The Collection of The End

Chapter 918 Necrosis on the Ring of Death (6)

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"I have a great idea next. I would never have thought of it in the past. Let's test it?"

"Mistake." Ryunosuke looked at her, his expression changed several times, and finally he sighed.

He has long heard that magicians have such a thing as "familiar", and that guy Leif also got stuck here, which is enough to prove that there is a familiar of the other party nearby to monitor, and he foolishly followed Olga Mary discussed countermeasures and carried out an ambush, but wouldn't everyone listen to her?

"Ah? A mistake? I mean a test." Olga Marie looked at Ryunosuke doubtfully: "Are you tired?"

"Cuckold Leif is here to find you [Seal Designation]." Ryunosuke responded briefly.

"What?! He dares!" Olga Marie was furious.

You obviously don't know any magic, so where do you get the confidence? Ryuzhisuke glanced at her, said nothing, and went straight to the back garden.

It is now certain that in this new world, Illya is not an ordinary person, and Basaka is even less so. Although he is very tall, even if ordinary humans can grow like that, they will never be able to construct that strange centaur. His body was smashed into scrap metal, and he used a strange stone knife that came from nowhere——

Well, now he knows.

In the backyard, Illya wore big VR glasses on her face and motion capture nodes tied to each joint on her body. She was walking around under Basaka's care, and from time to time she made chopping movements with her hands imaginary.

The strong bodyguard codenamed "Hercules" or "Basaka" was holding a stone knife with very rough polishing marks in his hand. The stone rockery next to him had collapsed into debris on the ground. Zhijie looked around briefly and saw that there were no tools for cutting stones around. Could it be that he was dismantling the rockery with his bare hands? No, no, if you want to talk about it, it might be more reliable to use "magic".

"Illya, stop for a moment, I have something to ask you." Ryunosuke walked around behind Illya, took off the earphone from one of her ears and said.

"Ah? What?" Illya seemed to have pressed pause on some virtual panel, took off her glasses and looked at Ryunosuke.

"How many familiars are watching here? Can they all be taken down?" Ryunosuke pointed in all directions.

"Huh? Aren't those things Ryunosuke's creations? Are they used to look after homes and homes?" Illya seemed surprised.

"No, no, looking after the home and the courtyard?" Ryuzosuke frowned and looked outside the courtyard wall.

But with the magic power he had just awakened, it was simply not enough to see what he wanted to see.

"They mainly monitor the outside of the wall and the courtyard, and never come close to everyone's bedrooms. I thought..." Ilia frowned and suddenly shouted to the bodyguard over there: "Basaka!"

"[Roar!]" Illya clearly refused to give any instructions, but the strong man seemed to understand, picked up the stone knife and jumped out of the courtyard wall.

Next, there was a performance befitting a magician. The big man waved the exaggerated stone knife, knocking down the invisible objects from the air at an incredible speed, and then collected them in front of Illya. .

"I decided to call this 'shooting a hundred heads'." The little girl said proudly.

"As long as you are happy." Ryunosuke responded casually while trying to check the "familiar".

They look like bats made of a mixture of machinery and flesh. The original eye position has been replaced by a lens that is not too big - bats have eye problems, let's wait and see.

"The bad news is that they are indeed used to monitor Camelot, and the good news is that they only take over once an hour, and they have just completed the handover." said Olga Marie, who hurriedly followed to the backyard.

I could tell by the fact that they didn't store much on the built-in cameras, but I better not tell her.

"Is it possible to use this thing to track him backwards and kill him directly?" Ryunosuke asked, staring fiercely at the remains of the familiar.

"Yes, yes, the magic markings on their return can be directly used to track them, but..." Olga Marie hesitated: "The other party must have also arranged familiar monitoring in their hiding place, and what do they think? It’s all supposed to be real-time, but I’m not going to interfere with the magic.”

You're a scientist who doesn't know any magic.

"I told you earlier, I can." Illya said with a wink.

…Who is Mr. Kelly?


Different from ordinary magic that requires the construction of a magic form to produce an effect, Illya's magic is more like using the magic form itself.

Judging from Ryunosuke's current magic skills, it can be clearly judged that she injected magic power into some wonderful metal wires to form shapes such as birds, butterflies, kites, and fighter jets, and let them fly around her body. Pedestrians on the road turned a blind eye to this.

"Magicians have the principle of 'secretness' and will basically not move or stay in places where there are many people." Olga Marie said while holding a clean bat wing while navigating: "It seems that his stronghold is That’s it, but now there’s still a problem. Magicians often transform their residences into [Magic Workshops], and their combat power inside will be greatly enhanced. Even with [Hercules’] abilities, it’s impossible to Make sure you catch him."

"If I remember correctly, those are the old * museums that are expected to be demolished in Xindu?" Ryunosuke looked at the old and mottled buildings in front of him.

In order to compete with the Hyatt Hotel, those hastily built, very cheap hotels have now become dilapidated buildings, with no one living in them. But now, there are strange bats hovering in the air in several houses there. .

"Then, blow it up." Ryunosuke said.

"I applaud with both hands!" Illya was very emotional for some reason.

"It's up to you..." Olga Marie's expression became a little dull: "Those who do physics are really like this."

Just as she said, Illya added explosive magic to her "metal wires" that could shield the eyes of the familiars, allowing them to sneak into the key nodes of those dangerous buildings and then explode together.


The old abandoned hotel and the [Magic Workshop] inside it, which was transformed by a magician, swayed and collapsed into ruins.

However, the black shadows standing on the ruins and the dense rain of arrows that followed proved that this behavior almost always worked.

"Haha, I can predict my actions. It seems that [Time Magic] really has the value of sealing." Standing there were naturally Leif and his constructed servants and familiars.

The two constructed servants who looked like centaurs, but with one arm replaced by a giant shield, raised their hands to protect Leif, while the other centaurs opened their bows and fired arrows in the direction of Ryunosuke and others.

"[Hohohoho——!]" The dark-skinned giant roared and knocked away all the incoming arrows.

"They are much weaker than what I saw 'before'! Blowing up the magic workshop really works!" Ryunosuke shouted when he saw that the black man was able to withstand the attack with ease.

Illya immediately shouted: "Basaka! I will protect myself! Go and kill them!"


[Hercules] dwarfed and rushed towards the constructs and familiars, so the arrows that missed him were knocked down one by one by Illya controlling the metal wire.

At this time, Ryunosuke unexpectedly heard a familiar line coming from not far behind:

"Huh? It's so strange. What is this in my hand?"

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