The Collection of The End

Chapter 900 5. 700,739%


"Okay, Yangtze River, the point difference is not over 100. What do you want to eat? I'll treat you today."

After taking Hasegawa away from the gym, Ryunosuke saw that his face looked disgusting, so he took the initiative to ask.

In the basketball game between Hassan and Suiqunhara Academy, the score was finally fixed at 189:90.

Because the blacks hardly defended in the second half, coupled with Hasegawa's "sudden attack", "double three-pointer", "basket blockade" and a series of "big moves", this was achieved. result.

But judging from the final score, it was obvious that the opponent was letting things go. The coach didn't even show up, so they simply set the score gap at 99. Hasegawa simply shouted hoarse in vain.

Ryunosuke saw that Hasegawa seemed very angry, so before he went to teach the basketball players, he took Fujimura Taiga and Tsukiyomi Kanna and dragged him away in the name of "teachers' dinner".

"Burger! French fries! Coke!" Hasegawa directly reported the food that he usually does not allow the players to eat.

"Okay-" Kanna made the decision directly for him.

"Hmm...Tiger sister?" Ryunosuke looked at Fujimura Taiga.

"Then I want teriyaki chicken rice."

"I'm not asking you to order..."

Ryunosuke originally planned to convince them that the combination of these four teachers was a bit too eye-catching and it was inappropriate to eat at a fast food restaurant frequented by students, but he failed in the end.

"Aren't you going to ask your heavenly girlfriend to come with you?" Taiga Fujimura winked at Ryunosuke as he passed by the main teaching building.

"That's not my girlfriend. If I insist on saying so, she's an 'assistant' or something like that. She didn't have a lecture today, so she might have gone to buy parts." Ryunosuke was also helpless towards this sister who always wanted to pull red strings for him.

"Oh, call your childhood sweetheart?" Taiga Fujimura pointed in the general direction of Camelot.

He shouldn't just refute "girlfriend" just now, but should also bring "heavenly descending"...

"No, Mr. Kelly has something to do and asked Illya to stay with her. The meal should be ready by this time." Ryuzosuke shook his head.

As long as Mashu is not mentioned, considering Illya's age as a child and Sister Tiger's reserve as a teacher, there must be nothing else to say.

"Hmm..." Taiga Fujimura raised his face and thought for a moment. Sure enough, he had nothing more to say, so he pulled Ryunosuke forward and said, "Humph, I didn't think of my sister until no girl talked to me. Look, I'll make you poor today! "

"Calm down, Sister Tiger... eat French fries and burgers to make me poor. Do you want to kill the scale?" Ryunosuke complained in every possible way.


A moment later, there was an American fried chicken and burger restaurant outside the school.

Since the principal of Suiqunyuan does not allow any brand to enter the campus - in his words, it is equivalent to advertising in vain, so students who like this taste can only go out here during lunch break to satisfy their greed.

Although it was summer vacation, Ryunosuke and his party who came here to dine still received a lot of attention.

Facts have proved that people can really be "full of gas". Hasegawa only ate half of a hamburger before he started to complain about the game just now: "You saw it, those brats even started to fake the game at the end." , they didn’t defend each other very much, and started to score points and act cool. If I were the referee, I would send them all off the field. "

"Yes, yes, the opponent has no substitutes. If you take a few more penalties, you will win. So if you play against them next time, will you use this tactic?" Ryunosuke responded.

"'s useless. Even if I use foul tactics, the overall strength is there and there won't be any change." Hasegawa shook his head.

Since it is basically impossible to invite the same team twice in this kind of exhibition-style invitational tournament, Ryunosuke actually secretly exchanged a question with Hasegawa just now: "Use time and space text messages to tell your past self to use this tactic?" and "Then It’s no use, forget it.” is the code word.

Taiga Fujimura and Kanna Tsukiyomi, who didn't understand basketball, didn't notice at all. The one threw the leaves away in disgust, while the other was squeezing ketchup into the burger.

"Oh, what a coincidence." A voice that had just been complained about as an "assistant" sounded in Ryunosuke's ears.

Ryunosuke turned his head with an expression of "how could it be such a coincidence" and saw Olga Marie leaning forward, pressing on the partition between the tables, holding a glass of Coke in her hand to greet him.

"It's quite a coincidence." Ryunosuke replied while looking at the person sitting at the same table with Olga Marie. She didn't seem to be someone who would come to eat fast food on her own. She should have been forcibly brought here by others, just like him.

Sitting there was a man with short gray hair, blue eyes, and a bunch of stupid hair on his forehead. He was wearing a white dress and a black cape with white edges on his shoulders. The whole person looked like a dewy lily. girl.

She was holding the fries in her mouth gracefully. After noticing Ryunosuke's gaze, she nodded slightly to him and looked away without any intention of talking.

What is a little concerning is that there is a small cage next to the table at her hand, which contains a gray-white cube with strange red patterns on it, like a human face, and it seems that it will speak at the next moment.

"This is my junior sister, Gray El-Melloi Archibald," Olga Marie introduced: "She is also my best friend in the UK, because she is worried that I will meet I came here because of danger. Today I want to try the fast food here and see the difference between the fast food here and the British one."

That's a huge difference. It is said that fried fish and potatoes have tried to promote it to the world, but they have failed repeatedly - fish that requires spitting out bones is not suitable for fast food at all.

"Hello." Gray ate the fries and nodded to Ryunosuke without changing his expression.

"She and I still have some academic issues to discuss, and the originally scheduled research project has been postponed for the time being," Olga Marie said to Ryunosuke, lowering her voice: "I will not tell her your 'true identity' of."

"..." Ryunosuke was speechless as he watched Olga Marie sit back with a smile that showed her success in mischief.

Indeed, it would be inappropriate for an Englishman to learn that he is actually King Arthur - how strange!

Ryunosuke flipped several tables in his mind, and then turned around, only to find Fujimura Taiga and Tsukiyomi Kanna staring at him together.

"What are you doing? I haven't hidden my affairs from you, have I?" Ryunosuke asked, feeling a little uncomfortable.

"The scheduled research project - what is the code name for the operation?" Taiga Fujimura's eyes seemed to be shining: "A date?"

"Ryuunosuke, this is incredible." Yueyong Shena gestured with her thumb.

"Who would give a special code name for a date! And you, 'Lancelot'! Don't think that I can't see you smiling when you turn your head!"

Ryunosuke lowered his voice until it was almost like a breathy roar.

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