The Collection of The End

Chapter 924 Physical Necrosis (2)

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The white space and colorful passages disappear, but the midday sun is still hot and dazzling.

At this time, Ryunosuke is standing in the vestibule, wearing No. 12 on his hand. Now this kind of half-hearted "time and space travel" looks more like some kind of "loading", which can only go back to a specific time. In the "self" at this point in time, if you make the same choice as in the "future", it will inevitably lead to the same result.

Ryunosuke looked away for a moment and heard the lady's cheerful greeting: "I'm going out~ What would Miss Mary want to eat tonight?"

It seemed that the time was right, and he was about to catch up with the silly girl who was about to go out. Ryuzosuke took out his mobile phone and looked at it, but he didn't put it to his ear to talk to anyone.

"If you can, miso soup?" Olga Marie, who was debugging "The Gun of Reach", responded.

"Last time", he seemed to have chosen to laugh at her, "Sure enough, there is nothing good in Britain, even soy sauce soup is a treasure." Then they quarreled with each other, and she smiled and left after seeing this.

Thinking about it carefully, when she came back from shopping in the evening, there were indeed miso soup ingredients in the basket, tsk...

"Where's Ryunosuke?" ** turned this way again.

Ah, I see, Ryunosuke suddenly realized that she would have asked herself this question at first, but because of the quarrel, she simply gave up. After all, she basically knew what she liked to eat.

Although this is a change, it is not enough. According to the routine of a text adventure game, it will still lead to the original branch line, so major changes must be made from now on, such as——

"I'll go with you, and so will Mary Sue," Ryunosuke said.

"Okay~" The childhood sweetheart girl had no objection at all.

"Huh? Wait? The experiment hasn't happened yet..." Olga Marie widened her eyes and wanted to express her objection.

"You want to go to Antarctica," Ryuzosuke glanced at her: "You also plan to build a scientific research institute there. Do you need me to tell you the name you have thought of?"

"Wow! Wait! No! I'll just go with you!" Olga Marie waved her hands repeatedly in panic, and then was stunned again: "Huh? How did you know?"

"You can think about it slowly, but now we have to set off immediately." Ryunosuke stepped towards the gate of Camelot.

**As always, I have no objections to Ryunosuke’s actions.

After Olga Marie walked for a while, she suddenly realized it, and then began to look at him with a critical eye.

One of them doesn't ask questions, and the other of them can figure it out on his own after giving simple hints. It's quite easy. Otherwise, it would be a waste of time to explain the abnormal behavior caused by this kind of time and space travel.

The top priority now is to determine why the police turned to the Fuyuki Church so far away and stop it. If he had not run so far, he would not have passed through the abandoned church area when he returned, which would have triggered a series of events. This incident happened in the evening before. It was impossible to do it at the right time - she was already in church at that time.

However, it is still unclear whether this is the cause of the **final**. Just like those RPG games with branch choices, once a certain choice is made at a certain node, someone in the team will inevitably leave. Or **, but what is about to happen will not be the same BadEnd or **CG as in those games.


"[Fufu~Fufu~Fufufu]~" **'s cell phone rang, the sound of a strange mascot.

"Dudulu~ This is ***~" the girl answered the phone and responded in a brisk tone.

"[Hello~]" Even without looking too carefully, Ryunosuke could hear the voice of Karin Kotomine: "[I invented a magic trick that can induce the growth of vegetables. Can you help me check the quality? Maybe in the future. There are fresh vegetables you can eat, so you don’t have to buy them all~]”

A magic that spawns a field of ashes?

"Um...Ryuunosuke?" ** blinked and turned his head to look this way.

If she were to go with her, she would definitely go there and assist after weighing the time gain. And if she was to confirm that the vegetables turned into ashes while being stimulated, they would surely find out that the vegetables were inedible. Rushing to get groceries and taking shortcuts – good, that line is perfectly crossed.

"Karen?" Ryunosuke took **'s cell phone.

"[Why? Can't bear to let your childhood sweetheart do heavy work?]" Karin Kotomine teased from the other side: "[Don't worry, I promise not to let her get a particle of dirt on her.]"

"No," Ryunosuke responded: "You probably only succeeded with a cabbage. Now remove the magic power that maintains it, and then we can talk."

"[Huh? What? Since it has been induced, even if you remove it - ah!]" There was a rush on the other end of the phone, and then Karin Kotomine's depressed voice came: "[They turned to gray... .How do you know it’s going to happen?]”

"Because 'storms will knock down big trees'," Ryunosuke said: "Your wind-attribute magic power is not suitable for cultivating plants at all. You have to find water-attribute ones, such as Illya - or me."

"[Don't want me to ask that little otaku for help!]" Kallen raised her voice: "[...The middle school teacher's words are just fine.]"

Although I am indeed a second-level student in the ecclesiastical country, why is this title so strange...

"Then you help me fight first -" Ryuzosuke suddenly frowned and stopped.

There was a blue-haired man in beach-style clothes in front of him, strolling around with steps that he didn't recognize.

Although it is not impossible to hire Kallen and Sasaki Kojiro as thugs, the samurai seems to be able to only deal with one [Construct] level opponent at a time, which results in those long-range soldiers being able to throw spears or arrows at will, and This [Ku Qiulin], if we go by historical legends, should be very good at group battles——

"[Who to hit?]" Kallen seemed to be very interested in beating people.

"...Call the intelligence personnel of the church and check the whereabouts of the designated executor of the clock tower seal named 'Leif' in the past few days. If someone deals with him, the church will definitely be very happy. Right." Ryunosuke finally said.

"Leif?" "Leif!" "[Leif...]"

Except that ** was still confused, Olga Marie and Karen seemed to understand the situation instantly, and their tone became serious: "[Okay, I understand.]"

After previous tests, Ryunosuke was able to confirm that attacking the magician's workshop was completely a task with half the effort. Even if he succeeded by luck, the tired people would still be able to spare no effort to rescue him.

Now, while adding helpers, we also have to find out the time for him to leave the nest.

"I want to ask 'Cu Chulainn' for help, but he has a bad opinion of me now, so he needs to put on a show," Ryunosuke said to the two girls beside him: "In this case, I will go with Mary Sue later. Go, make sure you will be discovered by Cu Chulainn, and Xiaohao, you go around to the front to join us, then turn around and leave with a shocked and angry attitude. When I chased after you, Mary Sue cursed, "Scum." ’, and turned around and left.”

"Okay." ** still had no doubts.

"Scum," Olga Marie said.

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