The Collection of The End

Chapter 861 1. One hundred and thirty four hundred and twenty-six%


“The universe has no origin and no end, it is infinite.

Although the planet has an origin, it will end on its own and is finite.

In the cycle of finite and infinite reincarnation, life will be born and die, civilizations will rise and fall, and replace. Only the stupidity of those who resist fate is eternal.

Human beings want to exceed the speed of light, but ultimately lead to the reversal of time.

This can be said to be God’s response to those who commit such acts.

Ultimatum. "

Ryuunosuke Uyu took the phone away from his ear, and then looked intently at the bright red casing and pitch-black screen.

"SG001" is the latest concept phone on the market, but Ryunosuke does not have enough budget to purchase it, so this phone is actually a fake of his own DIY. Out of interest, he added Many ancillary features.

But even so, SG001 does not have the ability to complete calls without turning on the phone.

"So... it really doesn't work?" Ryunosuke, who didn't wait for a response, sighed and put his phone in his pocket.

The young man has short orange hair and wears dark purple to almost black casual clothes. Coupled with his slightly mad appearance and demeanor, he looks a bit unapproachable, but the top is one size smaller than the appropriate size. The white-backed cultural shirt with the word "燚龘" printed in bright red, which was exposed because it could not be zipped, alleviated this feeling a lot.

"Yusheng~" A petite girl walked up to him, tilted her head slightly and stared at the pocket where she had just stuffed her mobile phone: "Who were you talking to just now?"

She looked to be about fifteen or sixteen years old. She was wearing a turquoise ruffled dress and pure black pantyhose. She was wearing semi-high-heeled sandals and a sunhat of the same style as the dress, which just covered her somewhat fluffy hair. She has short ear-length hair and a very delicate and lovely appearance. The most eye-catching thing is her pair of strange eyes that, although they are wide open with great energy, have no luster at all.

"Don't call me Yu Sheng," Ryuzosuke glanced at her: "Call me 'Arthur Pendragon'."

"But Yusheng is Yusheng?" The girl said she didn't understand.

"That's just the name of this world," Ryuzosuke said: "In order not to be chased by [Chaldea], I must often use names from other worlds that they cannot observe."

"Ah~" The girl blinked and suddenly realized: "This is called 'chuunibyou', right?"

"I have graduated from chuunibyou for many years!" Ryunosuke raised his voice slightly.

"Then it's a relapse~" the girl continued without hesitation.

"..." Ryuzosuke held his forehead.

This girl is called Lin Hao, and she is his childhood sweetheart. Although she looks like a high school student or junior high school student, she is actually twenty-two years old. It is said that she came to Japan from country C because of some illness when she was a child. Treatment, but because the treatment course was too long, I applied for a "permanent residence visa", which is a green card from another country.

As far as Ryuzosuke knows, the requirements for applying for that thing are "ten years of residence and eight years of work." Even if medical treatment can be counted as residence, what about work? Will you cooperate with the study of her chronic illness?

However, she doesn't seem to have any major problems at the moment. If she has to say she has any disease, it's probably "natural stupidity" disease.

"Let's go..." Ryunosuke shook his head and turned towards Fuyuki Civic Hall.

"Ah, wait for me~"


"It has been confirmed that someone is going to give a speech about time travel. I have arrived at the scene and am conducting further investigation. Yes, I will adapt accordingly to avoid exposing myself." In front of the Fuyuki Civic Hall, Ryunosuke said these words of unknown meaning. After that, he put away the SG001 mobile phone again.

The Fuyuki Civic Center is one of the three landmark buildings in Fuyuki City, the other two being the Hyatt Regency Hotel and the Mitogawa Bridge.

The main body of this building is a steel structure, consisting of a conference center and an exhibition center. It has a construction area of ​​182,600 square meters and a rentable indoor area of ​​71,000 square meters. It is a conference, exhibition,

A large public facility integrating hospitality, dining and sightseeing.

Even though it's not a weekend, the crowds are still quite dense.

"There are so many people~" In the crowd, Lin Hao grabbed Ryuzosuke's arm with one hand and pressed the brim of his hat with the other hand to look around: "By the way, Yu Sheng, what are we doing here?"

"So you didn't know the reason at all, but you followed me as soon as I called you, right?"



Ryunosuke looked at her slender arms grabbing his and sighed deeply.

Sure enough, it was because she grew up in a hospital, and those doctors, nurses, experts, and professors were very close and friendly to her for various reasons, so she felt that the world was full of good people?

We need to find an opportunity to let her know the dangers of the adult world.

"Look," Ryunosuke lowered his body slightly and pointed to the sky above the Convention and Exhibition Center, where a pair of banners hanging from a pair of huge balloons were swaying in the wind: "Then what is written on it?"

"Well..." Lin Hao pushed up the brim of his hat and tried to read out the words: "Welcome Dr. Marisbili Yasmiret Animsfia, come to conduct a lecture entitled '[Quantum" A public lecture on the practical applications of mechanics] and [imaginary number space] and the possibility of [traveling through time and space] and [parallel universe]."

"Oh? Do you recognize those rare words?" Ryuzosuke was slightly surprised.

"Just read the katakana phonetic notation," Lin Hao responded, "Judging from the pronunciation, it must be something very powerful."

"Haha," Ryuzosuke sneered twice: "Do you know there is a saying that 'If you are indecision, quantum mechanics; if the explanation is unreasonable, travel through time and space; if the space is not enough, parallel universes'?"

"Well..." Lin Hao tilted her head and looked at him, "Yusheng, why do you suddenly speak C language?"

"Because I have traveled through some of the history and legends of country C," Ryuzosuke frowned, "but I have forgotten the specific matters."

"Oh~ Chuunibyou." Lin Hao concluded.

"I told you there would be no recurrence!"

"That means you can get through it?"


Who is to say that this girl is naturally dumb and he is in a hurry.

"Anyway, we are going to sneak into this lecture to see how his theory of traveling through time and space is different from [ours]," Ryuzosuke led Lin Hao to the conference center: "If he is just talking nonsense and sensationalizing, then that's it. But if he really means something, I must find a way to disrupt the lecture. Otherwise, when he finishes his lecture, [Chaldea] will send someone to [correct the singularity], and then my existence will be directly Exposed.”

"Oh~" Lin Hao looked like he didn't understand, and just shook his fist at Ryuzosuke: "Come on!"

What oil to add...

Ryunosuke looked at the Civic Hall in front of him, took out his phone again, opened it, and said to the dark screen: "The infiltration operation is about to begin, yes, I will be careful, fusrodah."

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