The Collection of The End

Chapter 958 The Melting of Existence (6)


"Hmm...I thought she was Saber, but turned out to be Rider?"

Alexander looked at the golden eagle and the black flying motorcycle chasing each other in the blood-red sky, touched his chin, and then shook his head helplessly.

Naturally, the motorcycle cannot fly, and it is still an ordinary motorcycle that has been copied and degraded by the Demonic Pillar. However, after being somehow transformed by the "Dark King Arthur", not only does it look brand new, but its entire body is also surrounded by weird black and red thunder and lightning. There was also a pair of gliders on both sides, and the original dual exhaust pipes sprayed long and blazing flames backwards, and it took off directly.

Its high mobility caught Gilgamesh a little off guard. After struggling for a few rounds, he dropped Alexander who was in the way and began to engage in aerial combat with her at full speed.

Although Alexander, as a servant, could not fall out, but out of concern for his pride, Ryunosuke still asked Medusa to pick up the red-haired boy.

Although these two servants were "summoned" by Lin Hao, given his relationship with the clock tower, Ryunosuke did not speak rashly and just listened to Gray communicating with him.

"Don't worry about her job description. I think you just lost an oxcart. You should still be able to fight." Gray asked: "While the Black King is restrained by Gilgamesh, can we destroy the tower? Are you going to take the heat out of the cauldron?"

"This is a good idea," Alexander looked around, "but it is impossible to expect it to be beaten without fighting back, and the black S and Rider will definitely rush to rescue. If you want to do that, you only have one chance, and your The combat effectiveness is obviously not enough.”

Hmm... Ryunosuke looked around. Taiga Fujimura was playing with wooden swords, Kanna Tsukisei could breathe fire, Mashu and Hasegawa had just been hit twice and had not yet recovered, and they had exhausted their magic power and could not change their clothes. Gray and Olga Marie, who has no fighting ability at all, a pair of goddesses who can only attack normally and a witch in the same state. Although Lin Hao has somehow recruited many helpers, he is an ordinary person, and - holding The weapon is enough to seal the victory but I don't know how to use it.

"It's really troublesome," Alexander pressed his forehead: "I originally thought I wouldn't use that ability this time."

"Is the price high?" Gray frowned and asked, "Will it cause your spiritual power to disappear?"

"This... is correct in a sense... but maybe some people will be happy to see this happen." Alexander waved his hand and turned to look at Parvati and Ishtar: "Over there Two goddesses, are you willing to give me [God’s Blessing (Zeus Thunder)]?”

"[Huh? If I tell you, the spirit bases we have descended this time will be wiped out.

That kind of thing——]” “Okay. "

Ishtar and Parvati responded at the same time, and then looked at each other.

"[I'm not insisting just to get the gems!]" "Let's talk about the gems next time."

The two goddesses spoke in unison again.


Gilgamesh flew his golden bird in this direction and flew away again without getting close. However, a small golden ripple suddenly appeared in the air in front of Ishtar, and dozens of them fell out. There were gems of various colors, and at the same time, the voice of the blond boy came: "Ah, I grew up and said that this is fine. It's not worth it anyway. Give it a try."

Ishtar's face turned red as she caught all the gems with a conditioned reflex, but she still put the gems away with her backhand: "Humph, that guy has been so annoying since he was a child."

Ryunosuke looked sideways. How could he remember that in the legend, Ishtar failed to propose to Gilgamesh and even released the bull from the sky to cause trouble in Uruk?

"I feel like things here are about to end. Instead of insisting on staying and seeing a not-so-good ending, why not take the initiative to move it in a better direction?" Parvati said to Ishtar, Then walked towards Alexander.

"Sister, do you want to consider joining my [King's Army]?" Alexander looked at her and said suddenly.

"Hey, do you say that to every servant?" Parvati was gathering magic power in her palms and responded with a smile.

"Not everyone, at least the tempers must be compatible." The red-haired boy scratched his head.

"Haha, no, I have to go back to find my husband," Parvati said, while applying a pinch of white ash compressed by magic power on her fingers to Alexander's forehead: "[Bless you.] "

The golden light suddenly flashed, disintegrating on Parvati's side, and converging on Alexander's side.

When Medusa took two steps forward to catch Sakura Matou, who had returned to her original appearance and seemed to be sleeping deeply, the golden light that briefly enveloped Alexander disappeared.

The person who appeared in front of everyone again was no longer the little boy.

Compared with the boy who was about ten years old, he now looked like a strong young man in his twenties, with heavy red armor and a bright red cloak. His originally short red hair had already shawled his shoulders, and his face that had previously been somewhat childish was no longer there. He became resolute, and his pair of flaming eyes revealed incomparable lofty ideals.

"I am [Alexander the Great]. The only difference between my posture and my previous posture is whether I am a king or not," the young man said.

No matter what, the difference in body shape is too big. Could it be due to the influence of his father's inheritance?

Although everyone is a little surprised, this level of difference is still within the acceptable range.

"[Isn't your spiritual power strong enough? How about forgetting my blessing?]" Ishtar wandered over, but seemed to want to refuse.

Alexander the Great didn't speak, just looked at her.

"[Really, he ran really fast...]" The goddess glanced at the sleeping Matou Sakura over there, and Ai Ai took out a red gemstone with a look of reluctance. In terms of size and material, it was the same as the one given by Gilgamesh before. Hers was completely different.

"[Bless you!]" She said loudly at a speed that seemed like she would regret it if she spoke too slowly, and then she pushed the gem into Alexander the Great's hand.

The light of broken gold burst out again.

Since Servant Acha had disappeared, this time it was Taiga Fujimura who came to support Rin Tosaka who was out of the state of the goddess' descent.

"Oh! Not bad!" The golden light surrounding Alexander the Great inexplicably grew several times larger. This time, before they dispersed on their own, a large hand pricked the golden light and "teared" it apart.

Then, a big, strong, no, a giant man walked out of it.

That King Kong-like body, arms as thick as an average person's waist, exploding red hair and beard, and an extremely ferocious appearance that could scare a child to tears. If it weren't for the styles of his armor and cloak, which were the same as those of the previous boy and The young people are exactly the same, and no one will regard them as the same person.

"My name is [Iskandar]!" The giant man said boldly: "The victory of this war is already in my possession!"

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