
The black fog, no, the blood fog has dissipated.

After returning to the starry sky, Ryunosuke noticed that the black mist that suddenly appeared and turned red had almost disappeared.

No, it should be said that they merged and compressed with each other, turning into strange spheres of different sizes. The larger ones can be vaguely distinguished when they block the stars. As for the smaller ones, even if they occasionally appear because of the light, In front of him, he will also be subconsciously ignored.

Is it the legendary black hole?

Although Ryunosuke is quite confused about this universe, he can't take any action here, and the black and red thunder and lightning around him will not stop its scheduled actions. It seems that because the clouds that hindered the "delivery" disappeared, it will not Instead of escorting him all the way, he just pushed Ryunosuke and "launched" him out like he did at the beginning.

Why does it feel a bit like being kicked?

So, next is the familiar Entering the Stars, looking in the mirror... uh, wait a minute.

Ryunosuke is a teacher in the Department of Physics, not a professor in the Department of Astronomy. He cannot immediately make judgments about "what constellation", "what galaxy" and "what angle" he sees in the starry sky in front of him, but the experience of flying towards the same star every time makes him happy. He could at least make out a small patch of the star map near that location.

Judging from the star map, the star he flew to this time was not the original one, but another star that had inexplicably shifted far to the side from its original position.

Sure enough, after randomly changing the past again and again, did quantitative changes finally lead to qualitative changes? Ryunosuke wanted to look at the star a little worriedly.

Fortunately, Olga Marie's time machine is about to be completed. Even if something big happens, she can go back in time and make corrections. This is the fundamental reason why she agreed to bring Rin Tohsaka back to her father.

It has nothing to do with Ryunosuke himself wanting to see the Shura fields of Tokiomi Tokiomi, Aoi Tosaka and Kariya Matou.

Although there should be a normal and reasonable excuse for visiting due to the interference of the law of cause and effect, at the moment I really can't think of one.

Phew—Ryuunosuke's "perspective" crashed into new stars again, and the magic mirror maze was still the same as before. What was broken this time was the mirror image of "Ryuunosuke" who was sitting there watching Rin Tosaka write.

Then the next step should be for him to regain consciousness in the Tosaka residence, breathe loudly, and see Mr. Tokiomi who was originally hanging on the wall.


After the scene in front of him changed back to Tohsaka House, Ryunosuke was immediately ready to take a deep breath, but...

"Uh-uhhh!" The sudden and strange pain made Ryunosuke cry out in pain as he was caught off guard.

It was a cramp-like pain that I had never felt before, and the weird thing about it was that it caused all the muscles in the body to cramp together.

Ryunosuke, who was originally ready to take a deep breath, cried out in pain and fell to the ground due to unbalanced movements, knocking the sofa he was sitting on far away.

"Ryuuzhisuke!" Lin Hao next to him exclaimed.

"Are you an idiot?" Tohsaka Rin's voice came from a little further away, looking a little annoyed: "Just listen! Who would try to use [magic] just after developing a [magic circuit]?"

magic? Loop? what?

Ryunosuke could hardly think because of the pain that filled his body, and could only vaguely recognize a key word.

"I really owe you..." Ryunosuke heard Tohsaka Rin's footsteps gradually approaching, and then a rather familiar pendant appeared in front of him - it seemed to be hanging on the automatic typewriter just now.

Immediately afterwards, the pendant emitted a bright and gentle red light, which gradually relieved the painful and almost numb "tendons" in Ryunosuke's body.

"Ryuuzhisuke?" Lin Hao helped Ryuzhisuke up and sat on the sofa again, and then looked at him worriedly.

"Xiao Hao, what are we here for today?" Ryuzosuke asked quickly while the two were relatively close.

"Huh? Didn't Ryunosuke feel a strange power when he said that he analyzed "Knights don't die with bare hands"?

Did you come here specifically to ask an expert? "Although Lin Hao looked quite worried, he still answered this inexplicable question and also lowered his voice.

"Don't be nervous. In fact, this is a good thing." Tohsaka Rin put away the ruby ​​pendant: "I did a rough check and found that Mr. Arthur, you actually have sixty-six [magic circuits], and they are all blocked. Obviously How did [this Fuyuki] do it?"

"How many do you have?" Although he still didn't understand the situation, it didn't stop him from changing the topic based on the known information.

"Forty-five! What!" Tohsaka Rin slammed the table: "But I will still grow!"

"Rin~" A clear, steady, slightly hoarse middle-aged man's voice sounded at the door of the reception room.

Ryuzosuke turned around and saw a familiar middle-aged man. He was wearing a crisp red suit, a white shirt, and a blue tie. He was holding a civilized staff with a ruby ​​on the head.

He has a thick brown parting in the middle and a well-kept mustache on his chin. The edges and lines of his face are slightly weathered, his lips are pursed solemnly, and a pair of elegant, elegant eyes sit on the bridge of his tall nose. Calm and firm blue eyes.

Isn’t this Mr. Tosaka Tokiomi originally hanging on the wall in black and white? Is he really resurrected?

"...I'm sorry, father, this number really shouldn't be told to outsiders." Tohsaka Rin straightened his expression, straightened his clothes, and then touched the table again for some reason.

"No, I think what your father means is that the action of slapping the table is not elegant enough." Ocha, who followed Tohsaka Tokiomi, laughed.

"Hello, Mr. Tosaka, I'm sorry-" Ryunosuke was still shaking a little, but he just sat and said hello.

"No, it's me who should be sorry, Mr. Yusei. My daughter taught you without authorization, which caused [Magic Confusion], but it was my lack of consideration." Tokiomi Tosaka bowed slightly and pointed his cane towards Ryunosuke. arm: "This is a small apology. "

As the cane glowed with red light, a strange green mark, like a short lightning bolt, appeared at the point where Ryunosuke's arm came into contact with the cane.

"That's [Magic Seal]——" Tohsaka Rin, who was trying to assume an elegant sitting posture, suddenly stood up.

"Rin?" Tokiomi glanced at Tosaka, and after the girl over there sat back aggrievedly, he said: "There are some things that you must be responsible for if you do them. You have to remember this."

"Yes..." She looked like an eggplant beaten by frost.

"Mr. Yusheng, my seal can help your body adapt to the [Magic Circuit] as soon as possible, but it will take a certain amount of time. During this period, you should not try to perform any [Magic], especially the [Gandr] that the child taught you. Tokiomi Tosaka turned to Ryunosuke and said, "I will visit you at the appropriate time and teach you some relevant knowledge."

"Ah... um..." Ryuzosuke looked confused.

"Although I would like to entertain you for a while longer, this place is located on the [Fuyuki Spirit Vein], which is harmful to you who have just opened the circuit." Tokiomi Tosaka nodded to Ryunosuke, "Ocha, send me Mr. Yusheng and Miss Lin go back."

As a result, Ryunosuke was sent out of Tohsaka House by Ah Cha with Lin Hao, who was looking worried, in a state of confusion in his mind.

"I think I need to rationalize my thinking. This change is too..." Ryuzosuke was about to ask Lin Hao a question, but he noticed something strange out of the corner of his eye, so he subconsciously looked up.

It was a giant hollow light pillar that stretched across the sky, completely icy blue, and tightly surrounded the entire Fuyuki City.

"what is that?"

"Eh? Are you dizzy from the pain, Ryuzhisuke?" Lin Hao raised his finger and pointed: "That's the [terrestrial aurora] that has [lasted for ten years]."

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