The Collection of The End

Chapter 956 The Melting of Existence (4)


"[You said-'Pseudo King'?]"

The dark King Arthur originally didn't pay much attention to the two teenagers who came out to disrupt the situation. He had always focused on Gray. It was only at this moment that he turned his head slightly and "looked" at Alexander.

"Ah? You don't know that you are a 'fake'?" Alexander scratched his hair: "This is not easy to handle."

"[Oh, if you think that nonsense can disturb my mind, you are wrong -]" "Oh, isn't this ready-made evidence, Xiao Hui, show it to her!"

The dark King Arthur was interrupted by Alexander midway through his words, and he shouted at Gray in the air.

"Don't call me 'Xiao Hui'!" Gray scolded her first, and then said: "Are you sure you want to do that? Even if she recognizes the truth, it will not do any good. Besides, my synchronization rate is also..."

"If you want to fight with all your strength, of course you have to understand who you are before proceeding." Alexander urged: "As for the synchronization rate issue, at most you don't need to take action in this battle."

"[Are you fooling me?]" The dark King Arthur's aura was a little unstable, and he seemed to be tempted to take action.

"[Holy Spear, pull out the anchor for the second time!]" Gray stayed in mid-air and chanted loudly.


Dark flames ignited from the soles of the armored unicorn that Gray was riding, and quickly burned the silver knight from bottom to top.

Once again, making her dark.

No, it wasn't burned by fire.

The originally pure white and beautiful cavalry armor on Gray's body turned pitch black in an instant, and she was also wearing a dark hooded cloak on her shoulders. The most eye-catching thing, the giant silver and white lance, had turned into black and red. Patterns, an evil shape with barbs and spikes on it. As for the unicorn, all the parts of the body that were not ridden were ignited with blazing flames, and its eyes glowed with a dark red light like charcoal embers, as if from Hell's warhorse.

At this moment, everyone on the rooftop glanced at Ryunosuke.

No matter how you look at it, no matter how you reverse your personality and strength, your gender will not be reversed. This king has 'travelled' from another world! Ryunosuke had just cleared a clean area for Lin Hao against the wall for her to sit down. When he saw this, he stared back at everyone.


At this moment,

Gray also began to explain this form.

"According to legend, King Arthur's mentor [Merlin] is a [Nightmare] who can freely change his appearance, and his personality is free to do as he pleases. Therefore, which form King Arthur will encounter at the beginning depends purely on his or her mood. "

"The image I just had was due to me meeting a 'Merlin' who would take action if he disagreed with me and hated evil. When encountering an incident during his travels, he would often directly beat to death the party he thought was guilty. Arthur - then When he was still called "Artoria" - he had to investigate this matter thoroughly to prevent him from killing a good person by mistake. After he was convinced that he really made a mistake, Merlin would take action to resurrect the other person and apologize. one Those who have been resurrected dare not accept it.”

"As for the image at this time, it is a possibility. In this possibility, Artoria meets a female version of Merlin who retreats behind the scenes, is extremely tolerant, and can deal with the consequences for her no matter what she does. This Merlin is not like the previous one who walked away when she became king, but stayed with her until the 'Battle of the Sword Fence', when she was unable to help both sides, and then sadly left."

"Hmm... A strict master produces a good disciple, but a loving mother often loses her children?" Lin Hao happened to hear these words after he was no longer in a daze, so he complained accurately.

Ryunosuke thought about it carefully and found that this was actually true. It seemed that he was really a strict father and a loving mother in the normal sense. Merlin really knew how to play.

"So, which possible reversal are you?" Alexander spread his hands and asked.

"[This king is...]" The dark King Arthur hesitated.

Obviously, if there were questions about the possibility of King Arthur turning dark, she might simply ignore it and just hit him with a sword. But now that someone is questioning that she is not King Arthur, she can't accept it.

"[It is King Arthur who broke the sword in the stone (Caliburn) because he violated the code of chivalry and killed the 'King of Noblin', and switched to the sword of oath and victory (Excalibur).]" she responded.

"Then why haven't you grown up?" Gray unconsciously used the first person again: "Because of the Sword in the Stone, my appearance has always maintained the posture when I drew the sword. So after it gave up on you, your figure Why isn’t it growing?”

"[What——]" Dark King Arthur was obviously very shocked by this question: "[Isn't that effect permanent?]"

"Who told you that?"



"We did not consider this in our deduction of that legend," Gray changed to the tone of the Clock Tower Magic Association: "If the possibility you mentioned happened in our world, King Arthur with the sword, regardless of whether it is reversed , they should all be big sisters with good figures."

If she is not a fake but King Arthur of some parallel world... Her Merlin is really a scumbag.

However, logically speaking, the method of fixing a person's appearance is more suitable for men, right? Ryunosuke looked at the "Holy Sword of the Stars" in his hand:

Although they argued for a long time, it was probably their own reversal.


The dark King Arthur crushed his visor, revealing a face with eyebrows and eyes that were almost exactly the same as Gray's, except that her short golden hair was so light that it was almost white, and her eyes were no longer blue but golden: " [Very good, I understand that we actually come from different worlds, so there is no need to worry about taking action. Now let us see which side of 'King Arthur' is stronger.]"

"Unfortunately, this kind of thing will have to wait until next time, if there is a chance." After Gray said one sentence, the armor, weapons and horses all disappeared, and the whole person fell straight down, and then was lifted into the air by Medusa. Catch it firmly.

It didn't look like he was out of power. Ryunosuke took a look at it from a distance. Could this be the "synchronization rate" she mentioned before? If it was too high, he would really become "King Arthur", so he took the initiative to cancel it?

"[Hmph, can't you maintain your spiritual clothes anymore?]" The dark King Arthur sneered: "[What's the use of emphasizing that you are orthodox but not strong enough?]"

"I see, since you are not a 'fake' but an 'authentic' one from the original world of the 'Red Lotus Hell' created by the pillar, we can start the fight." Alexander nodded and said.

"It doesn't matter. When I grow up, I will definitely be happy to have more Saber collections from parallel worlds in my treasure house." Gilgamesh, who also looked like a teenager, said with a smile.

"[Oh, you two, if you think that this king won't hit children, you are totally wrong.]" King Black Arthur raised his hand and touched her long sword, black light gathered, and fierce flames filled the sky.

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