The Collection of The End

Chapter 928 Physical Necrosis (6)


"I'm going out~Miss Mary wants to——Ryuunosuke!?"

"I didn't think--eh?"


Looking at Olga Marie and Lin Hao as usual, even though he knew that there was nothing abnormal about his body "at this time", Ryunosuke couldn't help but feel weak and stumbled on the porch.

Lin Hao rushed over to help him up, while Olga Marie looked here and then at the "time machine" in confusion.

"I'm fine," Ryuzosuke comforted the worried Lin Hao, and then looked at Olga Marie: "You want to [go to Antarctica]."

"I don't want to! that so?" Olga Marie seemed a little crazy, but quickly reacted: "What happened, tell me."

"The [Executor Leif] of [Clock Tower], the body is [three] [pillars] with many eyes, or tentacles? It can extract and control nearby magic and attacks containing magic, and use them according to its own Willing to change the target, what do you think about this?" Ryuzosuke said in one breath.

"What? So...even though there is like this?" Olga Marie started to say some unexplained prepositions and phrases with a face full of shock.

Obviously, she had heard similar information, but she had never connected that information with Leif. After getting the evidence of "going to Antarctica" and "all the words Ryunosuke said next are true", she originally All kinds of "impossible" and "unreasonable" walls that stood in her mind collapsed one after another, and as a result, she constantly "updated" the "conclusions" in her memory about this person and related matters.

Because he could "load files", the world felt more and more like a game. Ryunosuke looked at Lin Hao, who was worried but didn't ask anything, and sighed.


If you can't beat it once, just do it twice or three times. If you can't beat it alone, then go find friends or foreign aid. Isn't it like the protagonists in RPG games who get stuck due to poor level or equipment?

As a BOSS, Leif lived up to expectations by hiding the most common enemy Boss ability, "stage transformation".

At that time, he was being suppressed by Sasaki Kojiro and Cu Chulainn with weapons, restrained by Medea with magic, and Hercules was eyeing him. As a magician (Caster), he was in an absolutely unfavorable situation—— But he transformed.

First, with some kind of weird black light - let's call it a visual effect - all the pseudo-masters and pseudo-servers controlling him were ejected, and then his body expanded rapidly, turning into something like a towering tree, with the top of it flying. The "pillars" or "tentacles" covered with strange eyes with gold background and red eyes were finally divided into three.

He, or they said in an echoing and trembling roar:

"[I am LevUvall!]"

"[I am Lenore Gusin()!]"

"[I am Floros ()!]"

"[You are all going to die here!]"

After that, the giant magic formation that was originally controlled by Medea to absorb Leif's magic power to prevent him from fighting to the death changed its owner.

Hercules, whose physique was much higher than that of ordinary people, fell to the ground on the spot and could not move. However, Cu Chulainn and Sasaki Kojiro, who were of normal body shape, could barely walk and even attack, but they had no chance of winning against an enemy of that size. , the worst thing was the original owner of that position. Medea screamed in pain and fainted in Kuzuki Soichiro's arms. Judging from the exposed part of the hood, her eyes, nose and mouth were all bleeding.

As Kuzuki himself said, other magicians could not interfere with the buffs he had enhanced on his body, fists and feet. After this accident, he hugged Medea and ran away without being affected at all.

Kallen ran into a little trouble, and it seemed that all her magic power was out of control, but her bright red "scarf" was not affected, and she wrapped it around her and ran away.

As for Ryunosuke himself, he doesn’t have much magic power, and he doesn’t know many magic tricks. Although he once again experienced the severe pain caused when the magic power in the magic circuit was completely taken away when he was at the Tohsaka residence, as long as he endures Live and move normally without any problem.

In addition, although the original intention of these three "pillars" is to attack Ryunosuke and others, within the scope of the "terrestrial aurora", various magical organizations will not let such monsters act wantonly. When they escaped successfully, the abandoned hotel area had turned into a battlefield for magic war.

Finally, thankfully, when Ryunosuke returned to Camelot, he found that although Lin Hao was bleeding and unconscious, his life was not in danger. This was enough to prove that his previous judgment was correct, so he took " The satisfaction of "successfully advancing the BOSS to the next stage" activates the "Gear of Glory".


"It's the [Demon God Pillar]!" Olga Marie finally recalled a certain keyword and said in shock: "The legendary [Seventy-two Demon God Pillars] under [King Solomon]!"

"This 'Demon Pillar' you are talking about, is it powerful?" Ryunosuke, who has relatively little knowledge of history and the magic world, asked.

"It's not a question of whether you're powerful or not. As long as you have a card, you can drive." The surprise on Olga Marie's face has not faded: "The problem is that Leif, Lenore, and Floros are the real names of the three demon pillars. They didn't even change it and just blended into the clock tower? And became an 'executor'? We didn't even have any doubts after hearing this name?"

"Maybe it's because of their abilities?" Ryuzosuke guessed.

"They are in charge of the 'past', 'present' and 'future' respectively. Logically speaking, it is impossible for them to appear at the same time, let alone merge into one and pretend to be human, unless..." Olga Marie said while looking towards Ryunosuke: "Someone who may affect these three attributes at the same time has appeared. "

Refers to yourself? This is possible, Ryunosuke frowned. If Leif was just an ordinary magician, he shouldn't have seen anything from the pictures passed back by the familiars - a man who had just activated the magic circuit and couldn't even do a few tricks. What threat can a new magician pose?

The only explanation is that he was aware of the power of time he carried when he frequently "travelled", or...

[I hope to be able to bear all the pain and misfortune in the world, whether it is 'past', 'present' or 'future'. 】

"What did you say?" Ryuzosuke seemed to hear Lin Hao talking, but his voice was very low, like a mosquito buzzing.

"What?" The childhood sweetheart beside him looked confused: "Do you need me to help you rest?"

"No, it's nothing." Ryunosuke temporarily gave up the idea of ​​asking about these unimportant matters: "We have to talk to Mr. Tohsaka. The seriousness of this matter is no longer something that a group of us young people can solve."

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