The Collection of The End

Chapter 931 0.222333%

"Senior? Wake up?"

Ah, Mashu called me senpai again...

But I should still be in the rescue process now. I came at the wrong time.

What is the first aid method for hemophilia and massive internal bleeding? Can a Saint Quartz cure it?

" are not in the hospital now, open your eyes and look at me?" Mashu said again.

"Even if you make a blind man open his eyes - Huh?"

Because I wanted to give it a try without paying for it, I opened my eyes, but what I saw was not the roof of the intensive care unit and various instruments made of blue light, but an unfamiliar ceiling, no—

It is low and narrow, with a metal-style roof, digital boards glowing with blue light, lighting fixtures built into the walls, and wall space that can obviously be used to store bed boards...

To be honest, this scene is more like a cramped personal cabin on a spaceship in a science fiction movie.

The further problem is that they are not things I imagined. I raised my hand and patted the wall and pressed the bed to make sure that they were real.

But can’t my eyes see it?

"This is a dream, senior." Mashu's voice came again.

Where is the dream that is said to be a dream? Normally, it would wake you up directly, right?

I followed the sound and saw Matthew, who had appeared once before, sitting next to the bed at a simple desk protruding from the wall, pointing at the blue light screen on it. He was also wearing classic clothes. She was wearing a stylish black skirt, black socks, white jacket and red tie. She turned around and looked at me.

"Hmm..." I tried to sit up and found that my movements were not stiff, just like my arms commanded me - that doesn't seem to be how the word is used?

In short, after I moved and checked myself, I didn't find anything uncomfortable. The Chaldean uniform with white clothes, black skirt and buckles also fit well, but there was no command spell on the back of my hands.

"As seniors know, Masters and Servants will dream about each other's past," Mashu waited until I had finished preliminary exploration around the bed like a curious baby and turned my gaze to her, then turned off the blue light screen, He opened his mouth and said: "However, we can also communicate with each other when both parties' respective locations are [imaginary numbers]."

"Well, my side is 'Fantasy',

It doesn't exist." I nodded, stood up and looked at the door of the "cabin": "Where is this side? Still in [imaginary number space]? "

Will Sherlock Holmes and little Leonardo be there?

"They are not here, because they still [exist]," Matthew responded as if he guessed what I was thinking, then stood up and stretched out his hand to me: "Come, senior, this is a rare opportunity, I will show you [Imaginary Number Submarine] boat]."

"Okay, uh..." I stretched out my hand to Mashu and stopped halfway hesitantly.

Will they pass through each other like before?

"Oh, senior, didn't you notice? You are not talking to me using a 'dialogue box' right now?" Matthew held my outstretched paw with his backhand: "At least now, we can contact each other."

"Then, will you 'get over' like the doctor and Meng Nali did?" Matthew's hands were not as soft as expected, and there were thin calluses on the area where he often held the handle of the large shield.

This must be because Chaldea's medical level is not up to par or the doctors are trying to take advantage of the situation.

It has nothing to do with me, who puts 0-cost Mash on the field every time just to get one more bonus gift.

"If the 'conditions' are met, it should be possible," Matthew opened the hatch, pulled me out and introduced: "The [Imaginary Submarine] is only as big as a container. Although it has been internally expanded using magic, But the space is still very tight. Apart from the dormitory, there are only the cockpit, Da Vinci's workshop, and the medical room. The latter two cannot be used until I actually drive it to the senior and hand it over to Ms. Meng Nali. , so currently it is just a [time machine] that cannot be used."

What are the specific conditions...

As I walked with Matthew inside the Imaginary Submarine, I looked at the "real scene" that had been transformed from a "texture". It felt like I was playing a large-scale VR game.

Um? Wait.

There are no mirrors inside a submarine. When I passed by a relatively smooth sign, I suddenly realized that something was wrong with the person in the "mirror". When I stopped and took a closer look, I found that the person reflected in it was not a person with orange hair. Instead of the chaotic evil with a single ponytail due to obsessive-compulsive disorder, it is a face of "my own", and the sense of dissonance is overwhelming.

"Senior has been like this from the beginning," Mashu guessed what I was thinking, smiled at me and said, "The name is [Lin Hao], not Fujimaru Ritsuka."

"Ah, this stupid thing of using your real name as a nickname..." I raised my forehead and said, "But it's better than those guys who call them 'Wish Kong Ming', 'I won't change my name until Merlin comes out', 'Heizhen, come to me' and so on. .”

"Isn't that because senior summoned him and the others?" Masu replied: "And -"

"Stop, stop, stop -" I quickly stopped her: "I have already felt the cross-dimensional seal coming from across the dimension. Tell me something I didn't do!"

"Well... Tiamat, Gorgon, Sesshōin, Minamoto no Yorimitsu, Queen Sheba, Queen Maeve, Captain Drake..." Matthew started counting on his fingers.

It's just that I didn't want to smoke. If I want to see the Queen's series, wouldn't it be better to go see my mother?

In addition, I prefer characters with younger siblings, and I tend to invest stones appropriately, while others basically just let it go.

"Ah, by the way, senior, you have summoned all the Knights of the Round Table but you haven't summoned [Arthur] yet." Matthew said.


So, was it because of my subconscious dissatisfaction that I sent Ryunosuke to be Arthur?

The will of the world, printed on the spot, is so terrifying.

After a brief interlude, I followed Matthew to the cockpit. Above and below the two thin and narrow picture windows, dozens of fluorescent screens of different sizes were installed. There were various incomprehensible contents on them, and they were constantly changing. Tumbling updated green letters and numbers, two large seats that are fixed to the ground but appear to rotate face them.

"So, what's the situation of the submarine now?" I observed carefully and found that there was a fog outside the viewing window, and there were no clues in the green data, so I had to ask Matthew: "You once said that you couldn't surface. '?"

"Well, that's right, 'from imaginary to real' needs an anchor point, just like if an imaginary number wants to become a real number, you have to find an identical number to square." Mashu responded: "But whether it is Chaldea, Submarines have nothing to do with this world—even if we are both in the Fate series."

These words made me feel a little confused in time and space, and I really wanted to ask Matthew how he felt about discovering that he was a character in the game, but then I thought about it again, and it sounded like I was not the same...

What else can you think? Before finding a way to ascend to the dimension, I can only deal with the matters in my own dimension first. She saves her humanity, and I collect my doomsday elements.

"So, what is the original anchor point for you to stay in this time and space?"


Matthew fiddled with the screens a few times and started to play an audio file: "[It has been confirmed - a speech about time travel, I - arrived at the scene, and I am - investigating, yes, I will - avoid exposure...,.] ".

"Sounds like Ryuunosuke's voice? Is he really the one who stirred things up here?" Although I haven't heard the original pronunciation of "Usei Ryuunosuke" for a long time, it is still easy to recognize it.

"What he said to the 'not turned on' mobile phone can only be received by the 'non-existent' submarine," Matthew explained: "So the submarine can use this as an 'anchor' to 'float' here, but As the change rate of the world line increases, he gradually stops talking like this, the anchor point becomes unstable, and he can no longer go out casually."

Why are you like me, trapped in a narrow place and unable to move?

"Although I'm dreaming now, I should have a lot of connection with the world here, right?" I looked at the green letters and numbers, and then looked at Matthew: "How can I help you?"

"Hehe, senior is still the same as before. When he sees someone in trouble, he wants to help."

"It won't do any good even if you compliment me."

"Well... then, senior just needs to open it," Mashu pointed to the cockpit door leading to the outside world: "If senior can also serve as an anchor in dreams, Fuyuki should be the one who opens the door. If not, Fuyuki should be the one who opens the door. , open the door and you will see the starry sky - of course, it is not the real universe and vacuum, it has nothing to do with it."

No, you would be disappointed if it didn't work out, right?

I took a deep breath and walked over to hold the door handle.

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