The Collection of The End

Chapter 868 2.571599%


"Huh...huh...I finally got rid of it." Ryuzosuke led Lin Hao and ran all the way. He stopped only when he could see the Weiyuan River Bridge and the flashing lights above, holding his knees and adjusting his breathing. .

Due to the rapid development of Fuyuki City, high-rise buildings, commercial streets, and residential areas have sprouted up everywhere like mushrooms after the rain. The distinction between the "new city" and the "old city" that was still distinguished a long time ago has become almost indistinguishable. , and neon lights and giant screens on large buildings can also be seen everywhere.

At this time, news about the fire at the Fuyuki Civic Hall was being played on a screen near the bridge:

"——Reporters from the front were not allowed to enter the scene to take pictures. Judging from the long-distance aerial photography from the helicopter, although the Civic Hall has been completely burned, other surrounding buildings have not been affected much. Perhaps the blockade will be lifted soon."

"The police spokesperson said in an interview with reporters that the cause of the fire is still under further investigation. Chemical gases that are harmful to the human body may still remain at the scene. The general public is asked to consider their own safety and not approach the accident scene without authorization. In addition - "

"...Ha, are you talking about me?" Ryunosuke took a deep breath, put his hands in his pockets, and took the lead on the footpath of the Meiyuan River Bridge.

"Ah? Are you going back already?" Lin Hao asked following behind.

If possible, Ryunosuke naturally wants to investigate the cause of the fire, but if the scene cannot be entered, it is better to go back and check the Internet to see what is different about the world. From the current point of view, most of the known information They are no different from before he "traveled", and the childhood sweethearts behind him are also just as naturally stupid.

"Well, there's nothing interesting to see. Let's go back." Long Zhijie turned his head and glanced. Although Lin Hao kept running with him, he didn't blush or breath.

I always feel that although she has been hospitalized and gives people a very weak impression, her physical fitness may be surprisingly good. How about taking her to school to run 10,000 meters one day?

"Huh? What's wrong?" Lin Hao met Ryuzosuke's gaze without knowing why.

...Forget it, I finally recovered and was discharged from the hospital. It would be stupid to be admitted to the hospital again just to test my physical fitness.

"Follow me," Ryuzosuke said: "There are too many people watching the fun, don't get separated."



Cross the Meiyuan River from the bridge, and then go north along the riverside avenue. After passing the old station, you will find the "New Capital Old Town" where Ryunosuke lives.

Due to the loose soil along the river and coast, this area cannot build high-rise buildings. Although the roads and blocks are neatly planned, due to its relatively large area and sparse population, it is more like the old city.

Ryunosuke didn't have any objections to this. After all, this way, when he was doing various loud research or laughing wildly in his courtyard, no neighbors would complain.

Before approaching the gate of his courtyard with the dinner ingredients he bought along the way, Ryunosuke took out his mobile phone and dialed: "It's me. The operation is over. Open the gate of Camelot City."

"Every time I see it, I find it interesting~" Lin Hao stopped and looked at the courtyard door.

"[Ah——Ser——!]" A moment later, a powerful shout came from behind the door of the courtyard.


This is the sound of the metal courtyard door sliding open to both sides with a strange sci-fi feel.

"Let me tell you, Yulong, when will you improve it?" After the courtyard door was fully opened, a young man in the courtyard was revealed.

He was wearing a black formal suit. He had a straight and muscular figure, but he had strange dark purple hair. Although his facial features were quite handsome, his expression was completely mismatched and decadent.

On his outstretched right wrist, there was a ring with black and red current flashing on it.

"Don't call me Uryū," Ryunosuke Uyu walked over, ignoring the current and adjusting the "bracelet" a few times to turn it off completely: "Isn't that 'Arthur' you shouted before very standard?"

"That's because the pronunciation of your real name is not suitable for shouting.

"The young man responded.

This bracelet is a by-product of Ryunosuke's research on how to travel through time and space. "Time and Space Equipment" No. 12, named "Knights Will Not Die with Unarmed Hands", can release electric current according to the user's pulse frequency and the volume of the cry. The only The disadvantage is that it will also shock the user.

The power of the current it generates is very small. When used to electrify people, it will produce a "pop" like static electricity at most. However, it can be used to open the courtyard door, namely "Space-Time Equipment" No. 9, "Avalon". Although the door It can also be opened and closed normally with the key, but as long as Arthur and Lancelot are on both sides of the door, it will easily become this situation.

"Hey, hello," the young man turned to greet Lin Hao: "Yu Long didn't cause any big trouble, did he?"

"No, Ryunosuke was not caught by the police~" Lin Hao replied as he walked into the courtyard carrying the ingredients: "La la la, let's eat chicken tonight~"

"So the 'citizen who entered the scene without permission' as mentioned in the police statement is you, right?" The young man glared at Ryunosuke, who was following closely behind.

"Tch, a mere 'Yangtze River Knight' is quite arrogant." Ryuzosuke ignored the question.

"Don't call that weird code name!" the young man roared, and the bracelet on his wrist began to show signs of discharge again.

This young man is the "Lancelot" Ryunosuke contacted before, named "Hasegawa Tomoe". He is very interested in electronic information. He and Ryunosuke were originally just co-workers who shared a house, but they collaborated to create After a few gadgets, he became like-minded, so he was named "Lancelot" by "Arthur", and because of the surname "Hasegawa", he was inexplicably named "Knight of the Yangtze River" by Ryunosuke. name.

However, because he is essentially a normal person and did not grow up with Ryunosuke, his ability to ignore flaws is far less powerful than Lin Hao's, so he became the person in charge of making complaints about this "Camelo City".

As far as Hasegawa knows, Ryunosuke once tried to give Fujimura Daika the code name "Morgan", but gave up the idea after being severely taught by Mu Dao. As for the code name of "Guinevere", it must be as long as he has this " "Lancelot" is absolutely impossible to give away.

"Hey, it's me." After roughly checking the courtyard and public hall, Ryunosuke took out his mobile phone: "At present, it seems that the changes in the world line are not obvious. There may be only one case of Fuyuki Kaikan. I will continue. Observe, that’s it, FoKrahDiin.”

"Speaking of which, Uryū, you didn't provoke the police just to realize your joke, right?" Hasegawa happened to be passing by and said casually: "Don't you want [Dr. Olga Marie] to give a lecture at the academy tomorrow?" Making trouble."



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