The Collection of The End

Chapter 937 Metaphysical Necrosis (5)


There is a cold wind blowing.

In the "Red Lotus Hell" created by the Demon God Pillar, which is full of flames and ruins, there is a biting wind blowing as if you are on a snow-covered peak.

No, it's not "like". After Matou Sakura recited the wonderful incantation in full, the red dry soil under her feet had been replaced by snow-white ground. At this time, the silver-blue magic circle she was in was forming a whirlpool. The shape continuously spreads the white frozen soil outwards in all directions.

Compared with the difficulty Ah Cha had to exert force to "roll back" the Demonic Pillar before, the sense of relief that the witnesses felt when the snow spread outward can even be called "freehand".

Medusa next to Matou Sakura had a nervous look on her face, but the girl herself was very relaxed. She was looking left and right curiously, and the focus of her eyes seemed to be very far away. This is how most people look when they climb high and look far away. .

"I seem to have heard that summoning heroic spirits requires a 'sacred relic'. You just let Sakura summon it like this?" Olga Marie looked at the magic circle on the ice and snow and asked Acha loudly from a distance.

"Huh? Is there such a thing?" It was Tohsaka Rin who responded. She looked like she really didn't know about this: "When I summoned Acha, nothing worked."

"Generally speaking, it is not recommended to use holy relics to summon heroic spirits," Acha looked at Sakura and replied without looking back: "Of course you can summon the desired heroic spirit, but if the other party's personality is different from yours, If it is too far away, it may be troublesome to get along with it, but without using any 'holy relics', it will basically summon a heroic spirit that is compatible with the summoner or has a similar personality."

It seems that this is indeed the case. Ryunosuke briefly recalled the relationship between the pseudo-servers and the pseudo-master. Only Cu Chulainn and Bazett did not get along relatively well.

Although Cu Chulainn clearly said that he likes Ms. Bazett, the problem is that Bazett seems to hate guys who care about women casually - this is not something outsiders can control.

"I don't think I get along with you at all." Tohsaka Rin snorted.

"What a coincidence, I thought so too," Ah Cha responded.

Isn't this a good fit...

As Ryunosuke thought about it, the scope of the "snowfield" had spread to Fujimura Taiga and Tsukiyomi Kanna who were a little further away. A certain skeleton that was being chased by them turned into ashes in an instant after being touched by the wind and snow. The scattered snowflakes disappeared.


This vision caused by the summons can be regarded as an "inherent barrier" to a certain extent. When expelling other "inherent barrier" creations, the other party is completely unable to resist.

"Have you found a solution?" Fujimura Dahe returned to the temporary hiding place with his sword in hand.

"Oh, that's incredible." Shen Na expressed wonder at the vision of the summoning array.

On Sakura's side, snowflakes coming from nowhere were swirling around Matou Sakura, and her specific appearance could no longer be seen clearly from the outside.

At this moment, many snowflakes suddenly gathered and wrapped Matou Sakura into a snowman. When Medusa was surprised and was about to take action, the snowflakes quickly dispersed again, but Sakura was no longer the same as before.


"Hello, I'm [Parvati], and I work as a Rider." The woman, who was dressed exactly like Matou Sakura when she worked in an Indian restaurant, raised her skirt and bowed slightly to the people around her: "Hmm... Do you want to destroy the Demon God Pillar? Although it is a bit difficult with this spiritual strength, I will try my best."

Her voice, appearance, and even temperament are exactly the same as Sakura Matou's. If it weren't for the magic power and faint sense of coercion she constantly exudes, people might think of her as Sakura who has changed her clothes.

"No, you don't have to force yourself to fight," Ah Cha took the initiative to negotiate with her: "If we really need to fight, we will not choose this form of summoning that cannot exert combat effectiveness."

"Really? I thought it was so difficult here that we could only hold this kind of summoning ceremony," Parvati looked at the direction of the demon pillars on the other side of the hill: "But with your current strength, it seems that it is not enough to defeat them. Bar?"

It's Sakura's character. Ryunosuke listened to the conversation between the "Snow Mountain Goddess" and Acha and judged that she was equally gentle to everyone. Even if there was a very difficult task, she would do her best. Ask for help only after you have made an effort, rather than rejecting it initially—unless it would be detrimental to the job to stop midway.

"As you can see, I need to use most of my power to control this 'inherent barrier', so I can't use my hands to attack those broken pillars," Ah Cha said: "We came up with a way, which is to control it from the Demon God Pillar." It takes out the structures it collected in the imaginary number space, inputs our magic power to activate them and launch attacks, but the only person who can do this is not 'mysterious' enough, so I have to ask you to help."

This Ocha deceives people all the time. Before Sakura actually summoned the "Nimesis Servant", he probably didn't know it at all - oh, he seemed to really know, after all, he came from the future.

"Well...I see." After hearing this statement, Parvati raised her hand, or rather Sakura's hand, and looked at it carefully: "It's such a rare talent, because it itself is an 'imaginary number' 'Because I didn't notice it at first."

"So? Is our plan feasible?" Ah Cha looked at her.

"I think... there should be no problem," Parvati said as she stretched out her arms to the side. The snowflakes fluttering in the wind quickly gathered and condensed again. This time, they gathered into a rod in the hands of the goddess. Beautiful trident.

"There are so many..." The focus of her eyes became dark, as if she was looking at something that "doesn't exist": "Just choose this one and try it."

Parvati waved the trident in her palm, then stepped back a few steps. Then, a "giant shield structure" that Ryunosuke was familiar with and could rebound attacks fell out of the air.

Bang! Wow!

The construct was not as menacing as when it was summoned by Leif "before". It looked more like a puppet with its strings cut off. It fell onto a ruined wall without any buffering action, and then maintained a weird posture. at every turn.

"There are hundreds or even thousands of strange creations like this in the 'imaginary space'," Parvati pointed to the location where it fell out: "Do I need to 'take' them all out?"

"No, no, no, we must first instill magic power into them and ensure control. Otherwise, we will be giving troops to the Demon God Pillar in vain." Ah Cha shook his head repeatedly.

"How to instill it?" Tohsaka Rin had been staring at Parvati and observed. After hearing these words, he said: "I can only instill magic power into gems."

"Of course you don't need to do anything, Mr. Tohsaka has already arranged this matter," Ah Cha looked at Ryunosuke, who had been an audience member for a long time: "If I guess correctly, Mr. Yu Sheng, you tried to use that 'magic transfer seal' ',Is it right?"

Guys from the future are so annoying...

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