The Collection of The End

Chapter 854 Conferred God (Extra 4)

——? ? ——

Human world, South Nest.

Lu Ya sat on the Qixiang cart holding the gourd, staring at the largest wooden house in the dilapidated village.

Sigui is inside. This former Xia king is about to die. The human race has given him a posthumous name in advance: Xia Jie.

The only person who stayed with him at the last moment was the commander named Guan Longfeng.

But he had no troops to command.

A few years ago, a young clan with the same surname Si came to Nanchao and persuaded Xia Chao Qingzhuang, who was exiled here, to go to Xiniu Hezhou in the west. Of course, Sigui and his "concubines" were not brought with him. No one offered to take him.

Sigui might have said something to Guan Longfeng before his death, but Lu Ya didn't listen and wasn't interested.

He is only responsible for guarding here and not allowing any evil deeds to take Sigui's soul away.

It wasn't until Sigui was completely demonized that Lu Ya gave him a blow with the immortal-killing flying knife, destroying both his body and soul.

"Look, sister, I didn't kill any mortals," he said.


The Qixiang car is very smooth to drive.

You can turn around as you please, advance or retreat freely, and even the shadow of an animal in front of the car will change at will according to your needs.

There is no such thing as "difficult to control" or "it takes a few kicks to become honest".

If it wasn't that my sister wasn't good at driving at all, or there was a naughty spirit in Qixiang's car.

But now they are all gone.

When Lu Ya was distracted, the Qixiang car turned on its automatic driving and took him to a human gathering place.

"Little sister, are you lost?" A pair of strong arms stopped the Qixiang car and asked with slight concern.

Little sister? Lu Ya turned his head to look at the person coming.

This is a very strong and tall woman who looks like she could bring down a bear with her bare hands.

"It looks like the livestock ran away," the woman nodded, grabbed the shaft of the cart with one hand and left: "The King of Shang advocated mutual aid, and we [with male clans] are not in short supply of livestock, so it doesn't matter if I give you one." .”

Make rations?

Just as Lu Ya was about to refuse, his eyes suddenly lit up, and an unusually familiar village appeared in front of him - it was the village where Emperor Xuanyuan Huang once lived.

[~~] A hum similar to that of Zhinu's usual singing sounded in Lu Ya's ears.

"This is the pattern I saw when I went shopping in Shangguo. It is said that it is the reappearance of the former residence of a certain big shot. What do you think - huh? Where are the people?" The strong woman lightened her hands and found that she had just sat in the car. The "little girl" was missing.

After looking around, he still couldn't find anyone, so he shouted randomly: "Should I keep it for you first? Remember, my name is 'beloved' and I have a male clan leader~"



After Lu Ya stepped through the "Stairs to Heaven", he saw the Yunzhong City where things and people had changed.

Presumably that Zhao Gongming is still nagging at "Lin Hao" all day long trying to "recover her memory".

That's stupid, my sister isn't there.

He was stunned for a moment, and when he sensed that his brothers in the city were trying to find him, he decisively transformed into a rainbow and flew away.

Having just seen the imitation "Xuanyuan Tomb", Lu Ya was touched in his heart.

If there was anyone my sister might leave a message to, it would be that annoying guy.

Ji Xuanyuan.


Fire Cloud Palace.

Fuxi, Emperor Yan, and Xuanyuan are actually saints, but they do not have the name of saints. Moreover, they cannot leave the Huoyun Palace, so they are called the "Three Saints of the Fire Cloud Palace" by the demons and immortals in the heaven.

The first two are the incarnations of Zhao Gongming, while the latter is widely rumored by the human race to be a couple with his sister. Lu Ya doesn't want to see the three of them unless necessary.

Wrong, it's four.

Lu Ya stopped in front of the door of Huoyun Palace and narrowed his eyes at the green-haired young man who just walked out.

Nuwa's first creation, Taishang Laojun closed his disciples, and caused the source of the Xia and Shang wars, Xuandu.

"Why, did you feel it too?" Xuandu, who was wearing a white Taoist robe, blinked his emerald eyes and smiled at Lu Ya: "Unfortunately, the three of them didn't know about it."


Thanks. "Lu Ya raised his eyebrows.

It's a good deal to trade three very annoying people for meeting one only mildly annoying person.

"Empress Nuwa already knows about your killing of King Xia's soul. She understands, but you'd better apologize." Xuandu added.

"...Mind your own business." Lu Ya looked at the Huoyun Palace where there was no movement at all, and then left Huahong.

Speaking of which, Xuandu vented his anger for himself, although it was not voluntary, and the reason for venting his anger also made him even more angry:

At that time, he and Xuandu arrived at the scene almost at the same time, and both of them clearly felt her sister's actions of absorbing all the "destruction" and "death" related to "Heaven".

"I also want to be an admirable woman like Zhinu!" he/she said at that time.

Lu Ya was absolutely sure that Tai Yi and Zhao Gongming's eyes lit up when they heard this.

Then, Xuandu's facial lines became resolute, his height also grew a bit, and his originally slim and undifferentiated figure became tall and strong. Although the length of his hair did not change, his appearance still looked a bit feminine, but he would never be Mistaken for a woman.

If Lu Ya hadn't been able to laugh at all, Tai Yi and Zhao Gongming's expressions at that time would have made people laugh for three years.

But since Xuandu clearly changed into a man because he liked his sister, this matter was only worth laughing about for a year.


Kunlun Mountains.

Since my sister gave me the hint, there must be a message.

Although it was more likely to appear in Jiejiao, Lu Ya didn't want to look there. After all, being in a place where his sister left traces as a senior sister everywhere would make him feel suffocated.

Then, there is only one place to go, Qilin Cliff.

In addition to the Ancestral Dragon and Yuan Feng, there is another mythical beast called "Shi Qilin", which was suppressed under the Qilin Cliff by Yuan Shi Tianzun for unknown reasons.

Lu Ya could imagine that the excuse must be something old like "just go with the flow".

When the heaven collapsed, my sister saved the "people" in the heaven, while Lin protected the "things" in the heaven. The "first unicorn" blocked the "Chaos Hongmeng" that had begun to expand for some reason.

If there is any connection between the giant beast and his sister, it is only that "Yuan Hong went directly to break the Qilin Cliff after bidding farewell to his sister."

Forget it, let’s treat a dead horse as a live doctor.

Since the "Tao" of Yuanshi Tianzun was partially overturned and the upper and lower parts of the teaching were seriously damaged, there was no way to stop Lu Ya from the Golden Immortal of the Teaching, but he successfully reached the place where Shi Qilin blocked the cave.

When he saw "Shi Qilin", Lu Ya knew that he had guessed correctly.

The person entangled in chains there is no longer the giant beast Qilin, but a woman. She has long fluffy pure white hair, her head is lowered, her eyes are closed, she is wearing a loose and elegant black lady's skirt, draped over her shoulders. The snow-white cloak decorated with blue ribbons, although her joints and waist were entangled with chains, which somewhat ruined the image, the pink and white petals slowly falling around her body made up for this very well.

Although this woman did not have even the slightest resemblance to the Golden Spirit Virgin or the Weaver Girl, Lu Ya was still very sure that this was his sister.

At this time, you must say the mantra that will always work, and after saying it, your sister will definitely respond...

Lu Ya slowly raised his hand, waved it in front of the woman's face, and said in a slightly hoarse voice:

"Really, sister, you are in a daze again. How can someone be so dazed?"


The woman slowly raised her head, opened her eyes, glanced at Lu Ya with her emerald eyes, and then said:

[Just wait and hope. 】


Lu Ya was about to ask more questions, but he found that there was no woman in front of him, only a huge and motionless Qilin, as if it was in a deep sleep.

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