The Collection of The End

Chapter 948 The Melting of the Law of Causality (6)


When Ryunosuke imbued the pot lid and long-handled wooden spoon with magic power, it felt much easier than the railing.

Probably because they were smaller in size, or wooden materials were easier to enchant than iron materials. In short, it took him about half the time to complete the enchanting of the two items.

As for the appearance of the finished product, it is significantly different from Lancelot's.

Different from the big iron rod that is mixed with black and red, the sword made by Ryunosuke is fiery red. The sword itself is very slender, but the flame-like red light that is constantly emitting outwards makes it look imposing. As for The shield is a deep gray-black color with strange but regular relief patterns on it.

Now even if you tell people that they are actually pot lids and spoons, no one will believe them.

"Mian! I didn't expect you to be this kind of Ryuunosuke, Mian!" Taiga Fujimura teased while continuing to fight off the shadow servants who jumped onto the rooftop.

"Brother! Get one for me too! Roar! I don't want weapons! I want wings!" Tsukiyomi Kanna also shouted to Ryunosuke while breathing fire.

This is how the weapons will look like after infusing them with magic power! I didn't do anything!

——Even if you want to argue like this, no one will believe it. Could it be that the root cause or the will of the world is biased?

Ryunosuke thought for a while, but gave up the plan and walked over to hand the new pair of weapons to Mashu.

"Thank you, Mr. Yusheng, do they have names?" Ma Xiu took the sword and shield and tried to wave it. The movement seemed quite smooth.

Name the standard weapon you just made? Girl, do you think I am in the second grade? seems to be true?

"Just call them [Dawn] and [Spell Breaker]." Ryunosuke looked at their red and black colors and named them casually.

At this moment, two "Shadow Followers" jumped onto the rooftop from behind the ruined building towards the Demonic Pillar.

Obviously, because the Demonic Pillar was in a weak recovery state, the shadow followers created were not powerful enough. Those who attacked from the front were shot down, and those who were smarter and took the stairs could not defeat the long guard who was holding a big black and red iron rod. Tanichuan, after the stalemate, many monsters downstairs were already squeezed behind the abandoned building. Some of them, the smarter ones, jumped up on the window sills based on luck.

And there really isn't much defense arrangement here.

Do the two empty-blue goddesses count?

"Thank you, Yu-Senior! Please stand behind me!" Ma Xiu shouted, held up his shield and rushed over with his sword.

There was a shadow follower who looked like a humanoid, tall and strong, holding a strange-shaped weapon that looked like a tree trunk or a concrete pillar in his hand. When he saw Mashu rushing towards him, he swung it at him without dodging.


Seeing that the weapon was about to be smashed, the "Spell Breaker" that Mashu had been guarding in front of him suddenly lifted up, and the "trunk" that was hit was directly bounced back. The big man's movements were unbalanced, and he staggered, but before he could wait, It adjusted its posture, and Mashu's backhand "Breaking Dawn" had already been lifted up. He slashed the sword in front of the black monster and flew out from the rooftop.

It was ignited with flames while it was in mid-air, and burned out before it hit the ground.

"Kaka!" The second person who jumped up was a slender monster with long arms and legs and a body that looked like it was made of noodles. It had no weapons and only had a pair of dark purple diamond-shaped eyes about the head. , it didn’t even look at its companion who was blown away and burned, and with a flick of its eyes, it cast two bright purple eyes at Mashu.

Chi chi chi——

Mashu had just smashed away the big monster and could only raise her shield to block it. At the same time as she made a complete "blocking" action, a layer of translucent air cushion appeared on the front of the shield, completely catching the pair of The eye ribs themselves are not even "worn" more than half way.

Crack! Buzz!

The "Noodle Man" was about to do something else, but he was hit by flying lightning and arrows one after another, and he somersaulted down the rooftop.

"The differential treatment is a bit obvious, Teacher Yusheng?" "Try to get Teacher Yueyong a pair of wings now?"

Ishtar and Parvati, who had just taken action, taunted Ryunosuke together.

Why is there differential treatment? Not to mention the appearance, Hasegawa comes with a set of full body armor.

And don’t you two find that your attitudes are becoming more and more like those of the Tohsaka sisters who are spiritual masters? What about the goddess style?

Ryuunosuke wanted to complain very much, but complaining was only normal for people of the same generation. It was inappropriate for both elders and juniors, so he swallowed his words forcibly.

He looked at Lin Hao, who hadn't summoned anything for a long time, and decided to look for anything on the rooftop that could be used as a weapon.


Ryunosuke walked around the rooftop again, but this time he couldn't find anything else suitable as a weapon - the old ventilation duct or the rusty outer chassis of the air conditioner didn't look like a weapon even if it was injected with magic power.

If you really can't do it, you can only learn from Lancelot? Ryunosuke turned his attention to the other rooftop railings that had not yet been removed.

"Here, here you go." When Ryunosuke passed by Gray, the girl, who was wearing a hood and a cloak, covering herself tightly, handed him a plastic toy sword that was very familiar to him.

Uh... Ryunosuke took the sword and looked at it. Time and space equipment No. 6, "Sword of Oath and Victory", why is it there with her?

"For some reason, I am very interested in King Arthur, so Mary often collects related items for me," Gray pointed to Olga Marie, who was watching the battle a few steps away: "And today I accidentally ran into it. I've been summoned here - I thought you might be able to use it."

Well, don’t say it anymore, it must have been given away casually by “myself in this world”.

However, there are currently no other weapons that can be "enchanted". Since he has claimed to be King Arthur for so many years, so what if he gets a real one.

Ryunosuke smiled at Gray and began to "enchant" the plastic sword.

"Huh?" Ryunosuke was shocked as soon as the magic power was injected.

If we quantify the progress of the previous two enchantments, the iron rod that Lancelot used to block the door is increasing by 1% and 1%, while the wooden sword and shield that Matthew is currently using to beat up the monsters climbing up from behind are increasing every 1%. The second time is about 3%.

As for this toy sword, the growth rate per unit time is actually 10%.

Faster than wood and iron?

The difference between them is - conductivity?

Materials that are more conductive are less likely to be enchanted? Okay, this is magic. Next time, try to find some rubber, glass, ceramics and the like.

As Long Zhijie's mind turned, the "enchantment progress" had been reached.

boom! !

The plastic toy sword had disappeared, and what appeared in his hand was a wide two-handed giant sword. The two blades were dazzling golden, and the hilt and blade were transparent blue. There were thirteen bright stars on the sword surface. The gold star was shining brightly, and the entire sword was wrapped in a mist-like golden stream.


Before Ryuunosuke or anyone could comment, the Demon God Pillar in the distance suddenly "evolved" into a huge eye, and a blood-red light beam stared straight towards the rooftop.

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