The Collection of The End

Chapter 858 Zero.12%

[Tip: The game time is 5000 years, 'spiritual suffocation' and 'time paradox' have not occurred, and the corresponding doomsday elements have been obtained. 】

[Tip: Recycle the doomsday element ‘war’. 】

[Tip: Recycling the doomsday element ‘Apotheosis of the Gods’ failed. 】

[Tip: Recycle the embedded cheating clips: Ender Dragon (???), Wudang (Emil), Fire Spirit (Sophie), Turtle Spirit. 】

[Tip: Followers and some priests have been updated. 】

Hmm... It's pretty much the same, so it's a bit surprising that I can't take the God List with me, but if I think about it carefully, it would be troublesome if I really took it away.

As for the "war" that returned unexpectedly, it is not surprising after considering it. It has not fulfilled its responsibilities and has been used by Fairy Hongyun as an ordinary weapon.

After listening to the summary from the prompting sister, I let the stupid system eat.

After the four major elements of the Three Kingdoms world were gathered together, they were combined into a perfect fruit cake, and the "aura suffocation" turned into a cup of pearl milk tea. Finally, there was the "time paradox", which turned into a weird, overall Donuts in the shape of a Möbius strip.

Not sure if the stupid system would leave one behind, I grabbed the "Time Paradox" from the small table before it could.

But obviously, it has been thinking about the cake and is not interested in the new "food".

"After upgrading this time, you can create a world of 'extremely large' scale, right?" I asked, looking at Fufu, the incarnation of the stupid system, chewing the cake non-stop, looking for something to say.

[Hmm...] The stupid system responded while chewing something: [Yes, the screening range of this scale is as large as the solar system to the Milky Way. Worlds that cannot escape from the original galaxy will not be considered, Ziliu~]

The doomsday element that can destroy the entire galaxy... is difficult to even imagine.

【Um? Isn't that simple? I can think of seven or eight kinds at random,] Stupid System replied: [For example, zerg, grox, chaos, Ego, Burning Legion and so on. 】

I always feel like something weak has been mixed in...

[Anyway, at the scale of the Galaxy level, ordinary doomsday elements can no longer do anything to the world. There must be a 'group' dedicated to eliminating all intelligent life. However, the method of dealing with it is relatively simple, as long as they can be defeated. That’s it. 】The stupid system eats while talking.

"What about control? I think the Queen of Blades is quite handsome."

[...] The stupid system stared at me up and down with its mung bean eyes: [No, no, no, first of all, the figure is far different. 】

The figure is very different.

Not even close.


"Stop! I promise I won't beat you to death!"

【Wait until I finish eating! Ouch! 】


The stupid system showed amazing agility and ate all the cake and drank the milk tea before I caught it. As a result, by the time I caught it, my anger was almost gone.

"Are you full? Did you say that you can contact my original world by consuming a doomsday element? Do it." I casually threw the stupid system back to the globe in the fountain.

[It’s possible now,] Stupid System looked at the donut in my hand and licked his lips: [But you need to choose a location to save. 】

"……What's the meaning?"

[After I contact that world, of course you won’t be satisfied just because we already ‘own’ it. You definitely want to go in and have a look, right? 】Silly System said.

"Of course." I responded: "I am also planning to make that world a safe area, that is, a place where no strange doomsday elements will come in."

[So, you need to use a world that belongs to you as an archive and 'paste' this world. The higher the synchronization rate between the two, the less likely it is that something will go wrong. 】Silly System said.

"What does this synchronization rate have to do with EVA?"

[It doesn’t matter,] Stupid System raised his paw and stepped on the globe under his feet: [The synchronization rate here refers to things such as landforms, humanities, history, etc. For example, it is the same as catching a person from this world and throwing him into another world. Location,

He can completely not realize that he has traveled through time and continue living as usual. The synchronization rate between the two worlds is 100%]

"Well, I think it's hard for people to think that the world is divided into four major continents, and there is also the weird terrain of Nirn. Is that really the only one I can choose?" I looked at the globe.

[Yes, from the Xingyue family. 】Silly System clapped its paws, and the rather familiar world map was quickly outlined on the globe.

"I remember that this world seems to be only as big as Fuyuki?" I looked at the bow-shaped islands east of Country C.

[Isn’t that just right? ] Stupid System said: [No matter what, the Holy Grail War over there will not affect your family in country C. 】

"Wait a minute?" I seemed to hear some not-so-good words: "Could there be someone fighting the Holy Grail War in my world?"

[It means "passed",] The stupid system said: [When did you time travel? When will the fourth and fifth battles be? After all, our original world has no mystery at all. Except for the people related to you, it will basically be covered by a higher mystery. 】

"Forget it... I don't think my original world will still exist... By the way, when was the archive you intercepted?" I poked the globe.

[It is an automatic save. There are two automatic saves in the game settings. One is the latest automatic save that is automatically performed after each evolution or degeneration operation, and the other is the selected one that has not done anything before the start of each game. 'Initial archive',] The stupid system scratched its chin with its hind legs: [If it is the 'latest archive', you will die when you enter it, and there is no time to browse, so we should choose 'initial archive', that is, you click through The moment before that big balloon. 】

"...The doomsday element is still there?" Although it has been a long time, I still feel grateful to "Pax-200".

[Of course - no,] the stupid system shook its head: "[This is a 'custom mode', a mode where various conditions can be set by oneself. It is usually used to test the strength of doomsday elements. Although we can use tricks to make the world Paste, but the doomsday elements that do not exist cannot be pasted.】"

"Well... here you go, do it." I casually threw the "time paradox" to the stupid system.

It would be fine if I was a real person like a "player", but NPCs are still NPCs even if they have awakened their self-awareness. Therefore, unless my parents and younger brother have also awakened their self-awareness, the pasted save file will be them. ——It’s really convenient to be a game character.

[Is this why you recognize relatives everywhere? 】The stupid system has a donut in its mouth and doesn't forget to complain.

"Go back to work!" I was thinking about the words and deeds of the original "Patient Zero" and yelled at him casually.

Bang, the stupid system trembled, and pressed some button with its paw.


【Game Mode: Custom】

[Doomsday Elements: Time Paradox]

[Map type: Earth]

[Map size: Large]

...Can you be any more stupid?

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