The Collection of The End

Chapter 943 The Melting of the Law of Causality (1)


A giant light arrow flashing with bright golden light, entwined with purple and blue thunder, fell from the sky with a huge roar.

According to physics, an object of this size moving at high speed in the atmosphere will definitely cause changes in the sky. But since this world has magic and is now in an "inherent barrier", don't think so much.

Ryunosuke was distracted for a moment, and then continued to control the structures away from the Demonic Pillar, while Medusa was also driving her silver Pegasus away from them.

As for the Demon God Pillar itself, it seemed that it was aware of something bad, and began to use its eyes at a higher angle to fire its eye prisms at the light arrow, but the result could only be described as a mantis' arm acting like a cart, or a cricket shaking a tree.

Boom - boom -!

When the Noble Phantasm of Tohsaka Rin, or [Ishtar] hit the Demon God Pillar, it did not penetrate as Ryunosuke expected, but a violent explosion occurred directly, and the strong light emitted from the impact point, The entire "inherent barrier" was illuminated in a snow-white light, accompanied by a huge "squeaking" sound that was almost deafening, like an electric current.

"Woo-poof!" When Ryunosuke's entire perspective was flashed to white and he couldn't see anything, he suddenly heard Ocha's cry of pain and what sounded like vomiting blood coming from beside him.

The impact doesn't seem to be that far, right? Ryunosuke was still a little confused at first. Although some of the heavier constructs failed to move too far away and lost control when the explosion occurred, and were probably destroyed, he could only feel bursts of energy from his current location. Just a whirlwind.

Oh, no, this is the "inherent barrier" maintained by Ah Cha. The effect of destroying him inside is the same as attacking him directly - even though he knew this, he still proposed to let two pseudo servants use the Noble Phantasm together. suggestions? Did he not care at all about the pain he would suffer?

[Just like Lin Hao transferred the chronic diseases of other patients to himself. 】


Ryunosuke subconsciously looked at the position of his childhood sweetheart.

At this time, the white light had dissipated slightly, and he could vaguely see how his companions shielded themselves from the bright light. Taiga Fujimura took out a pair of sunglasses from somewhere and put them on, while Kanna Tsukiyomi directly buried her face in her arms. Elgamari raised her sleeves to completely cover her face, while Sakura, or Parvati, took out a gorgeous silk fan to cover her eyes.

Only Lin Hao was looking up at the sky, as if he had been blinded because he didn't have time to escape, and there was no sparkle in his eyes.

"Don't be dazed,

Is that something you can look at casually? "Ryuunosuke gave up his previous doubts for the time being, and helplessly reached out to push her head down, closing her eyes at the same time.

"Well... I just felt like someone was watching me from the sky." Lin Hao closed his eyes and said in a doubtful tone.

"Isn't that natural? Ishtar just sat on that bow and went up to the sky." Ryunosuke responded.

"Huh? But..." "Yeah!" "Bang!"

Lin Hao was about to say something when he saw a golden circular light door flashing at a position about two people high, and Ishtar, who was sitting on a giant bow, fell out of it.

It really "fell". The giant bow couldn't even stay suspended and fell to the ground. Only Ishtar himself, no, the god barely managed to float for a while and didn't fall directly.

"[Ah Cha! Is this 'inherent barrier' of yours okay? Why did all the flying abilities suddenly fail? Did you know that I almost fell to death of this goddess?]" She picked up the giant bow from the ground and shouted to Ah Cha aggressively. .

A fairy descends to earth and lands on her face? Ryunosuke wanted to make a joke, but in order to avoid being scolded, he chose to remain silent.

"Pfft--" Ah Cha didn't reply, he just vomited blood with a sad smile on his face.

"[You are...I didn't say anything harsh, you all heard it.]" Ishtar seemed to have just noticed Acha's condition and looked around in panic.

She would only be considered capable if she could scold someone to the point of vomiting blood with just a few words... Huh? Have you heard of such a person somewhere?

"I didn't say harsh words, but I used harsh words." At this time, the white light covering the inherent barrier faded slightly. Parvati put down her fan and said to Ishtar: "This is his mental world. ', I still have some strength left, but you can really use as much force as you want."

"[Huh? Did you retain your strength? I said it was not powerful enough. Now you are thinking about taking care of him. What if the thing doesn't die later?]" Ishtar obviously didn't think he was wrong.

This feeling of Rin and Sakura quarreling... No, Sakura would not talk back and cause the two sisters to quarrel. It is probably due to the personality of the Snow Mountain Goddess.

Long Zhijie couldn't get in the middle of the dispute between the two goddesses, and the blazing white light on the side of the Demon God Pillar had not dissipated, so he turned his attention to Acha: "So far, everything goes well?"

This red-clothed heroic spirit spoke unclearly and vaguely. It was nothing more than restrictions such as "time paradox", "butterfly effect" and "law of cause and effect", as well as the strange law that tried to change the prophecy but caused the prophecy to come true. .

But those things are meaningless to him who can "go back in time", but does he know this?

"Pfft..." Ah Cha vomited blood again: "It's pretty smooth, at least the main body of the Demon God Pillar should have been eliminated, and I don't need to continue to maintain the inherent barrier."

"But?" Ryuzosuke heard something unpleasant.

"But, hey, your battle has just begun...poof." Ah Cha continued to vomit blood.

"Can you give me an accurate answer?" Ryuzhisuke said, "I almost suspect that your red dress was dyed red by your own vomiting of blood."

"Of course," Ah Cha looked at the original location of the Demon God Pillar, where the light was fading more and more: "You have eliminated the three Demon God Pillars of 'denying the past', 'interfering with the present' and 'reversing the future'. This means that you have wavered. [Law of Cause and Effect], at least here, it is no longer the truth. Please refer to this point for your next actions and do not rush to 'deny the past'."

Although these words sound very noble, I have no idea what they mean. Could it be that the continuity of time has been destroyed?

But at least one thing is certain, Ah Cha knows that his "time machine" is effective, then...

Ryunosuke approached Ah Cha and whispered: "So, you are indeed the [Future Shirou], right? Lord Bedivere?"

"Hey... the biggest trouble in going back to the past is that the outcome of the trip itself cannot be known in advance." Ocha, or the future Kotomine Shirou did not deny this, but just sighed in a pretentious manner. .

"You can..." "Crash-!"

Ryunosuke was about to say something else, but he heard a sound that sounded like a mountain torrent and a sea tide coming from the Demon God Pillar. When he looked over, he found that the last Demon God Pillar did not turn into ashes and disappear like the previous two. It disintegrated and collapsed into a strange black mud that was still flowing.

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