The Collection of The End

Chapter 916 Necrosis on the Ring of Death (4)


"Okay! Stay away from him!"

Compared to Ryuunosuke who became nervous because "Lin Hao was being followed by a stranger", Olga Marie's attitude of suddenly shouting could be called "horrified".

"Ah? Huh?" Lin Hao looked back inexplicably, and then quickly ran to Ryuzosuke: "I didn't attract him."

Do you think he is a monster in some game? No, now is not the time to complain.

"Who is that? Do you know him?" Ryuzosuke quickly asked Olga Marie while pulling Lin Hao behind him.

"Leif Lenore Flowers (), the [executor] of the [Seal Designation] in the Clock Tower, whose duty is to capture [magicians with special talents or dangers] for containment, control and protection, and has the ability to control imaginary numbers The ability of space is very dangerous." Olga Marie stared closely at the man in green outside the door.

As if to verify Olga Marie's words, just as "Avalon" was slowly closing because it did not detect anyone at the door, the man named Leif directly raised his hand and threw out a green light that hit the door frame, causing The metal door creaked like rust and could not be closed any longer.

Special talent refers to "the ability to retain the memory of the previous timeline after jumping in the timeline"? But I just used it here quietly, and didn't... ah.

When Lottery ignored and sent "space-time text messages" to Shirou, Sakura, and Xiao Rin, it seemed that there was no confidentiality at all. This kind of behavior would not be a problem in the ordinary world, but in this "terrestrial aurora" A world that lasted for 10 years and where magic and witchcraft clearly existed?

I'm afraid that these reckless behaviors of mine have long been looked at by those "Aurora researchers" with a magnifying glass, no, with a crystal ball.

It's really foul to suddenly increase the level of power but keep the same behavior in the past.

"Olga Marie Asmiret Animsfia," the man named Leif didn't pay attention to Ryunosuke and Olga Marie's whispers. He only seemed to reply to her when they paused for a moment. General said her full name, as if she was threatening her family: "Your research on time machines may cause 'time magic' to fall to 'time magic'. [Time Magician] has not expressed any objection, so I am here to The task you are doing has nothing to do with you.”

"Of course it's relevant. Ryunosuke Uyu is a very important assistant in my research. If you want to take him away, I can't agree." Olga Marie retorted calmly.

"I'm just a helper, but I can't make this kind of noise." Leif raised his eyes and gestured to the thunderball suspended on the "time machine": "The instructions given to me by the clock tower are to 'do things cheaply'. No matter how many times you have tried it before, , as long as you still follow the principle of [secretness] of the magic faction, I can turn a blind eye, but this time——"

Leif waved his hand again, and many bright red shadows like thermal imaging appeared one after another, projecting on Ryunosuke's retina through the surrounding houses, walls, and trees. They were undoubtedly passers-by nearby, and they were being affected by the black and red Thunderball converged on "Camelot": "You have attracted too much attention from mortals. I have to regretfully inform Miss Animusfia that you, your experimental equipment and assistants will be temporarily The "Seal Designated Department" of the Clock Tower takes over."

"What about Lin Hao?" Ryuzosuke secretly used his magic power,

He was thinking about using "Breath of Fire" to fight him if things were not harmonious.

"Obviously, she knows too much and will be taken away with you and 'contained' and 'protected'." Leif looked at Lin Hao behind Ryuuzhisuke and nodded slightly.

"Humph, it must be for the convenience of 'control'." Olga Marie mocked.

"Whatever you say, in order to complete the mission, I will——"

[Squeak-squeak-squeak-! 】

Seeing that the two sides seemed to be about to reach an agreement, the electric light on the "time machine" suddenly brightened up. When everyone turned their attention to it, it split into three parts, keeping parallel to each other and spinning crazily. The speed was so fast that it was almost There formed three brilliant bright rings.

"Huh? That's weird. What is this in my hand?" Lin Hao's surprised voice also sounded.

When Ryunosuke turned around, he saw that his childhood sweetheart was raising her slender arm and extending her palm towards the three haloes. On the back of that hand, there were three lines drawn with blood, which seemed to be some kind of A gun or a spear, strange lines like simple drawings are slowly emerging.

Olga Marie was quite surprised: "Is that what ordered——"


Before the genius girl finished speaking, she saw a golden spear piercing Lin Hao from behind. The force was so strong that it even lifted her up.

"Unfortunately, I have changed my mind," Leif's voice hissed like a poisonous snake, "For objects that cannot be controlled, it is better to eliminate them as soon as possible."

"Ah..." Lin Hao's face was still filled with curiosity about the pattern on the back of her hand. She looked at the golden spear tip that appeared in front of her with some doubts. She seemed to want to say something, but her eyes had lost their luster and she just raised it. His arms also drooped.

At this time, the true face of the "murderer" was revealed. It was a strange creation that looked like a mechanical structure, with the upper half being a human and the lower half a horse. It had no arms, and the golden pointed spear was it. arms.

"Okay!!" Ryuzosuke rushed over there almost out of control, and the weird centaur then swung the tip of his spear, threw out Lin Hao's body and knocked over the charging Ryuzosuke.

" is this possible..." Ryunosuke tried to use clothes to block the huge penetrating wound, but the blood spurting out made his attempt meaningless: "What about healing magic? Magicians should know healing magic?"

Olga Marie looked at Ryunosuke who was stained with blood and shook her head silently.

"Things like Master should not appear in the world at all, right?" Leif's voice was still hissing in their ears.

"Berserker! Kill him!" "[Roar——!]" As Illya yelled, Basaka, who had already taken off his shirt and held a giant strange stone knife, jumped out from the inner courtyard and slashed towards Rafe is still talking.


Leif's body suddenly disappeared and appeared outside the courtyard gate the next moment. What was chopped into pieces by Basaka was the centaur construct that had just attacked Lin Hao.

"He can hide weapons, familiars and structures in the imaginary space..." Olga Marie looked blankly at the motionless Ryunosuke and the bloody Lin Hao in his arms. She didn't know what was going on. He was advised to comfort himself: "The attack... is difficult... to resist."

"I can see it!" Illya sat on Basaka's shoulder, directing him to attack Leif, but Leif seemed to be able to continuously summon constructs and even weird ones from his "space" The familiar is already a little overwhelmed.

"Huh..." On the other side, Ryunosuke finally regained consciousness. He stood up and walked towards the "time machine" holding Lin Hao in his arms.

"Don't be impulsive when you go back! Think before you act!" Olga Marie, who understood what he wanted to do, shouted hurriedly.

"Hmph..." Ryunosuke looked at Leif with cold eyes, completely ignoring several familiars that looked like wasps and were flying towards him at high speed, and shouted: "[Rhongomyniad] ]!"

Red and black thunder and lightning suddenly spurted out.

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