The Collection of The End

Chapter 864 1. One hundred and thirty-one thousand two hundred and forty-seven%


What's going on with this guy...

Ryuunosuke Uyu thought that he was relatively strong among his peers, but for some reason he was pushed against the wall at the corner. His back was so painful from the impact, and it was difficult to understand what she said. .

"What [Director]? I've never heard of it!"

Because the other party was a young woman, even though Ryunosuke's hands were not shackled, he couldn't raise his hands to push her, so he had to hold her wrist and chat with her through gritted teeth.

It was a woman in her mid-twenties who was wearing a black and yellow-edged Western-style corset jacket, a pure white silk dress, and dark red tight leather pants. She had snow-white shawl curly hair, red eyes, and high eyebrows. The corners of his eyes were raised, his expression was arrogant and cold.

How come this guy seems to have been seen somewhere?

The woman didn't seem to have any intention of letting go, but instead pressed harder. The intensity made Ryunosuke doubt that she had practiced martial arts skills such as karate or Sanda judo.

"Haha?" The woman glared at Ryunosuke: "You ran here and shouted, 'Director!' as if you saw a rare animal, then turned around and ran away. I chased you for two floors before catching up, but now you continue to run." ah?"

what does that mean? Has his memory been wiped clean again? No, that's not right. Today's memory is very coherent, without any gaps, but who is there... ah.

"Are you... Olga Marie?" Ryuzosuke finally remembered who the woman in front of him was.

Olga Marie Jasmiret Animsfia, the daughter of the previous nonsense professor, her name almost always appears as a co-author in her father's reports and papers, and she has also been photographed several times .

Of course, since Ryunosuke was here to disrupt the lecture, why not make some preparations to disrupt it?

"Do you know me?" The white-haired woman let go of her hand and took two steps back: "Huh, is this really a strange way to strike up a conversation?"

"Ah, that's the one who transferred his achievements because of his father's incompetence and only wrote his name as an assistant - huh!"

Before Ryuunosuke finished speaking, Olga Marie suddenly covered his mouth, moved her face closer, almost face to face, and stared at him with scarlet eyes: "If I tell anyone, I will kill you."

Hufufu——It was as if black flames were literally rising from her body.

Why would someone in the real world show the same murderous intent as in the comics?

"Uh-huh!" Ryuzosuke shook his head in a particularly honest manner.

"Hmph..." Olga Marie let go of the hand covering Ryuzosuke's mouth, wiped it on his clothes, and picked up the participation card hanging around his neck: "Yusheng... Ryuzosuke, yes Well, if you let me hear any bad news about my father, you will die."

As he spoke, the black murderous aura became more intense, and Ryunosuke could only shake his head repeatedly.

"Hmph." Olga Marie threw away her participation card and Ryunosuke, turned around and left the corner.

Ryunosuke was stunned for a while, then took out his mobile phone from his pocket and put it to his ear:

"Hey, it's me, are you okay? You let such a scary woman roam around? What? She belongs to [Chaldea]? You just let me go because you don't know my identity?"

"Hmph...hahaha! Of course she doesn't know that my true identity is 'Arthur Pendragon'!"

"Okay, keep in touch, and remember to remind me if she shows up again, that's it, YolToorShul."


"Dudulu~ It turns out that Yusheng is here~"

After a while, Lin Hao came back with her doll in her arms and greeted him with a "Fu Fu" hand:

"Ah, really, Yusheng got lost, thanks to Fufu's good nose."

"I'm not lost, it's just——" Ryunosuke paused.

Why? Have you been banged against the wall by a foreign girl who is a head shorter than you? There is no way to say this to her.

"——I'm just lost on the journey of life! Hahahaha!"

"Hmm...I didn't understand.

Lin Hao skipped the topic directly: "Let's go back, Yusheng." "

Still good at skipping topics as always, forget it.

Ryuzosuke waved his hand: "OK, today's operation was a complete success, withdraw——"


A painful female scream came from above the floor, and it sounded like it was Olga Marie who had just threatened to "kill" Ryunosuke.

Oops, are the people from [Chaldea] actually coming for her? After all, her father was not the real originator of those theories, and she just said that someone deliberately lured her out... This was a trap!

"Lin! You stay here!" Ryunosuke laughed at himself and was thinking, while running up the stairwell. In any case, the long scream was real, even in terms of boring reality. Inference, there must be a woman in need of help at this time!

"Ha, ha..." Ryunosuke gasped.

It's really troublesome. I've gone up and down eight floors of this building today, and the "first floor" of this large building is not only two or three meters high like ordinary residential buildings. If you can use [Magic Release] or [Tornado Energy] 】if……

Ryunosuke was unable to continue his delusion. His eyes were completely attracted by the woman lying in the stairwell on the top floor.

Olga Marie fell to the ground, staring blankly at Ryunosuke who had just run up the stairs. Her slightly fluffy white curly hair, black top with yellow edges, white dress, and bright red pantyhose were all covered up. The blood was dyed a rich dark red, and the amount of blood far exceeding the amount that would kill an ordinary person came from a construction steel bar inserted deep into her back. Even at this moment, streams of blood were still flowing from that steel bar. The ends of most of the soaked steel bars kept pouring out.

Damn it, did [Chaldea] do this? Sure enough, they succeeded.

It is also possible that another person tried to blackmail her with the results of her thesis and accidentally killed her during the dispute.

No matter what, there is only one thing to do at this time——

Leave immediately! The further away the better!

Whether it was based on his own "delusion" or "reality", Ryunosuke came to the conclusion "never get close", so he turned around and ran away without hesitation. When he heard more people coming from below, He left the stairwell and entered the building first, took a detour to find Lin Hao, and quickly left the citizen hall with his childhood sweetheart who still didn't know what happened.

"Yusheng? What's wrong?" Lin Hao didn't express his doubts until he was pulled out of the club by Ryuzosuke and came to the opposite side of the street.

"[Chaldea]," Ryunosuke temporarily gave up that statement and simply said: "Someone died."

"Ah?" Lin Hao's eyes widened in disbelief.

"The problem now is that I am closest to the murder scene, so I have to clear up the relationship..." Ryunosuke hurriedly took out his mobile phone and turned it on, sending a text message to one of his contacts:

[To: Lancelot,

The daughter of Professor Marisbili that I asked you to investigate before is dead. Quickly clean up the traces of your hacking investigation. We may need to take notes, so don’t worry.

From Arthur. 】


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