The Collection of The End

Chapter 882 3.960794%


"I brought my father's research results. Arthur, can you see how they are different from what you have heard before?"

After a period of chaos, Lin Hao took Illya and Shirou to the kitchen to prepare dinner, while Mashu brought water to Hasegawa who had just woken up with some apology, and Olga Marie placed a stack of documents on the dragon Nosuke just moved in and covered the top of the round table No. 8.

Although it was only three days ago, Ryunosuke didn't listen too carefully to Professor Marisbili's lecture, and because of the use of "time and space text messaging" and "travel", he was a little vague about the specific content. Feeling excited, I casually took the documents on the table and started to read them.

"Well, regarding 'Affected by the theory of relativity, time travel in the physical form is difficult, and currently only electrical signals can be transmitted', and 'Converting human brain waves into a form that can be sent', as well as sending and 'covering' the past self Predictions of what will happen when the time comes, and theories such as 'the mass of matter must be reduced or even eliminated before physical transmission can be carried out' are no different from what I heard, but his wording does not seem to be so -'soft', Dr. Ma Risbili is almost 'convinced' that time travel is possible, and pointedly pointed out that 'anyone who refuses to acknowledge what is happening in front of him is worse than a blind man.'"

Ryunosuke quickly finished flipping through the paper and commented while handing it back to Olga Marie.

"Of course, because I deleted it." Olga Marie snorted, "Otherwise, those 'blind people' would never have let this article enter the defense round. They always suggested that my father submit it to "SFX". "

"SFX" is a well-known British science fiction magazine. For a scientific worker, this statement is no different from accusing him face to face, "You are talking nonsense."

"So, you reluctantly passed it as a 'self-consistent conjecture'?" Ryuzosuke pointed to the "Space-Time Machine" No. 8 and No. 12 below the table: "If you want to borrow it..."

"No," Olga Marie pressed her hands on the table and made a fierce expression: "I want to finish the 'time machine' directly here."

"But with the current level of technology, the most we can achieve is sending brain waves to the past. According to your father's theory, memories cannot be brought back, and there is no use in creating some sense of déjà vu." Ryunosuke spread his hands. road.

"Isn't it you?" Olga Marie looked at Ryunosuke.

"Hey, wait?" Ryunosuke seemed to have guessed what she wanted to say.

"We built the time machine and took it to England. We first gave the report empty-handed and wrote down all the reactions of those idiots. Then you project your consciousness to the beginning of the report and point out what each person is going to say before he speaks. Let's put on a wonderful face-slapping show." Olga Marie raised her eyebrows: "Isn't it interesting?"

"Well... with this trick, you are indeed a Mary Sue."

"That's ridiculous! A slap in the face is better than using it to buy lottery tickets!"

" mean 'time machine'?" Matthew, who had been bullied by Olga Marie for a long time, quietly raised his hand to ask.

"Strictly speaking, it is a [Spirit Transfer] device," Olga Marie glared at Matthew: "This is an epoch-making invention. I don't plan to keep it secret for too long, but if you go out and talk nonsense before we complete it, we will You move to the Jurassic era to play with dinosaurs.”

"No, it won't." Matthew seemed frightened and a little nervous.

"Dudulu~ It's time to eat~ Ryunosuke, come and get the chopsticks~" Lin Hao's voice came from the kitchen.


"It is currently known that the transfer of 20 million yen will cause the world observed by Ryunosuke Uyu to fluctuate greatly." After dinner, Olga Marie continued to study the "space-time text message": "You can propose some degrees Try similar changes."

She seemed to have no problem with him continuing the experiment after she left, but in fact he had glared at her several times. It was better not to say anything unless necessary...

Ryunosuke remained silent,

Look at the others in the roundtable.

Shirou was saying "As expected of Teacher Arthur" to himself, Hasegawa was adjusting the date of No. 8, Lin Haoquan flipped through the book nonchalantly, and Matthew was nervous with a look of anticipation. As a result, It seems that the only one left with an opinion is the little girl Illya.

"Hmm~" Illya tilted her head and thought: "I want a brother! Someone like Shirou!"

"..." Her words instantly attracted everyone's attention, and then they were all speechless.

"Well, Illya, you know, we are just sending text messages to the past. Even if your parents received the text message 'have a child as soon as possible' before you were born, they wouldn't listen, right?" Ryunosuke tried Change a girl's mind.

"No need~" Illya pointed to Shirou Kotomine next to her, "Shirou was adopted by Father Kotomine 10 years ago. My father was also in Fuyuki at that time. I have his secret work phone number, so I can pretend to dance. Aunt Mi sent him a text message and asked him to adopt Shirou first. If successful, he will become my brother!"

"This..." Kotomine Shirou looked helpless.

"This is actually a good idea," Olga Marie actually agreed: "It doesn't involve specific things, it just changes interpersonal relationships. It should be very helpful to our research."

"Sir Bedivere, what do you say?" Ryuzosuke asked the priest's adopted son.

"What King Jianfeng points to is what our hearts want," Shirou nodded to Ryunosuke: "Although I am a little sorry for my father, if Teacher Arthur succeeds, I will not remember this matter at all, so there is no It’s necessary to struggle.”

After thinking about it carefully, Ryunosuke found that this was indeed the case, so he called Illya to explain to her how the "space-time text message" worked. Finally, he handed her the phone and adjusted the scheduled sending time.

"[Dear, go to the Fuyuki Orphanage to adopt a red-haired boy named Shirou. This is Grandpa's order. I don't know the reason - I love you, Ellie.]" The girl edited the text message.

"Who is Ellie?" Ryuzosuke asked doubtfully.

"My mother, she doesn't know how to use a mobile phone, so I send text messages on her behalf," Ilia said proudly, "There are even more disgusting ones."

Great, if this text message does not successfully lead to "time travel" but is sent directly to the current Mr. Kelly - there are still beds in Fuyuki General Hospital, right?

"Shirou~ We will be brothers and sisters soon~" Illya waved to Kotomine Shirou.

"I have always regarded you as my sister..." Shirou shrugged helplessly.


Accompanied by the sudden surge of black and red thunder and lightning, Illya pressed the send button on her mobile phone amid the different expressions of everyone.

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