battle.

After the King of Xia unified his troops, excluding those who lacked fighting strength or were injured, he had a total of 170,000 elite troops, which was almost to the limit that a huge city could accommodate. If the four walls of the city were filled up one by one, there would still be some left. This directly led to the fact that although Zhenlu City was located in a plain and undefendable, it had no weak points at all.

Although the number of troops led by the Shang State and the allied tribe Fang State was 250,000, many of them had heard that the Shang State was going to rebel against Xia, and they carried pitchforks, knives, axes, hunting bows and other agricultural tools. Those who came directly from the army would have no problem filling the stage, waving flags, or being responsible for transportation and logistics. If they were really allowed to fight, five might not be able to defeat one - of course, this refers to the elite of the Xia army.

During such a decisive battle, the civil servants and generals of both sides gather together, and there is no room for any strategy to be implemented. Especially after the gods no longer interfere, the outcome can only be determined through a duel of real strength, and once this kind of duel Once you start, you can't stop, so currently the two sides only have a small fight between the rangers, and neither of them has the intention to engage in a decisive battle before they are sure of victory.

However, with such a huge strategic advantage, the coalition forces considered sieging instead of attacking, waiting for the grain and grass to be exhausted, and then fighting with all their strength to win. However, the Xia king had been "collecting taxes" and "plundering" everywhere for many years. The income is enough to support the soldiers and civilians in the city for several years. As for the coalition forces, since most of the soldiers have to work part-time in farming, even if women, children and the elderly can be temporarily taken care of, it can only last for a year at most.

"So, Xiaoyi, you should think of a way. One year is the most extreme situation. In fact, even if there is no progress for half a year, the morale of the military will be seriously shaken." In the Chinese army's big tent, Zilu reviewed the situation. After explaining it, he looked at Yi Yin eagerly, waiting for him to make up his mind.

Although he swore to the tribal leaders of various countries that there would be no problem, he was not sure in his heart. Before the morale of the army was really shaken, he would definitely organize a general attack. But how many people would die and what consequences would it cause? Unpredictable.

"Your Majesty, please be patient." Yi Yin raised his head and looked at the ceiling of the tent: "I think it won't take that long."

After the battle at Jiepaiguan, all the monsters and immortals who had assisted the merchant army had all disappeared, or in other words, disappeared from the perception of a half-hearted wizard like him. Currently, only some civilian fox demons in the camp are still holding on to their posts. , there is not a single combat power left.

Oh, no, speaking of combat power, there is still some. The patron saint of the Shang Kingdom and the God of Wealth, Zhao Gongming, is still there - he is fighting in mid-air with the obedient Emperor of the Xia Dynasty.

Ordinary people cannot see the gods in the sky, but Yi Yin is not an ordinary person. Whenever he looks up, he can see flashes of golden light, thunder and lightning, and flying sand and rocks in the sky - so now Mei Xi doesn't leave the tent at all.

Yi Yin was not sure whether it was the stalemate between the Shang army and the Xia army that led to the two gods in the sky not knowing the outcome, or the other way around.

However, it is not his character to do nothing and wait for the consequences, and it is not without clues.

For example, the leader of the fox demon, Tushan Lingling, dressed very enchantingly and sneaked up to find him before leaving, and was discovered by Meixi on purpose. He was so furious at that time that he still has blue veins on his forehead when he thinks about it. Go ahead and never admit that it is "arousing jealousy to harmonize their young couple".

But precisely because of this,

What she said that day made a deep impression on me. She said: "If you have done well enough but cannot achieve your goal, it is better to try to make your opponent do worse."

At this time, it is impossible to send spies into the city to sabotage or instigate rebellion. However, what if it is just to contact internal agents who have already planned to rebel?

Taishi Ling Zhonggu, when Zilu was still in the Xia capital as a hostage, revealed his intention to invest in business. However, Zilu himself was unable to protect himself at that time, and he did not take him with him when he fled the Xia capital.

But in the current situation, he is the best breakthrough point.

"The military advisor has a plan?" Zilu perked up.

"Yes," Yi Yin nodded: "Those gods all withdrew from this final battle for some reason that we have no way of knowing. However, my sister and I like to have the power of gods but not the reality of gods, so we can use this to act. .”

"Oh... Yi Banxian." Zilu nodded.

Brother-in-law, if you weren't the king of a country, you would have been beaten to death, you know?

"Then, I will go and make arrangements now." Yi Yin bowed and exited the tent.

The combination of the witchcraft power that he can use to cast blindness and the demon power that Meixi uses to strengthen herself is a perfect infiltration method, making it easy to find Zhonggu.

As for finding him, he was naturally not asked to rebel on the spot. After all, Xia Jun was all under Guan Longfeng's control, and he, a civil servant, could not do anything.

What is really needed is to influence the slaves in the city through the head of the civil servants of the Xia Dynasty. Our Lady of Golden Light once told Yi Yin that those people in the city who believed in Western religion in order to seek the afterlife, because of the great changes in Western religion, the Zhunti Taoist priests were wiped out. As a result, I fell into a kind of "explosion" state because I felt that I was cheated. It may not make sense to let them "explode" normally, but this time is suitable for internal and external cooperation.

Now, the only problem is that since Master Tushan caused such trouble, Meixi has not only been hiding in her tent, but also used demon power to form a big, uh, hedgehog, or porcupine around her. ? Yi Yin will be stabbed whenever she enters the camp, and now he has to bear those stabs to persuade her to help...

Well, maybe what Zhao Gongming said to coax Xuandu can be used?

Yi Yin opened the door of his tent and saw Mei Xi, who was no longer dressed in men's clothing and was sitting with her back to him. She also felt a pinprick-like premonition of danger.

"Ahem," he cleared his throat and muttered: "There are trees in the mountains, and the trees have branches, and the heart -"

"Kiss me!" Mei Xi turned her head and stared at Yi Yin with red eyes.

Is there something wrong?

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