The Collection of The End

Chapter 856 Conferred God (Extra 6)

——? ? ——

Heaven, Jin'ao Island.

"How stupid of me, really, to admit the wrong person when the evidence is so obvious."

Zhao Gongming stood on the edge of the island, looking in the direction of Sanxian Island and murmuring to himself.

"[Yes]," Lin Hao, who was holding the koi doll, glanced at him: "[And twice.]"

At that time, after the Virgin Mary of Jinling turned into ashes and disappeared, and Xuandu transformed into a man, Zhao Gongming realized that he had identified the wrong person, and a certain rule immediately appeared in his mind - "she" would never turn into a man, even if I didn't even pretend to do that.

Starting from this, probably summarized by the "previous" "self", a lot of useful or useless rules come one after another:

——"She" doesn't mind having parents, teachers, brothers, and sisters, but she will never have a husband or boyfriend.

- "She" often brings pets or similar things with her.

——"She" often gets distracted, talks to herself, and says things that others can't understand.

——"She" is willing to help others, even if the help will cause losses to herself, she doesn't care, but she will not ask others to do the same.

——"She" must have some characteristics that are different from ordinary people.

Isn't this his sister who was taken away by the Western Church and just returned recently!

So, he just left Xuandu alone and returned to the heaven and Yunzhong City with sparks and lightning. In front of Fairy Sanxiao who was surprised by the changes in Yunzhong City, he caught the chaos spraying from his forehead. Lin Hao, who was stabilizing Yunzhong City, shouted "Don't leave me".

Then his face was confused by the chaos sprayed from the keyhole.

After doing such a ridiculous thing, even if Lin Hao didn't care, Zhao Gongming couldn't stand being watched, so he voluntarily left New Heaven and returned to his own Jin'ao Island to wait and see what happened.

And his sister also followed him because of his request to "don't leave me"...

"So you really aren't?" Zhao Gongming still refused to give up.

"[It's your sister]."


Zhao Gongming was not sure for a moment whether his ninth sister was stating the truth or scolding him because she was too annoyed.

After Yunzhong City became the New Heavenly Court, the New Heavenly Emperor was still the emperor.

Although Taiyi roared with a very powerful voice, he himself shrank into a teenager for unknown reasons, looking exactly like Lu Ya.

According to Zhao Gongming's speculation, it might be because he was frightened when he learned that Xuandu, whom he loved with all his heart, turned into a man.

Although there are some issues with the timing, it was just to smear him, so it doesn’t matter.

Also because of the relocation of Heavenly Court, all the demons and immortals who originally lived in Sanxian Island or Yunzhong City were sealed as officials of Heavenly Court. However, there were also some demons and immortals who were unwilling to be restrained or disliked the unpleasant titles and left on their own.

For example, Zhao Gongming's "Golden Dragon Ruyi Zhengyi Dragon Tiger Xuantan True Monarch", what is this thing, far worse than the neat "God of Wealth", okay?


Um? !

Zhao Gongming looked stern and turned to look at Lin Hao at a speed that almost broke his neck. Thanks to this speed, he was absolutely sure that the inexplicably familiar voice did not come from his sister's mouth, but from his sister's mouth. came from the position of her forehead:

"[——And have hope.]"

At this moment, a new pattern appeared in his mind again.

——"She" always brings hope to despair.

——"She" always turns tragedy into reunion.

——"She" always tries her best to save everything she can.

——But, who will save "her"?

This is not a "rule", Zhao Gongming was shocked in his heart, this is the "reason" for me to find "her".

"[Ah...]" Lin Hao touched her forehead, showing a little surprise, then turned to look at Zhao Gongming: "[There is a place open, do you want to go and take a look?"

"Where - of course!" Halfway through his words, Zhao Gongming changed his words temporarily.

If "she" has left, then the "place" opened now can only be "her" residence.

"[Yeah.]" Lin Hao nodded vigorously.

Just when Zhao Gongming doubted whether such force was necessary, the "keyhole" suddenly expanded to the size of a city gate and swallowed him in one gulp.

Didn’t I teach you to wash your hands before eating?


The End/Heart of Pangu.

After falling into the darkness, Zhao Gongming was surprised to notice that the spiritual energy here was so rich that it could instantly turn ordinary flowers and plants into refined forms. Then he saw that the sky above, below, left and right were filled with false stars. Finally, he realized that he actually recognized this place. The name jumped repeatedly between "End" and "Pangu's Heart", and finally stopped at "Pangu's Heart".

Then, as if he had lived here for a long time, he instantly understood the function of this place: it would send abundant spiritual energy to the outside world and take back the spiritual energy that had become scarce, so it was called "Pangu's Heart".

That "sense of familiarity" allowed him to naturally understand the advanced knowledge about this place: As more and more demons and people became immortals, "Pangu's Heart" became unable to make ends meet, and it began to reduce the supply of spiritual energy everywhere. In proportion, this directly caused the spiritual animals to gather in the spiritual mountains and rivers that produced spiritual energy, and the monsters that appeared also gathered together and occupied the mountains as kings.

Then, there is the battle between humans and demons, demons and immortals. When this battle reaches a fever pitch, it may exhaust the spiritual energy of a certain place, directly leading to [————].

Since Zhao Gongming did not possess similar knowledge or vocabulary, the last words were completely incomprehensible.

There are three ways to solve this dilemma: first, fill the "Pangu Heart" with Da Luo Jinxian and above and become firewood, but the cost is the destruction of body and soul; second: kill a large number of gods and demons every once in a while, Third, use yourself to strengthen the "wall" of the world so that it will not collapse because a certain place runs out of spiritual energy, but this cannot be done by a saint.

"Hiss—" Zhao Gongming laughed, and then found that he had somehow turned into the huge black dragon in his imagination. After thinking about it for a while, he put the matter behind him.

Obviously, the "Fengshen List" was designed for this purpose, and the "Shen Condensing Pill" strategy proposed by Tongtian Cult Master only treats the symptoms but not the root cause.

"She" is really generous. She directly separated the heaven from the human world and greatly reduced the consumption of spiritual energy in the human world. Coupled with the research of the leader of Tongtian, it must be enough to last until a practical method emerges.

As for using herself to patch up walls or something... Only people who don't understand her true strength would think that.

"[What! Could it be that Jin Ling has already patched up the wall with himself?]" Nuwa's familiar voice came from far away. She seemed to be in a coconut-shaped floating building that kept making dull sounds of "dong-dong". island.

It's really troublesome... Zhao Gongming, or the ender dragon, shook his head, fluttered his wings from a small black floating island hidden in the starry sky, and glided in the direction of Nuwa's exclamation.

Since she can come here, she must be in the same situation as myself, so let's discuss the next plan with her.

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